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KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:27 AM


Originally posted by pHoBiA
I can't believe Paul's attitude. I don't fit into any of those "criteria", but I find it shocking that you would be so petty. Methinks you should prolly find a different line of work. Some of the most wealthy people aren't materialistic and walk around in jeans and a t-shirt all day....

I think it's important to compliment great service at least 5x for every complaint and I go out of my way to do so (if earned).

its not that petty, I don't just look at their clothes, It's not like that, but working there as long as I have, you can tell by the way they look, I mean I get great tippers that wear jeans and what not. you dont have to wear a suit and tie to get good service from me, but about 2 of every 10 customers I have this problem with and I know I won't get a good tip if any regardless of the service. My wage is $2 per hour, but overall I make very good money there, but it still pisses me off when I get stiffed when I provided good service, wouldn't that piss you off when you rely on tips? anybody who's ever served knows what I'm talking about. just think about providing great service to someone and they stiff you, how would you feel about that? and when the people with the criteria I mentioned do it consistently (99 out of 100), you wouldn't give them good service either. Most of my customers get good service from me and I make good money, but about 2 of every 10 tables will not tip me regardless of the service and thats just ridiculous. If people can't afford to leave 15% at least for good service then they shouldn't go out.

heapshake 01-08-2003 03:27 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan

I don't work at a bad place, Applebee's isn't that bad, it's not like I'm serving at Perkins.

Man, you're one judgemental guy.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:30 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Why the hell WOULD THEY tip you since you judge them the second they walk in the door, then provide them with $#it service?

Makes no sense...No wonder you make squat...

I dont think you understand, I do make good money, BUT working at a restaraunt as long as I have, you realize these trends of who will tip you and who won't. You'd just have to wait tables I guess to understand where I'm coming from. about 2 of every 10 tables won't leave a very good tip and I can tell which ones that is ahead of time. For about 9 months I gave EVERYBODY good service and the people with the criteria I mentioned did not leave tips (less than 5%) and I talked to other servers that I work with and they all agreed with me and they do the same thing, you'd just have to work as a server to understand I guess.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:31 AM


Originally posted by heapshake

Man, you're one judgemental guy.

ya, I am

RNR 01-08-2003 03:32 AM

I wear jeans, t-shirt, flanel shirt, I wear roper type work boots or cowboy boots, and I always tip at least 15%. I will tell you another thing you act like you are to good for me cause you don't like the way dress, you will not get a penny, and you might get your ass kicked.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:34 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Makes no sense...No wonder you make squat...

FYI, on average, I get paid $15 per hour of cold cash. on a bad night its more like $10 per hour. Its not a living, but a part time gig for a college student, not too bad.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:35 AM


Originally posted by RedNeckRaider
I wear jeans, t-shirt, flanel shirt, I wear roper type work boots or cowboy boots, and I always tip at least 15%. I will tell you another thing you act like you are to good for me cause you don't like the way dress, you will not get a penny, and you might get your ass kicked.

well then you are 1 out of 1000 cowboys then.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:39 AM


Originally posted by RedNeckRaider
I wear jeans, t-shirt, flanel shirt, I wear roper type work boots or cowboy boots, and I always tip at least 15%. I will tell you another thing you act like you are to good for me cause you don't like the way dress, you will not get a penny, and you might get your ass kicked.
and I dont care how people dress, I just said that if they are wearing a confederate flag , nascar crap, dirty ass t-shirt, john deer hats or cowboy shit. I didn't mean to offend the people that wear that shit, but I'll tell you what, they won't get good service if I serve them, believe that!
because I know for a fact that I wouldn't get a tip any damn way. like I said, there are very few exceptions (realistically about 1 out of 50)

keg in kc 01-08-2003 03:39 AM

Hell, how would you treat me if I walked into your restaurant, probably wearing (at best) sweats, probably haven't shaved in two weeks, long hair halfway down my back and several earrings? I'm pretty shy, too, so I probably won't talk much or seem ovely friendly in any way, shape or form -- not unfriendly, mind you, just not all that friendly. Treat me like shit and you'd be missing out on at least 15% gratuity and probably more, because I have a tendency to over-tip. The only time I don't tip nicely is if my service is poor, and if it's really bad, I'll only leave a nickel or a quarter, just so the waiter/-tress knows I didn't accidently forget the tip and that the service was horrendous. Treat me fair -- not even 'good', just fair, do it right -- and I never tip less than 15%...

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 03:43 AM


Originally posted by keg in kc
Hell, how would you treat me if I walked into your restaurant, probably wearing (at best) sweats, probably haven't shaved in two weeks, long hair halfway down my back and several earrings? I'm pretty shy, too, so I probably won't talk much or seem ovely friendly in any way, shape or form -- not unfriendly, mind you, just not all that friendly. Treat me like shit and you'd be missing out on at least 15% gratuity and probably more, because I have a tendency to over-tip. The only time I don't tip nicely is if my service is poor, and if it's really bad, I'll only leave a nickel or a quarter, just so the waiter/-tress knows I didn't accidently forget the tip and that the service was horrendous. Treat me fair -- not even 'good', just fair, do it right -- and I never tip less than 15%...
dude, leave exactly nine pennies... it leaves an obvious message... 'your service wasn't worth a dime'

-EBOLA-...not my original idea, got it from a waitress friend

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:44 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

I'm not going to bother with the stupidity of the entire post, but I'll pick one point and hope you can figure out the rest yourself.

Then there are bass ackwards people like yourself, too tied to who either turned you down for the prom or stole your luch money to ever really move on in life. You cling to the same assanine presumptions you had in high school before you left mommy's little nest and found out that in the real world people aren't cookie-cutter coppies of each other like the prejudices in your head. I sometimes refer to persons like yourself as "little people." Like the Umpa-loompas.

you can think that if you want to, but truth is you don't even know me, try waiting tables for a while and tell me you wouldnt care if you didn't get tips. I have a feeling that you met each and every one of the criteria on that list and I just think you are mad about it.

keg in kc 01-08-2003 03:45 AM


Originally posted by EBOLA

dude, leave exactly nine pennies... it leaves an obvious message... 'your service wasn't worth a dime'

-EBOLA-...not my original idea, got it from a waitress friend

Hmm, I might 'borrow' that.

Phobia 01-08-2003 03:47 AM

You win some, you lose some. I just think you have a shitty attitude about your job. Could be burnout. I hope things work out better for you in your next career.

Sometimes you do things knowing you're going to get nothing in return. It's called pride in yourself and your work. Make an adjustment and I promise that you'll be surprised sometimes.

How much extra effort does it *really* require to give an adequate level of service to EVERYBODY? You're certainly not saving any TIME by being rude - it takes the same duration to field their orders and collect their pay whether you are polite or rude. Applebees isn't exactly 5 star dining. My expectations are not high when eating at such establishments. Your job is thankless, arduous, and stressful. I recognize that. But it's not HARD. You're making it harder than it needs to be.

I used to make $16k per year in the military with a wife and 2 kids to support. When I could afford to go to restaurants, it was a big deal and a sacrifice. Yet, I always managed to take care of my wait staff. In fact, one time in particular, the waitress was extremely helpful and cheerful and we left her an extra $10 during the holidays (on a $20 tab and on top of her regular tip). At that time, I'm sure I was stereotyped as a poor tipper because it was a military town.

I'm just trying to help. Since I'm unaffected, I don't really care one way or another.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:49 AM


Originally posted by keg in kc
Hell, how would you treat me if I walked into your restaurant, probably wearing (at best) sweats, probably haven't shaved in two weeks, long hair halfway down my back and several earrings? I'm pretty shy, too, so I probably won't talk much or seem ovely friendly in any way, shape or form -- not unfriendly, mind you, just not all that friendly. Treat me like shit and you'd be missing out on at least 15% gratuity and probably more, because I have a tendency to over-tip. The only time I don't tip nicely is if my service is poor, and if it's really bad, I'll only leave a nickel or a quarter, just so the waiter/-tress knows I didn't accidently forget the tip and that the service was horrendous. Treat me fair -- not even 'good', just fair, do it right -- and I never tip less than 15%...

well i'd probably give you good service if you didn't have a cowboy hat on, confederate flag on, didn't just have 3 teeth, and your t-shirt wasn't all holey and dirty. For the most part, those are the only people I intentionally give bad service to, I dont judge people on how much they shave, or if you're just not that friendly, or if they are wearing sweats. I dont judge people on that, but I do judge people on the criteria that I just mentioned. Sorry if you dont like it, but thats just life. normally the hostess sits those kinds of people to the new/shitty servers that we have working there at the time so normally I won't have to put up with them. Its not just how you look, but I do know when I'm getting a tip or not. I

stanleychief 01-08-2003 03:50 AM

I can tell you that me and my wife refuse to eat at Applebees precisely for the horrible service we recieved over two years ago. I ALWAYS tip 20% or better. Was I one of the cases where the server guessed wrong? If so then he missed out on an above average tip, and cost the company two customers for life. I fully expect that the response to this will be that it doesn't matter.. I'm only one customer.

I do agree with your point about not going out if you can't afford the tip, and lately we've done a lot of drive-thru, simply because it all adds up! Doesn't mean everyone feels this way though.

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