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Mile High Mania 06-21-2009 05:31 PM

You should video blog all of this on YouTube. Hey, if the guy defending Britney Spears with his tearful act can become famous... you have a shot, it would likely be somewhat comical if done right.

Go for it - see what happens. Maybe you could score with the lady from the UK that sings really well or the Octo-Mom... hell, you know she puts out.

Phobia 06-21-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5852874)
I follow her car from the parking lot, screaming at the assholes who are cutting me off, blocking my view of her car. I have to traverse Highway 249, make a right onto Beltway 8 and tail this hot bitch for 20 minutes. I have gotten lost many, many times and driving in Houston is a nightmare. I drive like a bat out of hell trying to follow the vagina in the white car in front of me.

We turn onto Beltway 8 and trundle along in tandem for about five miles. At this point we are approximately three quarters of the way to her place. Then she turns into a gas station. My first thought is she needs gas

Her first thought was, "is this guy some kind of stunt driver?"

Take a flipp'n hint there, Clay. If a woman tries to ditch you in traffic for 30 minutes you are NOT GETTING LAID. Now, leave the lady alone. She's already gonna have to change her phone number and email address.

I will offer you some credit though... you've evolved far from the driving around the block, stalking pervert we first met in 2002. Your sisters have taught you much.

Hammock Parties 06-21-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 5854306)
Take a flipp'n hint there, Clay. If a woman tries to ditch you in traffic for 30 minutes you are NOT GETTING LAID.

The hypothesis that she was trying to lose me on the highway is incorrect.

I don't think I even got over 70.

Phobia 06-21-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5854308)
I don't think I even got over 70.

There's a sure-fire idea though. Start with some granny-sex. I think you might even be able to close that deal.

Mile High Mania 06-21-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5854308)
The hypothesis that she was trying to lose me on the highway is incorrect.

I don't think I even got over 70.

I dunno... she drove for 20 minutes. Did she mention previously how close she lived to the meeting spot? I'm not suggesting she was trying to lose you to be mean, rather... she likely had the following realization in the car "Hmmm, is it really that smart to take this guy to my house?"

So, feeling bad and likely not wanting to have the conversation face to face... she may have thought, "Losing him 'on accident' would be easy to talk over later on the phone".

You typed that she asked if you were going to call her... well, on second thought, call her. Say "Hey great meeting you last night... let's grab a drink this week". Just see what happens.

Hammock Parties 06-21-2009 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 5854314)
I dunno... she drove for 20 minutes. Did she mention previously how close she lived to the meeting spot?

Yes. It was about 20 minutes. I knew the general area where she lived. That's where we were heading.

Not everything is a conspiracy theory.

luv 06-21-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 5854295)
It's amazing how long people are willing to get strung along (or stare at a train wreck, whatever)...

I'm a professional when it comes to getting strung along.

Mile High Mania 06-21-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5854316)
Yes. It was about 20 minutes. I knew the general area where she lived. That's where we were heading.

Not everything is a conspiracy theory.

End the mystery and call her... step away for 5 minutes, tell her that you enjoyed meeting her and would like to see her again. Keep it simple then come back and share with the group.

Hammock Parties 06-21-2009 05:39 PM

The "losing him in traffic" is a good idea if we turn this into a made-for-TV movie, though. HIGH SPEED CHASE! We can use "Mona Lisa Overdrive" from "The Matrix Reloaded" and a lot of quick cuts of a hot chick looking in her rearview mirror and furrowing her brow.

Maybe I can jump a semi or something in slow motion.

Mile High Mania 06-21-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5854320)
The "losing him in traffic" is a good idea if we turn this into a made-for-TV movie, though. HIGH SPEED CHASE! We can use "Mona Lisa Overdrive" from "The Matrix Reloaded" and a lot of quick cuts of a hot chick looking in her rearview mirror and furrowing her brow.

Flashing back to you as you try to keep up, changing lanes with one hand on the wheel and the other is monkeying with your junk.

Hammock Parties 06-21-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 5854318)
End the mystery and call her... step away for 5 minutes, tell her that you enjoyed meeting her and would like to see her again. Keep it simple then come back and share with the group.

Too soon.


Flashing back to you as you try to keep up, changing lanes with one hand on the wheel and the other is monkeying with your junk.

We can cut between my stick shift and my shifting stick.

Bearcat 06-21-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by sedated (Post 5854302)
I've probably said the same thing 10 times in this thread (or at least thought it).

I gotta give props to gochiefs - just when the thread (and his virgin act) loses its burst, he finds a way to draw people back in. He should write for a TV show or something.

Based on the date that luv edited the original post, it's been around a year... and I just read the last story, and it's either a bunch of BS or the guy really doesn't get it. After the first several months of advice giving and general laughter, I'm not seeing the appeal.

Hammock Parties 06-21-2009 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 5854331)
Based on the date that luv edited the original post, it's been around a year... and I just read the last story, and it's either a bunch of BS or the guy really doesn't get it.

Dude, the first date of my entire life was last August. I'm a n00b.

sedated 06-21-2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 5854331)
Based on the date that luv edited the original post, it's been around a year... and I just read the last story, and it's either a bunch of BS or the guy really doesn't get it. After the first several months of advice giving and general laughter, I'm not seeing the appeal.

he gets closer and closer. baby steps I guess. and he seems genuine - I mean I actually got texts from the guy last night, and the stories have enough detail to be legit.

but you are right, he doesn't get it. that's part of the fun. as phobia said, he's come a long way from driving around the block several times and going home with his tail between his legs.

sedated 06-21-2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5854324)
Too soon.

shut up n00b. send a text. everyone (men and women) hates those high school games. they aren't reality, they are a bunch of bullshit. I guarantee you that if you wait the "typical" 3 days or whatever, you won't hear from her. if you contact her the day after, you will make a good impression and increase your chances by 1000X.

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