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Rams Fan 09-04-2023 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by mlyonsd (Post 17086656)
The question is if it would have been called a late hit instead of targeting would Clemson have kept the ball?

If so shouldn't a PF targeting call have the same outcome?

Seems screwy to me.

They said the penalty was a dead ball foul. I don't think it was.

If they called a personal dead ball foul, would've been the same result.

FloridaMan88 09-04-2023 10:47 PM

Dabo Swinney is paying the price for refusing to evolve.

He doesn’t use the transfer portal, looks down on NIL, etc.

Boxer_Chief 09-05-2023 08:38 AM

Hate the new time rules where the clock doesn’t stop. Feel like it’s led to longer commercials which is no bueno.

Sassy Squatch 09-05-2023 08:51 AM

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Frosty 09-05-2023 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17085540)
Beavers got that loser DJ Ukulele at QB. I'm sure he'll make an awful throw or two to laugh at


Maybe DJU wasn't the main problem at Clemson?

Titty Meat 09-08-2023 06:07 PM

Whoa those KU helmets are UGLY

Sassy Squatch 09-08-2023 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17097265)
Whoa those KU helmets are UGLY

Yes, in the most amazing way.

FloridaMan88 09-08-2023 06:42 PM

KU’s offense not ugly… looking good.

Pablo 09-08-2023 07:28 PM

KU would positively throttle nubraska

Titty Meat 09-08-2023 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17097395)
KU would positively throttle nubraska

No they wouldn't they got owned for over 50 years KU football is a joke

ptlyon 09-08-2023 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17097481)
No they wouldn't they got owned for over 50 years KU football is a joke

Can't wait til you feel ****ed by a train tomorrow

BWillie 09-08-2023 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17097481)
No they wouldn't they got owned for over 50 years KU football is a joke

Nobody on KU's current roster was alive in the 90's. Shit, their parents were in middle school in the 90's. Nebraska has literally not mattered in this century. They've been awful. For decades.

mlyonsd 09-08-2023 08:30 PM

Thread starter needs to update the original post weekly with an updated schedule.

Thanks in advance.

Pablo 09-08-2023 08:40 PM

Colorado -2.5

That decimal shouldn’t be there. It’s gonna be a slaughter

Chiefspants 09-08-2023 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Boxer_Chief (Post 17086924)
Hate the new time rules where the clock doesn’t stop. Feel like it’s led to longer commercials which is no bueno.

Yeah let's shorten the actual time football is played on the field and replace that time with more commercials.

Just let the players wear brand logos on their jerseys at this point and toss aside the constant commercial breaks, Christ.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17097497)
Nobody on KU's current roster was alive in the 90's. Shit, their parents were in middle school in the 90's. Nebraska has literally not mattered in this century. They've been awful. For decades.

Are you an Iowa fan or a KU fan? pillowbiter

Bearcat 09-09-2023 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17097481)
No they wouldn't they got owned for over 50 years KU football is a joke

MarkDavis'Haircut 09-09-2023 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17086699)
Dabo Swinney is paying the price for refusing to evolve.

He doesn’t use the transfer portal, looks down on NIL, etc.

Yup. Love Dabo. He is a great man but it is a new world. Just like when two platoon football became a thing.

lewdog 09-09-2023 07:55 AM

My best friend has his Master's degree from Nebraska and it's so irrelevant to him and I that I haven't thought about that connection in years. He hasn't watched a single Corn game since he graduated from there 10 years ago. ROFL

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 09:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 17097755)


George Liquor 09-09-2023 09:53 AM

That's all the corn has... distant memories...

George Liquor 09-09-2023 09:56 AM

Also i took Colorado today so enjoy your win Billay

George Liquor 09-09-2023 10:15 AM

Nubs gonna nub

redfan 09-09-2023 10:15 AM

I turn on the game, Corn fumbles. Hmmmm

PHOG 09-09-2023 10:15 AM

Uh Oh corn

WilliamTheIrish 09-09-2023 10:17 AM

Cats look sharp. Howard drills a 15 yard skinny post for a TD.

Bearcat 09-09-2023 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17097987)

And those 36 wins didn't help you that day, either.

Raiderhater 09-09-2023 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 17098030)
Cats look sharp. Howard drills a 15 yard skinny post for a TD.

It was a nice looking drive. Looking forward to this next one.

WilliamTheIrish 09-09-2023 10:24 AM

Stalled at the 48. 4th and 3. Think I would have gone for that.

Raiderhater 09-09-2023 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 17098041)
Stalled at the 48. 4th and 3. Think I would have gone for that.

I was certainly considering it from my living room coaches chair.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 10:29 AM

Looks like 2 dog shit teams Nebraska is worse but my lord Colorado is overrated

Raiderhater 09-09-2023 10:31 AM

Nice job D

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 10:34 AM

Pathetic offense because Rhule hired his friend who was absolute dog shit at South Carolina

MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 09-09-2023 10:36 AM

Colorados o line is struggling

lewdog 09-09-2023 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17098058)
Pathetic offense because Rhule hired his friend who was absolute dog shit at South Carolina

Rhule is God!


MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 09-09-2023 10:45 AM

F U Joel Klatt!!

Chiefspants 09-09-2023 10:46 AM

The big 10 is hard to watch.

Pepe Silvia 09-09-2023 10:48 AM

They took a shot at the Chiefs during the Husker/Buffs game. Love how they all talk about the false starts now.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 10:55 AM

Damn this defense is legit

Pepe Silvia 09-09-2023 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17098085)
Damn this defense is legit

Hope the Huskers win.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pepe Silvia (Post 17098086)
Hope the Huskers win.

I wouldn't count on it man

Raiderhater 09-09-2023 10:56 AM

Howard’s been taking some questionable shots today and it finally hit him.

Pepe Silvia 09-09-2023 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17098088)
I wouldn't count on it man

I don’t. That’s why I’m relying on hope. ;)

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 11:00 AM

Looks like the Minnesota game if you ****ing idiots don't turn over the ball

KCUnited 09-09-2023 11:04 AM

Penalties, reviews, trash offenses

This Nub game is like watching 2 Big 8 alums ****

CasselGotPeedOn 09-09-2023 11:08 AM

This shit is painful to watch

redfan 09-09-2023 11:08 AM


Pablo 09-09-2023 11:09 AM

Corn is so pathetic


Bearcat 09-09-2023 11:11 AM

Had to flip from Corn to Utah/Baylor.... it can't be any worse, right?

New World Order 09-09-2023 11:13 AM

This is Nebraska football at it’s best

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 11:16 AM

You gotta bench Sims

redfan 09-09-2023 11:20 AM

Corn gives CU 10 points, very generous.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 11:25 AM

Matt Rhule needs to be fired if he rolls with Sims

PHOG 09-09-2023 11:26 AM


redfan 09-09-2023 11:26 AM

Bravo, Buffaloes!

BigOlChiefsfan 09-09-2023 11:27 AM

Colorado leads it now, 10-0

MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 09-09-2023 11:29 AM

Sanders throwing is almost identical to Brady!

IowaHawkeyeChief 09-09-2023 11:30 AM

Sims is to Nebraska as Toney was to the Chiefs...

Raiderhater 09-09-2023 11:32 AM

What a way to change the momentum and close out the half

George Liquor 09-09-2023 11:33 AM

Hey Corn! Miss me yet?

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17098151)


George Liquor 09-09-2023 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17098160)

9 wins a year has to be better than this shit you're watching now

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17098162)
9 wins a year has to be better than this shit you're watching now

That was probably coming to an end though. I will give him credit he hired family members and not his friends like the last couple of clowns

Sassy Squatch 09-09-2023 12:06 PM

Jesus Colorado may have been a bit overrated after that TCU win but they've definitely got some special talent

Mecca 09-09-2023 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Snatch (Post 17098188)
Jesus Colorado may have been a bit overrated after that TCU win but they've definitely got some special talent

It doesn't hurt when 5 star kids wanna play for Deion.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Snatch (Post 17098188)
Jesus Colorado may have been a bit overrated after that TCU win but they've definitely got some special talent

A bit?

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 12:11 PM

Let's goooooo!

redfan 09-09-2023 12:12 PM

Sims' Redemption!!

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 12:12 PM

For all of Colorados hype they are being out played by one of the worst programs in FBS

Bearcat 09-09-2023 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17098203)
For all of Colorados hype they are being out played by one of the worst programs in FBS

Not sure you could make a more predictable let down game than...

- 1-win team last season (and just barely)
- Hyped coach
- Big road win against ranked team
- Coming home to play as a ranked team for the first time in x years had shit-down-your-leg written all over it.

Raiderhater 09-09-2023 12:21 PM

That wasn’t a fumble, but K-State’s offense has been out of sync and even sloppy for a good deal of this game.

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 17098212)
Not sure you could make a more predictable let down game than...

- 1-win team last season (and just barely)
- Hyped coach
- Big road win against ranked team
- Coming home to play as a ranked team for the first time in x years had shit-down-your-leg written all over it.

They will get dog walked when they start playing good teams. TCU might not make a bowl this year and Nebraska will be lucky to win 4 games

Titty Meat 09-09-2023 12:26 PM

This one's over fellas have a good one

lewdog 09-09-2023 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17098219)
This one's over fellas have a good one


Come on, you've been the biggest homer I've ever seen year after year, turd coach after turd coach.

Don't give up now!!!!

Nice Avatar by the way.

KC_Connection 09-09-2023 12:33 PM

It's reached the point where I can't even remember a time when Nebraska football wasn't a complete disgrace.

George Liquor 09-09-2023 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 17098229)

Come on, you've been the biggest homer I've ever seen year after year, turd coach after turd coach.

Don't give up now!!!!

Nice Avatar by the way.

Billay has battered wife syndrome

lewdog 09-09-2023 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17098240)
Billay has battered wife syndrome

He's pumped every turd coach they've brought in over the last decade.

Man it's been fun to watch!

New World Order 09-09-2023 12:45 PM

Billay already wants Ruhl gone

George Liquor 09-09-2023 12:47 PM

This corn qb is awful. Maybe NU can trade for Jason Bean?

Megatron96 09-09-2023 12:54 PM

JC, CU is destroying Nebraska.

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