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Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:20 PM


By the way - has anyone realized that no one has denied that the Chiefs suck?

The season hasn't even started yet, you can neither deny nor confirm this at this point.

One more time, which team do you root for?

Otter 08-01-2001 09:20 PM


I'm as German as saurkraut.

I find it offensive that your using my heritage to promote your facist view of the BBs comments.

Racism? Ignorance?

Probably a little bit of both.

morphius 08-01-2001 09:22 PM

Otter - Don't know what can be wrong about a people that continually kick France's butt.

French people piss me off...

Frazod 08-01-2001 09:22 PM

So liking a football team with an arrowhead logo earns us non-stops to Hell? Damn, that's harsh. And I thought I'd have to lie, cheat and steal, or perhaps beat some virgin to death with the jawbone of an a$$ to get in.

That's okay, though. If idiots like you populate heaven, then hell kind of works for me. Besides, the flames would probably take the edge off this damned humidity!

puttanasudiccio 08-01-2001 09:22 PM

What the hell is going on here

Pearl Man 08-01-2001 09:22 PM

Good posts Chiefqueen, Frazod and Morphius... I especially appreciate the kind words from Frazod... This thread is getting to be like beating a dead dog and I fear that my pal Falstaff and I will be booted soon anyway... To close maybe we can all agree on one thing: the Cowboys suck ***...

AustinChief 08-01-2001 09:23 PM

OK guys... the guy's name is Matthew (I'm pretty sure on this)

I'm sending a mass email now to everyone on this thread...except him... with his home address and phone number.

Have fun!!! Also.. I'll include his G/fs email... in case anyone needs a date in the Dallas area!

Hell she dates him... she can't be too picky!

ALSO... I can send his ex-g/fs email... and you can get THE truth about his sexuality!


Hold for the email..

aturnis 08-01-2001 09:24 PM

A bucket of dicks even!

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:24 PM

What's wrong with the French?
We are talking about the people who brought us French fries, French silk pie, and (most importantly) the French kiss.:D

never been kissed

Frazod 08-01-2001 09:24 PM

Kind words? I don't think you read my post very carefully....

falstaff 08-01-2001 09:24 PM

I'm glad I could provide some excitment in your lives, boys. Now, I am going to sleep.

For a sum, I will continue to post on your site. You will need something to entertain you during the upcoming season.

morphius 08-01-2001 09:24 PM

Pearl - Agreed! LOL!

Caught off guard.

Bwana 08-01-2001 09:26 PM

falstaff: And who migh team team be? Or are you just on here to run your mouth about what nasty people we are for following the :eek: "CHIEFS?"

morphius 08-01-2001 09:27 PM

Raiderhader - I see, you like your women with some leg hair.

To each his own :)

Frazod 08-01-2001 09:28 PM

That's okay, falstaff. I'm sure you'll find some other silly-a$$ cause to champion and forget all about us.

Have you heard? The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is immorally holding beluga whales captive! What a horrible injustice. You should grab a sign and head up there immediately.

Go get 'em, tiger! (is that insensitive to felines?) :confused:

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:29 PM

Hold on a minute there Morph, don't go puttin' words in my mouth that I have not either spoken nor typed. I didn't say I liked French women, I just wanted to know what was wrong with the French? LOL!

didn't see that one comin'

morphius 08-01-2001 09:34 PM

RH - Couldn't resist, I occasionally I have a burst of evil pop out. Damn I still haven't been up to Best Buy to say hi yet and I live right down the damn road from there.

As for the French, well they don't bath, don't like anybody including themselves, can't win a war without our help and then hate us for it. Of course that is just a start, but you get the idea.


AustinChief 08-01-2001 09:34 PM

OK.... I didn't ACTUALLY send out Falstaff's address... but it DID have him crapping his pants for a bit... so I think he'll be gone for the rest of the evening!!!

but if anyone wants his g/fs email I'm PERFECTLY willing to give that out....


aturnis 08-01-2001 09:36 PM

Didn't you read in the other thread "Falstaff is racist" that I wanted his address!, If he lived near me I'd kick the living AND dead **** out of him just for soiling the great name of the KC Chiefs!

Also, Pearlman and Falstaff are not the same person, Pearl man is much more educated for he can actually spell Chief, Falstaff has spelled it wrong time after time even after being corrected.

Frazod 08-01-2001 09:36 PM

No thanks, Kyle. I don't think the BNC would approve...

morphius 08-01-2001 09:37 PM

Kyle - I can't imagine her being smart enough or pretty enough to waste our time one, but of course Bob Dole isn't married...

Knows Bob will kill him when he reads that.

AustinChief 08-01-2001 09:40 PM

Actually she is BOTH smart and pretty... BUT she is a Canadian.. so she doesn't know any better!!!

Actually I think she might like ol' Bob...He is a supporter of NAFTA isn't he? AND he isn't too far from Dallas....hmmm?


Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:41 PM

I can appreciate all to well the little burst of evil.;)

I can see your points about the French, but the bathing thing is pretty much a European thin isn't? Maybe not, that is just what I heard.

Just up the road huh? Well by all means feel free to stop by any time. I can't decide if they like me, or they are just trying to work the stubborness out of me, because it seems like I am there all the time. I don't know what to tell as far as a good time to try and stop by would be, the past three weeks I was working mostly days, but this week it has been a mixture, so....

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:44 PM

don't know as though I will actually use it, but go ahead and send it to me anyways.

has to be bad once in a while

p.s. Kyle, I haven't told you
yet just how much I love the
new setup for the Planet. It
is great! Thanks for all you do!

morphius 08-01-2001 09:45 PM

RH - What department are you in, occassionally guys get wierd urges to go there after lunch instead of back to work, can't imagine why. Was up there just last week because one guy wanted to pick up a CD.

Austin - She must have low self esteem and bad vision. Acutaully she sounds better and better for Bob Dole. To bad he isn't on IM tongiht...

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:48 PM

unfortunatley I am working a register. I want out on the floor, but that won't happen for a little while. So if i am there I should be easy to find, just look for the studley young man named Jamie working one of the d@mned registers.;)

tommykat 08-01-2001 09:51 PM

HUM, you aren't on here much are you? I'm out of here guys???
Welll hello son~:rolleyes: There is a lady here and one that does know what is going on.......:D :D

morphius 08-01-2001 09:53 PM

RH - Just as long as your not one of the many people that I have said "he got beat up a lot in high school" then I doubt that I have seen you, but I will keep an eye out.

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:58 PM

Uh-oh, what a great first impression I have made on Morph! Most would put me in that catagory, but I have a different personality when working with customers than I usually do. Although most who know me well would probably think of me as that kinda guy anyway. Truth be known, I probably would have been that kinda guy had I gone to high school.:o

home schooled, and right now very glad of it

morphius 08-01-2001 10:01 PM

RH - LOL! I'll keep that in mind.

Note to self, remember that Jamie is small guy that could be crushed like a bug.

Frazod 08-01-2001 10:04 PM

Jamie, allow me to renew my threat to visit your store sometime soon.

I'm currently trying to decide which game I'll attend this year - I'll probably schedule something early in the season (the Giants game on Sept. 23 looks promising). I'll definitely hit Oak Park Mall on whatever Saturday I'm in town and will try to stop by. I'm still on a holy quest to get a friggin official white Chiefs mock turtleneck. Can't find it on-line, and every store I go to just sold the last one in my size to some other fat guy 5 minutes before I got there. Will keep trying...

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 10:09 PM

LOL Morph! Maybe if a paint a bad enough picture of myself, I will look better once you see me.:)

I look forward to meeting you as well. If you would like I'll do a little preliminary research and see if any of the stores has a shirt like what you are looking for. No sense wasting time (yours that is) if you don't have too.

Frazod 08-01-2001 10:15 PM

I'd appreciate that, Jamie. You'd think it would be easy to find one in KC, but apparently I'm never there at the right time of year. If you find one in XL, let me know and I'll just call the store and order the friggin thing.

I also need to find the stuff to complete my Chiefs bathroom ensemble - my uncle was going to get stuff for me and bring it up for the wedding, but apparently none of the stores keep the stuff in stock during the summer. Shouldn't have any trouble finding that once I get down there - I think Penney's carries it.

Look forward to meeting you as well, and getting back to KC. Let's hope the Chiefs unbeaten streak at games I attend holds up!

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 10:21 PM

The Chiefs have an a winning streak from games you have attended? You had better find a way to get here for the season opener against the faiduhs! That is one game we MUST win!

I'll check the mall out for ya and see what I can find out on the shirt. If I don't turn up anything I'll check some of the other sports stores in town. I have been needing an excuse to go visit those places anyway.:D

Frazod 08-01-2001 10:28 PM

Yes, I'm apparently good luck. The Chiefs have never lost a game I've attended at Arrowhead (5-0 so far). I did see them lose in Chicago once, though, so apparently the mystique only works at home games.

I'd love to make the opener, and could probably get tickets (from my uncle's neighbor). Unfortunately, that Sunday is the last day of my belated-honeymoon vacation, and I'll have just got back from the Black Hills and have to be at work on the following Monday. In order to go I'd have to drive from South Dakota to KC on Saturday, then leave immediately after the game and head back up here. That's just too much - I don't handle those long drives the way I used to. The 900-plus mile drive from the Hills back to the Chicago area will be bad enough with a several hundred mile detour.

Of course, I'll be watching the game WITHOUT FAIL OR WORRY OF IT NOT BEING TELECAST on my satellite TV! Hopefully that will be lucky!

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 10:35 PM

I don't blame you, that would be tough to do. Although being young and stupid I would probably attempt it myself. Of course i have never been to Arrowhead either, so any chance I had I would take.

I need to talk to my godfather and see if he would be willing to sell me his ticket to the season opener (actually I hope he just gives it to me), he doesn't like going out there as much because of all the drunken fools (or something like that). I keep forgetting to do it but I really can't afford to wait much longer (I am probably screwed at this point).

needs to stop procrastinating

Frazod 08-01-2001 10:40 PM

You should check with him - it certainly wouldn't hurt to ask. If nothing else, you really should try to take a live game in this year.

As for the driving, yeah, when I was young and stupid I drove all over the place. My record is Rhode Island to Missouri - 17 hours non-stop. If I tried that now I'd be dead in a ditch by the time I got to Indiana. Planes are beginning to appeal to me more and more.

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 10:46 PM

I will check with him on it (tomorrow if I can remember), and I am definitely open to any other games he is willing to let me have tickets to, but I really, really, rrrrreeeeeaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy want the season opener. First of all it is against are arch rivals, the team I hate more than any other, and also because many of the 37Forever members will be going to the game. A chance to promote a worthy cause and meet more of you all at the same time.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 10:47 PM

Is it me, or is grape kool-aid off the hizal?

Otter 08-01-2001 10:49 PM


or perhaps beat some virgin to death with the jawbone of an a$$ to get in

I spit my beer out my nose when I read that - and thats not easy to get me to do through a post.

~wondering if drinking alone and laughing about beating a virgin with as ***'s jaw are linked somehow....

Frazod 08-01-2001 10:54 PM

Jaime, I wish you luck. Remember, if your Godfather can't deliver, there's always the evile ticketbrokers at Ace. If you don't mind nosebleed seats, they shouldn't hit you too hard, and even if they do, once you're there for the first time, it will be worth the expense.

Thanks, Otter. I was starting to think I'd lost my comedic touch.

Now go wipe your nose, dammit! :D

Cody: What's a hizal? :confused:

philfree 08-01-2001 10:56 PM

I havn't read much of this thread but I know the KC Chiefs were named after the Mayor of KC.His nickname was Chief and that is who Lamar Hunt named the team after. Hardly racist!

PhilFree :cool:

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 10:58 PM

:D Its a house, frazod.

hip hop talk.:D

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 10:59 PM

If I have to I'll pay extra for decent seats, I want my first experience to be as good as possible (of course that means that the Chiefs have to win, otherwise It doesn't matter where I sit). But hopefully My godfather will be the answer.

I'm going to bed all, I will talk to you all later. Good night to all, and to all a good night.

getting sleepy

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 11:02 PM


Uh...Merry Christmas..:confused: ?


kidding;) :p

Frazod 08-01-2001 11:02 PM

Okay, it's a house. What does that have to do with grape kool-aid?

I'm too damned old to be hip anymore. Don't even know if I ever was....

Goodnight, Jamie. I think I'll follow suit rather quickly.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 11:06 PM

Sorry about that frazod, I should have explained further,

When I said grape kool-aid is off the hizal, I mean't...

grape kool-aid is off the house.

Its good, in other words.

Sorry about that, I try not to act too stupid:D

Frazod 08-01-2001 11:09 PM

Allrighty then. Still confused as hell, but lack the mental energy to care at this point. I'll off to bed.

Goodnight to all.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 11:13 PM

Good night, frazod!

KCWolfman 08-01-2001 11:26 PM

Falstaff is not only an angry little boy, he is misinformed as well.


The Browns are named after DOGS - not African Americans - yet this is another clear example of the racist attitude of a typical Chiefs fan.
The Browns are the only team in the NFL directly named after a human being and the first coach of the organization, Paul Brown.

As far as a 'criminal organization', aren't you promoting our criminal activities as long as you post here?

BTW - The "Native Americans" are neither native nor american. They were indigenous to Russia and China and transplanted to the Western Hemisphere via the Bering land mass before it melted. Then they killed one another and warred until they owned the land they wanted - exactly as you whine about Occidentals doing. The term "Native American" is merely a politically correct term invented by people like you in a silly little attempt to dump guilt on someone like me for something I never did.

Finally, I have yet to hear a Nordic transplant or a Texas Horse Rancher whine about the Vikings or the Cowboys.

In the future, if you want to cry about your little causes, be accurate - it makes you at least a little plausible.

AustinChief 08-01-2001 11:36 PM

This is a very controversial point but...


BTW - The "Native Americans" are neither native nor american. They were indigenous to Russia and China and transplanted to the Western Hemisphere via the Bering land mass before it melted. Then they killed one another and warred until they owned the land they wanted - exactly as you whine about Occidentals doing. The term "Native American" is merely a politically correct term invented by people like you in a silly little attempt to dump guilt on someone like me for something I never did.
KCWolfman is right.... There WERE some mistakes made (Cherokee) but to make martyrs out of ALL American Indians is idiotic... if ANYONE looks objectively at what went on the Great Plains... it's pretty hard to defend the Indians as innocent victims...

Fact is... is someone attacks me with a knife and I shoot them .. am I taking advantage of them because they are technologically impaired?

I'm not saying that there weren't abuses... BUT blanket statements are ignorant at best... and racist at worst.

Lumping Indians together is equivalent to saying "Europeans."

It amazes me that the press and others are still lazy enough to do this.


P.S. Since I'm being politically incorrect... I'll share a little story in my next post... (cont..)

AustinChief 08-01-2001 11:43 PM

So... I'm having an friendly argument in a bar here in Spain.. with an English girl... she was giving me grief because of some of the terms I use... like "coaster" instaed of "beer mat" or "truck" instead of "lorry"...

So I started to fight dirty and brought up American inventions and the difference between their name in England and the States... and I said that WE invented them WE should be allowed to name them.

Well.. it was all friendly until then... she than said... "We invented the language... so we're right!!"

SO I said "Well, If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German, singing Duetchland, Duetchland, and goosestepping to work... or maybe if you were lucky.. you'd be the smallest F**ing province in the Russian Empire!!"

I've been waiting my WHOLE life to say that one.... it was great...

--Kyle more story....

AustinChief 08-01-2001 11:45 PM

This happened right after the fourth of July... when I got blind drunk... stood on the bar at an English Pub...wearing cowboy boots, a Stetson hat and an I love NY shirt.... I then proceeded to make the bartender play a cd that I had brought... "Proud to be an American (God Bless the USA)" which I sang for the entire bar!!!

needless to say... I'll probably be deported soon...

Honestly though... I've tried to give us a bad rep here in Europe... but everyone still likes me.. go figure!


keg in kc 08-01-2001 11:46 PM

Go to bed Kyle!

(Preferably not alone)

AustinChief 08-01-2001 11:51 PM

Good advice Kyle,

I'm getting a little loopy...

Well at least by the time I wake up the weekend (starts on Thursday here)
will have started!


Fat Elvis 08-02-2001 12:06 AM


Finally, I have yet to hear a Nordic transplant or a Texas Horse Rancher whine about the Vikings or the Cowboys
Actually KCWolfman, my last name is Norwegian, and I must say that I am outraged that an NFL team would lampoon my heritage. You'd think that in our enlightened age people would understand that those of us with Nordic blood who happen to live in Kansas, do not, I repeat, do not travel by longboat. Perhaps the perpetuation of that stereotype is more plausible in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes--but I assume that my Viking brothers up north use other forms of land based transportation as well.

Let me set the records straight on one thing; the horned hats.

Yes, they are very cool. And yes, I know other ethnic groups wish they had thought of them before us. I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but no one has been able to successfully pull off the two horned helmet since we sailed across the Atlantic to discover the Americas long before Columbus. (You know they tried to rob that fact from our heritage--it's a conspiracy, I tell you. They are always trying to put us down. Everyone knows the Vikings have been to the Superbowl several times without winning--the reason? All the Refs were descendants of Columbus, yep that's it.) But back to our beloved horned helmets that the football team shamelessly tries to imitate with thier logo. Only one other group has successfully been able to put a horn on their helmets, but their glory paled in comparison as the Germanic tribes to the south (circa WW1) botched the two horn helmet and was only able to affix a single horn to their helmets (hundreds of years after we successfully mastered to two horned helmet).

Yes, as Vikings we were master seamen, yes we have beautiful fjords, and yes, we have the hats that are the envy of all. To strip our heritage, to mock our contributions to humanity by making us a mascot for a football team is a crime against all people. These feelings have been welling up for some time, and now I think its time America understood the plight of my people. Sometimes it just makes me so mad that I about go into a Viking berserker rage......

Tribal Warfare 08-02-2001 12:18 AM

All I have to say is this "falstaff" is a troll, and should be kicked off the BB.

splatbass 08-02-2001 12:20 AM

Can't you people see that this guy is just pushing your buttons, getting you all worked up over this for his own amusement? Ignore him and eventually he'll stop.

Tribal Warfare 08-02-2001 01:22 AM

splatbass- this is has NO TROLLING POLICY

thats why you have report this post to a moderater option

mcan 08-02-2001 03:29 AM

I know those guys are long gone, but for what it's worth...

Let's start with the term "racist":
It's not racist to like the Chiefs or the Braves or to LIKE anything else. It's racist when you HATE some one because of their race. Stereotyping is something totally different altogether. Racists believe they would be better off if the other "race(s)" would go away or die off. Surely you would agree that the Chiefs or any other sports organization is in no way supporting this belief. Racists are prone to violence, not football.

Next up... Stereotyping:
Let's start off with a lesson about what makes up "bad" stereotypes. Take trailer parks for example. Two major stereotypes exist. One, low income white people that listen to ACDC and Lynard Skynard live there. That is clearly a derogatory stereotype. Two, that trailer parks are frequently hit by tornadoes. (not derogatory)
The stereotype of an indian having a headress and wearing warpaint and hanging around with other indians in a tribe and one of them being the chief is not derogatory. It's just a portrayal. The stereotype of indians prancing around a fire going "woo woo" and scalping innocent people, now that is derogatory. So your beef isn't with sports franchises it's with old Hollywood movies.

Next, a lesson in the English language and the importance of context.

Several times in this thread you have made known your frustrations with us on the board taking your comments out of context. So you know the importance of what is said isn't as important as WHY it is said. Moreover, in pro sports, the indian names and mascots etc... are used in the context of comradary and sportsmanship, not to mach or poke fun at the american indians or their culture. To take it that way is as bad as us taking your well meant comments out of context.

Also, I see your point about some people being offended anyway. I am not so biggoted that I just say that it's their problem. Out of respect for you, I would not go to your house for dinner and wear my Chiefs sweater if I knew you felt this way. The same way I will only do the "chop" at Chiefs games in the context of football and sports. I would NEVER drive by a reservation and do the "chop" That would be totally inapropriate and VERY offensive. The same way, if I was at the Vietnam Memorial I would not sing ... and the home of the CHIEFS. That would be very offensive to the men who died for my freedom. However, I will screem CHIEFS at the top of my lungs at Arrowhead stadium because, I am glad that in this country, I can go root for these guys instead of getting up in the morning to throw rocks at the tanks in my front yard.

By the way, there are no teams called the "white men" or the "black guys" because those ethnic groups are too wide spread to be powerful symbols. If white people travled together in small, tight knit groups than you would probably see those titles in sports too. Consider: gypsies, nomads, pirates, indians, cowboys, outlaws, sodiers, infantry, etc... all of these are smaller groups and all would be/are fine names for teams except maybe gypsies: sounds too feminine, but you get the point.

Abba-Dabba 08-02-2001 04:00 AM


The path to Arrowhead Stadium is truly a Trail of Tears.
I really wonder about your knowledge of Cherokee history. I myself being of direct Cherokee lineage take great offense that you equate Arrowhead stadium with one of the saddest crimes upon humanity(Indian Removal Act, 1830). Nunna daul Tsuny

mmccann2333 that post of yours should get the "post of the month award"

Mark M 08-02-2001 05:57 AM

Holy crap!! I really need to find time to get on this bulletin board from home ... looks like I missed a doozy!

This is all that needs to be brought up, IMO:


The Browns are named after DOGS
This guy is so fucking stupid he doesn't even know what they were named after. How much can he possibly know about anything else relating to mascot names? I wonder if he's done this at other BBs (for Indian, Redskins, et al) ... kinda like a personal crusade?

What a

~~Hates trolls.

mcan 08-02-2001 06:03 AM

hey, thanks Cooter. Nice thoughts. So do you work nights too? I notice you and just a few others are the only ones ever on here. The midnight to 8:00 shift gets a little lonely on the Planet. Also, kudos to Kyle for the upgrades.

Now I feel kinda proud.

gh4chiefs 08-02-2001 06:09 AM

Mark M,

I think this is more about taking a shot at our football team. If you take the time to read through his/her posts, you see several comments about the Chiefs "suck" and are " pathetic" yada, yada, yada. My guess this is some disgruntled Bronco or Raiders fan just trying to stir up **** and he could probably care less about all the "racist" stuff.

I have to say I'm impressed with my fellow Planet Members. You guys stuck it to this moron pretty good over night. I wished I could have zinged him better but I get so mad over this stupid PC ****, I can't think straight.

GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark M 08-02-2001 06:11 AM

Maybe Packfan has found a new way to stir up crap? ;)

Of course, the Packers are offensive to a variety of people ... meat packers, box packers, fudge packers ...

~~Probably stepped over the line on that one.

gh4chiefs 08-02-2001 06:13 AM

Packfan, Broncofan, or any number of idiots who troll here.

MrBlond 08-02-2001 06:57 AM

I have always been offended by the "Patriots". Everyone knows they were really slave-owning, right wingers who didnt want to pay their fair share of taxes. "Vikings" anger me as well. Pasty faced white guys who pillage and rape. "Bills","Cowboys","Packers", "Saints", 'Giants", "Jets","Raiders", "Steelers", "Chargers", "49ers", "Bucaneers", and "Titans" are obviously tributes to Catholic, industrialist, enviormentaly-unfriendly, killers of animals and the weak, who tower over those smaller then themselves. Now "Rams" on the other hand is acceptable. Everyone knows the mighty sheep is the symbol of tolerance. Of course they may just be nicknames.

Warrior5 08-02-2001 07:37 AM

I left this discussion last night (with quite an appetite, I might add) around 8 pm right after it hit 200 posts.
I think I know why people were feeding the troll instead of doing the "recipe maneuver"...this is the first "raid" we've really had on the Planet. Think about it; Packfan is, well Packfan, as is Bronco Fan, but at least they talk football.
Falstaff / Pearlman / Sybil were here to just push buttons. Obviously they succeeded, but I have to admit I had fun.
Kept wondering throughout the food fight where Bob Dole has been?

htismaqe 08-02-2001 07:49 AM

This thread DIES now. I won't hesitate to delete it.

A freaking TROLL generates a post with over 350 replies?

Not on this bulletin board...

gh4chiefs 08-02-2001 07:51 AM

Aw c'mon Parker, we're just having a little troll bashing fun. Rule number one, when someone wants to make an idiot of themselves, you get out of the way and let them do it.


Warrior5 08-02-2001 07:53 AM

Do it. DO IT!

Phobia 08-02-2001 07:56 AM


I know several of you "reported" this thread to the moderators. I haven't removed it for 3 reasons:

1. Falstaff and Pearl are acquaintances of AustinChief and they're here only to push buttons - BroncoFan is a buddy of his as well. Methinks they wouldn't be here if Kyle wasn't the board owner.

2. None of these guys really said anything too bad - it's obvious to me that their "disgust" with the Chiefs name is feigned.

3. Most everyone was having such a good time blasting them that I couldn't bring myself to poop on the party.

gh4chiefs 08-02-2001 08:00 AM


I'm thinking Austin Chief needs to rethink who keeps in his circle of acquaintances.

Phobia 08-02-2001 08:02 AM

LOL - I told him the same thing last night - was thinking that's probably why he moved to Spain.... :D

Warrior5 08-02-2001 08:06 AM

Sure hope the Chiefs don't offend Spaniards

gh4chiefs 08-02-2001 08:07 AM

Dammit Phil,

It takes all the fun out of bashing them when you tell me they don't really mean it.


Warrior5 08-02-2001 08:11 AM

All I know...
is that after only one night, this thread is about to catch up to the Friday Goof-off Post, which started 8 months ago.

Phobia 08-02-2001 08:13 AM

Whoops - I guess I could revise that statement....

They meant that the Chiefs are racist but only in a controversial manner - I'm sure Falstaff and Pearl were sitting next to each other on a dumpster sofa covered with Lysol and a sheet typing away on their Pawn shop WebTV keyboard wondering if they'll have to sell handjobs in order to come up with the $150 for their next trailer payment.

gh4chiefs 08-02-2001 08:15 AM

Now that's more like it. :D

Warrior5 08-02-2001 08:20 AM

Now that's the Kphobia I know!

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