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luv 12-07-2015 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 11936333)
wait until the hot chick exits the aparatus, then go over and introduce yourself.

when she replies, maintain strict eye contact, slowly kneel down, and sniff the seat she was just sitting on.

chicks like that.

No. No no no. It may just be me, but the last thing I want to happen when I'm sweaty and stinky at the gym is for some guy to hit on me.

luv 12-07-2015 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11936349)
I'm gonna pork her [emoji4]

Good. She'll burn even more calories. And then just wait and see what your fat chick looks like in six months. ;)

eDave 12-07-2015 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 11936350)
No. No no no. It may just be me, but the last thing I want to happen when I'm sweaty and stinky at the gym is for some guy to hit on me.

I assume they'd want to look and feel sexier when 'met'.

Working out in front of someone is something that is worked up to, IMO.

luv 12-07-2015 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 11936373)
I assume they'd want to look and feel sexier when 'met'.

Working out in front of someone is something that is worked up to, IMO.

When I'm at the gym, I'm there to focus on me and bettering myself. Like I said, it may just be me, but guys who pick up on women at the gym just creep me out, whether they're good looking or not.

eDave 12-07-2015 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 11936415)
When I'm at the gym, I'm there to focus on me and bettering myself. Like I said, it may just be me, but guys who pick up on women at the gym just creep me out, whether they're good looking or not.

Exactly. The answer, Timbone, is you just don't. Never be that guy. (not saying you are)

Thanks for confirming Luv. How's the fetus?

DiaperBoy27 12-07-2015 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11936103)
There's this girl at the gym with the most amazing ass and legs. And she's cute.

I really want to say something but... we're at the gym.


I had never heard of this rule until recently, and used to chat all the time with women at my gym. It was a mixed bag - some I'd talk to casually when I'd see them and nothing more, some girls would mention their BF and I would bail, I ran into a girl I went to high school with and dated her, etc.

The only one that turned into anything was when a girl was waiting for a treadmill, I said something funny when she was trying to use a broken one, I said something else funny later when I told her I was done and she could use mine. Then a week or so later I saw her there, started a mini conversation and asked her out for a beer (I'm not sure if we stayed in our workout clothes and went directly to a bar or cleaned up first). We dated for several months after that. When we broke up, she quit the gym.

luv 12-07-2015 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 11936430)
Exactly. The answer, Timbone, is you just don't. Never be that guy. (not saying you are)

Thanks for confirming Luv. How's the fetus?

Good. 24 weeks tomorrow. His kicks are starting to get a bit stronger.

Saul Good 12-07-2015 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by TimBone (Post 11936233)
But yeah, with the current protocol, I'd do as eDave suggested. Catch her outside, and even make a joke of the gym rule.

Yeah. The perfect thing to do is to acknowledge that you know what is considered inappropriate...and then immediately proceed to do just that. That's a perfect way to show a woman that you understand boundaries.

ThaVirus 12-07-2015 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by DiaperBoy27 (Post 11936444)
I had never heard of this rule until recently, and used to chat all the time with women at my gym. It was a mixed bag - some I'd talk to casually when I'd see them and nothing more, some girls would mention their BF and I would bail, I ran into a girl I went to high school with and dated her, etc.

The only one that turned into anything was when a girl was waiting for a treadmill, I said something funny when she was trying to use a broken one, I said something else funny later when I told her I was done and she could use mine. Then a week or so later I saw her there, started a mini conversation and asked her out for a beer (I'm not sure if we stayed in our workout clothes and went directly to a bar or cleaned up first). We dated for several months after that. When we broke up, she quit the gym.

That's why I placed the emphasis on having an organic conversation. Making simple/funny comments to a girl when you're not going out of your way to do so is perfect. It's bending over backwards to initiate and lingering for too long that'll put a woman off.

I just need an in. It didn't help that she was on the opposite side of the gym pretty much the entire time I was there.

We made eye contact once but it could easily have been incidental.

ThaVirus 12-07-2015 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11936453)
Yeah. The perfect thing to do is to acknowledge that you know what is considered inappropriate...and then immediately proceed to do just that. That's a perfect way to show a woman that you understand boundaries.


Hey, she may find it endearing! Who knows.

That would be a Hail Mary, though.

eDave 12-07-2015 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by DiaperBoy27 (Post 11936444)
I had never heard of this rule until recently, and used to chat all the time with women at my gym. It was a mixed bag - some I'd talk to casually when I'd see them and nothing more, some girls would mention their BF and I would bail, I ran into a girl I went to high school with and dated her, etc.

The only one that turned into anything was when a girl was waiting for a treadmill, I said something funny when she was trying to use a broken one, I said something else funny later when I told her I was done and she could use mine. Then a week or so later I saw her there, started a mini conversation and asked her out for a beer (I'm not sure if we stayed in our workout clothes and went directly to a bar or cleaned up first). We dated for several months after that. When we broke up, she quit the gym.

I got a chuckle out of that. You won!

ThaVirus 12-07-2015 03:37 PM

If we just dated for a few months I'd consider that a win.

I don't know if I want anything long term with her.

I do know that I want to have sex with her.

DiaperBoy27 12-07-2015 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11936454)
I just need an in. It didn't help that she was on the opposite side of the gym pretty much the entire time I was there.

There, as they say, lies the rub. Anything you plan beforehand will most likely be seen as contrived (and creepy).

Does she participate in any classes? When I was looking to save my knees I did spinning for a while and they seem to be full of regulars, and therefore more open to conversation.

Mostly I just made comments to people around me, not necessarily to pick up women but just to be friendly. If it evolved into a conversation, cool. If she gave me a familiar glance/smile the next time, cool, I'd go up and say hello.

One time I saw a girl doing an unusual shoulder exercise so I asked her about it. She learned it from softball or something, so we chatted about playing sports and such. I talked to her a few other times after that, I didn't get the vibe so I didn't pursue, although in hindsight she was pretty attractive and seemed nice to chat with so I should have done more.

There was also a smoking hot Hispanic woman that would sometimes (often) give me a "look". I tried to psych myself up for that one but 1) she was always with a friend and 2) she was just TOO hot. She knew what she was doing in those yoga pants.

Katipan 12-08-2015 08:34 AM

There's a whole lot of area between getting hit on and some dude just talking to you at the gym. Go ahead and miss out on some potentially neat people. But you're doing life wrong.

Discuss Thrower 12-08-2015 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11936496)
If we just dated for a few months I'd consider that a win.

I don't know if I want anything long term with her.

I do know that I want to have sex with her.

Act effeminate and just make small talk. Keep it up and eventually she'll let her defenses down and you can make the sex.

Or she tries to turn you straight, and wouldn'tya know it, her effort worked!

Though as I white person I must go on record disapproving of such miscegenation.

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