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jettio 07-05-2003 02:10 PM


Originally posted by tk13

I think I'm missing something here. I absolutely fail to see how one group can set off noisemakers and fireworks and aim it into someone else's property but if someone sets off some kind of "loud noisemaker" that is not aimed at anyone, they are in the wrong? I don't see how one can be allowed and not the other. If you were bashing them both, that would be a little more acceptable, but you're being kind of hypocritical here, you're allowing the kids to harass but not Bwana, and that's hypocritical. I would like to see what you propose Bwana doing to rectify this situation, it would be much more highly productive as opposed to attacking people and calling them "dumbass". You get upset at Bwana for retaliating when someone gets on him, but yet you do the same thing, albeit verbally....

My first post in the thread pointed out the inconsistency of claiming a deterrent effect, at the same time that he claimed not being identified.

I never wrote anything in defense of the bottle rocket kids.

What happens here is that someone reads something they disagree with and then use putdowns and name calling without addressing the point of what they disagree with.

Skip Towne 07-05-2003 02:13 PM


Originally posted by Phobia
I've never had a problem with jettio and I've always enjoyed laughs between the two of us. He's been a fun poster, IMO.

But, damned if he didn't go and catch the Denisian bug this past week. It seems he's been taking a contrary opinion more & more just for the sake of arguing. Maybe he'll tell us next week that his PMSing wife was posting using his account and he'd been hiding in the basement.


RedNFeisty 07-05-2003 02:13 PM

Personally, I think what Bwana did was priceless!! Wish I could have been there to see the punks faces!

If you want to set off illegal fireworks take them out of the city limits!! Speaking of, we were at a friends house last night and they do live out of the city limits.....wish you guys could have seen the display, the sky was glowing for about two hours! I have never enjoyed a 4th as much as I have this year!!!!!!!!!!

tk13 07-05-2003 02:16 PM


Originally posted by jettio
What happens here is that someone reads something they disagree with and then use putdowns and name calling without addressing the point of what they disagree with.
I don't disagree with that one bit, there are people here on this BBS that do that. But the point is you're sitting here ripping Bwana for retaliating for something he doesn't like, but meanwhile people are saying things you don't like, and you're retaliating and doing the same thing back to them just like Bwana is... technically you could be called a "loud noisemaker" for causing a ruckus in this neighborhood, albeit an online one....

Brock 07-05-2003 02:16 PM

Re: The Score Has Been Evened.......For Now.

Bwana prefers clandestine ops.

Originally posted by Bwana
1.) Go to their back gate, call one of them out, beat his ass. This one is more my style and I would have enjoyed it the most hands down, but I would likely end up in the big house for the night and my wife would not be pleased when she had to come and bail me out.

2.) Call the cops and report the little fuggers. This one is just to easy and I'm not the nark type.

3.) It seems I have a few "bird bombs" left over from "the day." For those of you who do not know what these masterpieces are, they are in a 12 gauge shotgun shell and are basically an M-80 that zips through the air when you fire it out of the shotgun. They go about 100 feet before they explode. These are used by ranchers to run off the geese when they land in the wheat fields and are VERY loud. :fire:

Looks to me like clandestiine ops are the last option you'd need to worry about.

Bootlegged 07-05-2003 02:29 PM


Originally posted by jettio

My first post in the thread pointed out the inconsistency of claiming a deterrent effect, at the same time that he claimed not being identified.

I never wrote anything in defense of the bottle rocket kids.

What happens here is that someone reads something they disagree with and then use putdowns and name calling without addressing the point of what they disagree with.

4th of July weekend and this vag is b!tching on the Internet about someone's behavior that he has never met.


jettio 07-05-2003 02:30 PM


Originally posted by Phobia
I've never had a problem with jettio and I've always enjoyed laughs between the two of us. He's been a fun poster, IMO.

But, damned if he didn't go and catch the Denisian bug this past week. It seems he's been taking a contrary opinion more & more just for the sake of arguing. Maybe he'll tell us next week that his PMSing wife was posting using his account and he'd been hiding in the basement.


That would be a good explanation.

I think I have only recently answered in kind to undignified smack.

Maybe I am too good at it. If I see farther and discover more uses of smack, it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of the Giants of Smack Creation that preceeded me. Then again, I may only see farther because I am surrounded by midgets, like Logical.

jettio 07-05-2003 02:41 PM


Originally posted by tk13

I don't disagree with that one bit, there are people here on this BBS that do that. But the point is you're sitting here ripping Bwana for retaliating for something he doesn't like, but meanwhile people are saying things you don't like, and you're retaliating and doing the same thing back to them just like Bwana is... technically you could be called a "loud noisemaker" for causing a ruckus in this neighborhood, albeit an online one....

That may be an fair analogy.

But if you read the thread. Nobody did Bwana any favors by acting like he was doing anything admirable.

I thought his battle in his own mind was the actions of a wierdo, but I chose language that was not that strong to point that out.

After the Usual Suspects chimed in as if I said something incredible. Bwana pops off with similar name-calling.

Anyway, I went to the golf course after posting this morning and when I got back and replying this afternoon, I also thought of this analogy that you now point out, as I was writing. So I think it is an astute point, and I take it seriously.

Skip Towne 07-05-2003 03:22 PM


Originally posted by jettio

That may be an fair analogy.

But if you read the thread. Nobody did Bwana any favors by acting like he was doing anything admirable.

I thought his battle in his own mind was the actions of a wierdo, but I chose language that was not that strong to point that out.

After the Usual Suspects chimed in as if I said something incredible. Bwana pops off with similar name-calling.

Anyway, I went to the golf course after posting this morning and when I got back and replying this afternoon, I also thought of this analogy that you now point out, as I was writing. So I think it is an astute point, and I take it seriously.

What did you shoot?

Phobia 07-05-2003 03:27 PM


Originally posted by Skip Towne
What did you shoot?
Oh, he didn't play. He just goes to the golf course to hide in the bushes and blow airhorns at golfers in their backswing. :D

Wouldn't that be ironic?

Bootlegged 07-05-2003 03:31 PM


Originally posted by Skip Towne
What did you shoot?

He just stands in the pro shop and whines about the course...

jettio 07-05-2003 03:35 PM


Originally posted by Bwana

Trust me numbnuts, the little pricks knew exactly where the bird bombs were coming from when it was all said and done last night.

Paint the picture any way you see fit, whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy. If being the champion of meth monkeys gives you that warm glow inside, knock yourself out strokestick. :thumb:

Well, if you did let the meth heads in on your secret, Bully for You.

I guess you realize that I was right about how your story did not make sense.

Maybe you could have just said that you realized it instead of letting Brock, Logical, goad you into their stupid name calling act.

You should be proud. Be sure to tell all of your other neighbors and the Police about your activities.

Maybe I was wrong about that you only did something you wanted to do and created a false justification for it.

Tell you what, if you were right to do it. Keep on doing it. Keep firing off your no longer secret gay bird bombs and keep the Planet updated. You owe it to your fans.

Nelson Muntz 07-05-2003 03:38 PM

God I love bird bombs:D

Reminds me of the time I set one off with a fuse and a cigarette to get even with a lady that lived by the place I used to work. By the time it went off I was 10 minutes out of town. From what I heard later, there were 3 city cops, 1 sheriff, 2 firetrucks, and an ambulence, because people thought a bakery was exploding or that someone shot themself.

jettio 07-05-2003 03:41 PM


Originally posted by Skip Towne
What did you shoot?
Embarrassed to say. On the Planet golf outing thread, I posted about how I had shortened the shafts and regripped the clubs.

Well, I hit the ball sweet the next time I played, but lost about 2 clubs distance per club. So, I learned how to reshaft them back to standard length and did a hack job of bending the lie angles without measuring them.

Have been playing bad since. I am going to have to get a bending vice, bending bar, and the loft-lie angle measure from Golfsmith, so that I can get the clubs back to where I can play well with them.

chief52 07-05-2003 03:43 PM


Originally posted by jettio

Well, if you did let the meth heads in on your secret, Bully for You.

I guess you realize that I was right about how your story did not make sense.

Maybe you could have just said that you realized it instead of letting Brock, Logical, goad you into their stupid name calling act.

You should be proud. Be sure to tell all of your other neighbors and the Police about your activities.

Maybe I was wrong about that you only did something you wanted to do and created a false justification for it.

Tell you what, if you were right to do it. Keep on doing it. Keep firing off your no longer secret gay bird bombs and keep the Planet updated. You owe it to your fans.

Damn, it must suck being you. Does everything piss you off? Have a nice weekend:moon:

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