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DJay23 03-24-2024 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17456353)
Luck is getting a really mediocre UNC team in the NCAA final rather than an Anthony Davis-led Kentucky team.

Is anybody really taking the 2022 KU team straight up against the 2012 KU team if they played a series of games?

I questioned the use of the word luck because it means one of two things to me:

- Either luck is the word used to describe the outcome of a series of events, that are either unfortunate or fortunate, brought about by chance.

- Or it's a mystical element that you either have or you don't, that guides the outcome of events to be fortunate or unfortunate.

It sounds like you are using it in the former. It's pretty cringey when people use it in the latter.

Buehler445 03-24-2024 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by farmerchief (Post 17456409)
KJ really needs to be the 6th man coming off the bench, as a lot of others have mentioned. If he or Coach Self doesnt want him to be, he possibly could be more valuable to the football team. Add some pounds, he could be a great T.E. :-)

I'm honestly hoping the chiefs get him to camp as a UDFA.

And he doesn't need to add too many pounds

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rfaulk34 03-24-2024 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17456015)
They always conveniently forget the 2020 title.

Because it's super easy to forget something that didn't happen.

Bearcat 03-24-2024 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by rfaulk34 (Post 17456432)
Because it's super easy to forget something that didn't happen.

<div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="12446406" data-share-method="host" data-aspect-ratio="1.33333" data-width="50%"><a href="">Its Still GIF</a>from <a href="">Its GIFs</a></div> <script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>

smithandrew051 03-24-2024 09:24 AM

The team that really got ****ed in 2020 was Dayton.

How often are they going to have the best player in the country?

Fansy the Famous Bard 03-24-2024 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17456256)
I put this season on Self. He should have recruited better shooters.

He has two spots tied up with sub par talent. KJ should be the 6th man off the bench on a potential Tournament winner team. Harris has fallen off a cliff.

So why didn’t recruit more shooters? Is there a consensus opinion?

Because he was down 3 scholarships?

Kiimo 03-24-2024 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17456190)
Ncaa tournament isn't a "crapshoot". A good team will almost certainly win it every year.

If you don't understand college basketball as a game please don't post in this thread

Chief Pagan 03-24-2024 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by DJay23 (Post 17456418)
I questioned the use of the word luck because it means one of two things to me:

- Either luck is the word used to describe the outcome of a series of events, that are either unfortunate or fortunate, brought about by chance.

- Or it's a mystical element that you either have or you don't, that guides the outcome of events to be fortunate or unfortunate.

It sounds like you are using it in the former. It's pretty cringey when people use it in the latter.

Well for instance if you play enough no limit hold'em poker tournaments, even just say monthly ten person games with friends. You soon find out that unless the players are really uneven, winning is a combination of skill and luck. The same three or four win most often, but yeah. You can be all-in and your opponent only has a one in four chance to hit their flush on the last card. And he hits his flush and you bust out. You played it perfectly, got unlucky and lost.

And every now and then one of the worst players of group ends up winning. Poker is a game of skill, but luck matters.

Winning, is a combination of talent, hard work, and luck.

College basketball teams aren't so mismatched after the first round that you can't lose to say some bad foul trouble, and random lucky three point shooting in one game.

The 6 round single elimination tournament where the number one seeds don't even get to play on their own courts increases the luck element.

George Liquor 03-24-2024 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17456483)
If you don't understand college basketball as a game please don't post in this thread

Pure cope

Kiimo 03-24-2024 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17456520)
Pure cope

lmao we won it all two years ago I feel zero reason to cope, stop posting stupid shit or maybe just stop posting

mabbott 03-25-2024 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17456520)
Pure cope

If it is so easy to win, why have there only been 7 teams that have had back to back NCAA basketball championships?

It is not "easy" and there are many "good" teams in the tournament.

KC_Connection 03-25-2024 12:24 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Final +/- numbers for <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KUbball</a> for 23-24:<br>H Dickinson +242<br>K McCullar +233<br>KJ Adams +196<br>D Harris +182<br>J Furphy +117<br>E Jackson +84<br>J McDowell +15<br><br>N Timberlake -6<br>P Cassidy -14<br>P Braun -17<br>W Evers -20<br>M Jankovich -22<br>D Wilhite -23<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Jayhawks</a></p>&mdash; Creighton Coover (@kucr8ton) <a href="">March 25, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


smithandrew051 03-25-2024 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17457436)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Final +/- numbers for <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KUbball</a> for 23-24:<br>H Dickinson +242<br>K McCullar +233<br>KJ Adams +196<br>D Harris +182<br>J Furphy +117<br>E Jackson +84<br>J McDowell +15<br><br>N Timberlake -6<br>P Cassidy -14<br>P Braun -17<br>W Evers -20<br>M Jankovich -22<br>D Wilhite -23<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Jayhawks</a></p>&mdash; Creighton Coover (@kucr8ton) <a href="">March 25, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Supports what the eye test says about Braun

BWillie 03-25-2024 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 17457463)
Supports what the eye test says about Braun

Its kind of amazing Braun isn't good at basketball. Seems to have good size, some touch, length, very good athleticism, decent shot but still just not very good.

cmh6476 03-25-2024 06:42 PM

Anyone else planning to tune into the wimmen's game later?

cmh6476 03-25-2024 09:34 PM

Making a run PBJ

GabyKeepsMeWarm 03-25-2024 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by cmh6476 (Post 17458032)
Making a run PBJ

Totally! Lady Jayhawks putting up a fight in L.A.!

Fansy the Famous Bard 03-26-2024 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by GabyKeepsMeWarm (Post 17458033)
Totally! Lady Jayhawks putting up a fight in L.A.!

they had a lot of fight in them last night, but damn their perimeter defense is horrid.

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