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keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Laz
i thought the pouting in the corner was particularly effective

maybe i should of added writing tools

I don't pout. Now if he was sitting there playing video games or watching TV...

And writing tools? Well, I guess that would be appropriate. As long as he wasn't actually using them.

Phobia 07-15-2005 09:18 PM

This is a great thread and everything, but it meets all the requirements for the Romper Room. It will be sent there as soon as I can figure out how to click a button.

stevieray 07-15-2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
This is a great thread and everything, but it meets all the requirements for the Romper Room. It will be sent there as soon as I can figure out how to click a button.


Mr. Laz 07-15-2005 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
This is a great thread and everything, but it meets all the requirements for the Romper Room. It will be sent there as soon as I can figure out how to click a button.


chiefs4me 07-15-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by stevieray
hit the profile button at the bottom of your post. punch on options, kick on enabling pm(s).

ROFL.....omg you just gave him a second way to send a pm, are you trying to confuse the man...ROFL

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:21 PM

I think Vaccuum just posted something. But I have her on ignore. Damn.

FloridaChief 07-15-2005 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
I'm really, really pissed off because somebody keeps changing my posts from Rump Ranger to Rump Ranger and from pillowbiter to pillowbiter. I'm gonna lose it any minute.

Feel free to meet me at the little red airplane, bitch! :mad:


stevieray 07-15-2005 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Laz

ya I'm just shocked it isn't you and me. Of cousre if you've got a problem with that, you can pm me.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:23 PM

I think tonight that my life has reached an all time low.

That's saying something.

penchief 07-15-2005 09:26 PM

I think I just sent a PM to Brock but I can't be sure since it was my first attempt ever.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by penchief
I think I just sent a PM to Brock but I can't be sure since it was my first attempt ever.

Hey! Your first baby steps into a wider world.

chop 07-15-2005 09:29 PM

Did you ask for delivery confirmation?

It took so long to send it that I bet you can't remember why you two are fighting now.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:29 PM

Brock's probably asleep by now.

He's old.

Phobia 07-15-2005 09:30 PM

Ain't no big thing. I'm guessing Brock doesn't know how to read them anyway.

Bootlegged 07-15-2005 09:34 PM

Aw, this is great! Go away for 5 hours and penischief is still whiing about this. Typical of his crazed LIBERAL mind. ROFL

Hit da Sauce harder, you little woman!!

(this should REALLY get her going)

penchief 07-15-2005 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by chop
Did you ask for delivery confirmation?

It took so long to send it that I bet you can't remember why you two are fighting now.

I don't like Brock because he's a narrow-minded, ignorant pussy.

If he has any problems with my evaluation of him, he has my phone number.

If he uses my phone number for any other reason other than confronting me personally, then he will be exposed for the pussy that he really is.

Bootlegged 07-15-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by penchief
I don't like Brock because he's a narrow-minded, ignorant pussy.

If he has any problems with my evaluation of him, he has my phone number.

If he uses my phone number for any other reason other than confronting me personally, then he will be exposed for the pussy that he really is.

Drink a lot of water before you go to bed tonight and don't call anyone. Oh yeah, also...don't masturbate with your digi cam on again.

Pants 07-15-2005 09:40 PM

penchief, I just wanted to tell you that the *evil* mods didn't change your post, it's called a filter - some words are automatically changed once you post your message. Try typing a bunch of commas...

penchief 07-15-2005 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lattimer
Drink a lot of water before you go to bed tonight and don't call anyone. Oh yeah, also...don't masturbate with your digi cam on again.

You want my number too? Pussy.

I know you're no better than Brock.

You're both pillowbiters in the first degree.

All talk and no action. That's what people like you are.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:42 PM

This is too funny to be real.

Bootlegged 07-15-2005 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by penchief
You want my number too? Pussy.

I know you're no better than Brock.

You're both pillowbiters in the first degree.

All talk and no action. That's what people like you are.

Yes I do. I love hearing your views. Just take the cock out of your mouth before you call this time.

chop 07-15-2005 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
This is too funny to be real.

That is what I was thinking ROFL

Bowser 07-15-2005 09:46 PM

[JimNasium] WTF is going on here? [/JimNasium]

penchief 07-15-2005 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Metrolike
penchief, I just wanted to tell you that the *evil* mods didn't change your post, it's called a filter - some words are automatically changed once you post your message. Try typing a bunch of commas...

That's not true. Although I know that certain words are filtered. My thread title was unchanged for hours before it was merged with a mod's thread title.

Phobia 07-15-2005 09:51 PM

Wow, I wonder what he'd do if I changed his u/n.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Wow, I wonder what he'd do if I changed his u/n.


penchief 07-15-2005 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lattimer
Yes I do. I love hearing your views. Just take the cock out of your mouth before you call this time.

Actually, you should takes Brock's dick out of your mouth before you talk to me. I've always taken both of you on single-handedly. What is it about you two that makes it impossible for either one of you to confront me without the other's cock in your mouth?

keg in kc 07-15-2005 09:52 PM

Frenchief? ahahahaha

Bootlegged 07-15-2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by frenchief
Actually, you should takes Brock's dick out of your mouth before you talk to me. I've always taken both of you on single-handedly. What is it about you two that makes it impossible for either one of you to confront me without the other's cock in you mouth?

Oh, Frenchie.

stevieray 07-15-2005 09:53 PM

this is getting brutal.

ChiTown 07-15-2005 09:55 PM

Holy Crap! This shit is still going on from this afternoon?

Frenchief, I thought I told you to grab a Fresca and find some pussy. You need to chill the f out.

Bootlegged 07-15-2005 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by stevieray
this is getting brutal.

Jeremy spoke in class today....

Bowser 07-15-2005 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Wow, I wonder what he'd do if I changed his u/n.

You're drunk with internet power, you madman!

Pants 07-15-2005 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by frenchief
That's not true. Although I know that certain words are filtered. My thread title was unchanged for hours before it was merged with a mod's thread title.

Yeah, no... I meant the Rump Ranger deal...

Bootlegged 07-15-2005 09:59 PM


cdcox 07-15-2005 10:01 PM

Frenchief, are you by any chance a combat veteran?

Coach 07-15-2005 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by cdcox
Frenchief, are you by any chance a combat veteran?


Oh shit, I can see where this is going.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Coach
Oh shit, I can see where this is going.

Oh, it's already been there for a few hours.

Coach 07-15-2005 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
Oh, it's already been there for a few hours.

lol. No, I was referring to an incident about KCJohnny IIRC.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Coach
lol. No, I was referring to an incident about KCJohnny IIRC.

So was I.

Coach 07-15-2005 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
So was I.

Heh, I must had missed that part then.

penchief 07-15-2005 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lattimer
Oh, Frenchie.

You display the eloquence of Helen Keller. Some of you really suck!

I'd love to have a "Clash of the Titans" when it comes to God.

Because when it comes to God, you guys really have to make room for your desire to impose your slothfulness on the rest of us.

We all have responsibilities to each other. God is no excuse for shirking those responsibilitiies.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 10:08 PM

frenchief seems to be speaking in tongues.

ChiTown 07-15-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by frenchief
You display the eloquence of Helen Keller. Some of you really suck!

I'd love to have a "Clash of the Titans" when it comes to God.

Because when it comes to God, you guys really have to make room for your desire to impose your slothfulness on the rest of us.

We all have responsibilities to each other. God is no excuse for shirking those responsibilitiies.

These are classic signs of heat stroke............

Bowser 07-15-2005 10:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is a public service announcement, intended for viewing by all.....

booger 07-15-2005 10:18 PM

How often do I look at my testicballs?
I guess I don't really look at them all that much. I do however wash and scratch them on a daily basis. Sometimes I even used to shave them.

Coach 07-15-2005 10:19 PM

cdcox 07-15-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
Oh, it's already been there for a few hours.

Yeah, after going back and reading a few pages, I see I wasn't the first to get the feeling of deja vu.

Logical 07-15-2005 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by frenchief
Who took the liberty of changing the title of my Ty Law parody thread, and why? Who thinks they have that authority to do so and why?

I mean, I get it that some of you don't like parody threads. But put yourself in someone else's shoes. I'd rather have you delete my entire thread than attribute a thread to me that misrepresents my intentions.

Whomever is responsible for changing the title is taking liberties that they should not be taking and should be warned by the moderators of this community, IMO. Instead of putting your words in somebody else's mouth, just delete the damn thread!

I understand that whoever did it is probably just trying to be funny in the same vein as I was when I posted the thread. But it is a gross violation to fukk with somebody else's words in a way that misrepresents their intentions when others view that thread. Again, I know that in this particular case it may be harmless but it is the principle that matters.

Just as nobody has the right to assign their name to the words and ideas of others, a person also does not have the right to change the words or ideas that someone else has assigned their name to.

I feel fuchin' violated and I want to know who is responsible!

ROFL I have no idea if this is a serious post, but only a moderator could have changed it.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 11:55 PM

Shut up Jim, before I PM your sorry ass.

Logical 07-15-2005 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe
The moderators have been informed and responded by telling me that they changed the title of the thread and you can go fist yourself.



Phobia 07-15-2005 11:56 PM

Jim is fixing to ENDelt all over this sorry thread.

keg in kc 07-15-2005 11:57 PM


Logical 07-16-2005 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief
So what you are saying is that those who have authority can abuse that authority to misrepresent the intentions of others?

To be honest, shitmaqe, I have never seen you be so unreasonable. If that is the case, you can have your buddy moderator, whoever HE is, fist you until you are satisfied, which may take a long, long time.

Come on you are no rookie, every mod with the possible exception of Jazzzlovr has played with peoples usernames, avatars, signatures and thread titles. I was certainly no exception. This has been going on since the first year. By the way Kyle encourages it as long as it is done with humor in mind.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Jim is fixing to ENDelt all over this sorry thread.

I am damn sure I would laugh if I could figure out what this meant.

A serial post joke maybe?

keg in kc 07-16-2005 12:02 AM

Brian would be proud.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
By God, nobody better ever fuck with my threads, by God.

Shut the fuck up Skip or I will have Chiefs4me post on every one of your threads.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief

Again, again, and again, in this particular case it may be ...okay be re-reared, IMO.

Has DenverChief read this?

Logical 07-16-2005 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief
...threads that are posted by your "fisting" bros.

Wow a lot of homoerotic imaging going on today.

keg in kc 07-16-2005 12:14 AM

Brian would be really proud.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by gochiefs
Your original thread was stupid. The mods got tired of stupid threads. There's been too many today.


OMG OMG OMG while I was away gochiefs must have been channeling the Ghost of Vlad future.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief
Okay then. Ban all stupid threads. If that happened I'd have to say that you, along with me, would find themselves banned.

The bottom line is that this particular mod made a mistake. Nobody's words should be altered. A thread should be deleted before it should be changed to reflect something different than the thread starter intended.

Again, again, again, and again......this particular instance is of minimal signifigance, but it is the principle that is VERY important, IMO.

I don't think anybody else on this board would want the wording of their ideas changed for any reason, regardless of the topic.

Now if they did that the DC Forum would cease to exist. Then what would you do?

Logical 07-16-2005 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief
4th, I'm not upset. I just find it amazing that there isn't one person who understands whe principle that I'm trying to defend.

I realize that the intitial act was not intended to be harmful, but to listen to everyone beligerently defend the act as opposed to defending the principle is confounding to me.

I feel compelled to convince, but by no means, don't take that to mean that I am still pissed.

OK based on my serial posts, who really believes he was not upset.

Perhaps I can interest you in my Oceanfront property in Arizona?

Logical 07-16-2005 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief
Then why weren't all the stupid threads pertaining to this topic merged instead of just mine and shitsmacks, or whoever started the TY LAW HATES....thread?

Perhaps because the Gods of fate were frowning on only you today. Run and hide, a shitstorm is brewing.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by frenchief
Then condense them all.....even condense them all under shitsmack's thread title....... but don't condense them all under shitsmack's thread title and attribute them to me as the thread starter.


You have been warned Parker. F3AR teh day you rue his words.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
You're still whining about that? Get a life, man.

Irony, meet Skip and the Word Association Thread.ROFL

Logical 07-16-2005 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
Brian would be really proud.

Hell I may get to 40,600 with this thread, there is gold to be mined yet.

keg in kc 07-16-2005 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vlad Logicslav
Hell I may get to 40,600 with this thread, there is gold to be mined yet.

A polished turd is still a turd, Jim, even if it shines like gold.

Logical 07-16-2005 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
A polished turd is still a turd, Jim, even if it shines like gold.

Yea, in fact I have given up I was over half way through and a full page beyond the point where he had said he was over it and he was still going on and on. Frankly I am amazed at the patience Parker showed. Bob Doles "this thread is fine without pictures" comment it made it worth reading that far though.

Rausch 07-16-2005 02:01 AM

Who the **** is frogchief?!?

keg in kc 07-16-2005 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch
Who the **** is frogchief?!?

frenchief is the asshat formerly known as penchief.

Taco John 07-16-2005 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch
Who the **** is frogchief?!?

I'm guessing a conservative mod jerking with penchief...

Rausch 07-16-2005 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
frenchief is the asshat formerly known as penchief.


Well, he does have a sense of humor then.

But change his name back before I put him on iggy. A man has to have standards...

keg in kc 07-16-2005 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Taco John
I'm guessing a conservative mod jerking with penchief...

Politics has absolutely nothing to it. His name was changed after he whined and threatened to kick Brock's ass for several hours. It was pretty funny actually. Dude couldn't figure out how to send a PM. Someone suggested tommykat could explain it to him. Classic, that was.

Rausch 07-16-2005 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
Politics has absolutely nothing to it. His name was changed after he whined and threatened to kick Brock's ass for several hours.

I'd pay to see that matchup...

Bootlegged 07-16-2005 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Taco John
I'm guessing a conservative mod jerking with penchief...

Can't let it every aspect.

Skip Towne 07-16-2005 06:46 AM

Alright, Vlad, that does it. PM me a plane ticket. I'm coming out there to tear your kidneys out.

stumppy 07-16-2005 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
Politics has absolutely nothing to it. His name was changed after he whined and threatened to kick Brock's ass for several hours. It was pretty funny actually. Dude couldn't figure out how to send a PM. Someone suggested tommykat could explain it to him. Classic, that was.

I read a couple of pages last night. I thought good ole frenchief was just joking around. I didn't know anyone could be that much of a whine bag.

Coach 07-16-2005 07:45 AM

Jesus, this is still going?

stevieray 07-16-2005 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc
Politics has absolutely nothing to it.

It does when every waking hour is spent on having to create a perpetual boogeyman.

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