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morphius 08-01-2001 07:58 PM

A life of ignorance maybe isn't as bliss as we were once told to believe.

Another Theory laid to waste.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 07:59 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

'******" "Spic" "WOP" "Kraut" "Slant" "Raghead" "person of Hispanic heritage" and "Camel Jockey" are just words, but I choose NOT to use them due to the fact that it offends large groups of individuals.

Where does 'Neo-Nazi' fall into this category?

stevieray 08-01-2001 07:59 PM

get a life
Chief...the leader of a body or organization...the principle or most valuable part

Chief...Highest in rank...most eminent or important.

yup, those sound like some real racist descriptions.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 08:00 PM

What an Ignoramus. Does stupidity run rampant in your family? Are you a result of inbreeding? Why do you base all of your "facts" on personal decisions instead of facts? I can probably provide you with more American Indians who are not offended by the Chiefs, than are. I honestly have not seen this type of irrational behavior since someone tried to convert me. Well, I guess you are not going to change your mind. Still doesn't change that fact that you are dead wrong. We have proven you wrong over and over again, and when we ask you to support why the Chiefs being associated with American Idians is derogatory, you seem to give us more of your plagerized web articles. We understand that you can't please EVERYBODY. Someone is going to get offended no matter what you do. This is human nature. It still does not mean we are racist no matter what you say. Sorry bud, you are ignorant and wrong and nothing you can say will change that. I have American Indian blood as do some of my friends. I think I should know if I was offended.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:04 PM

Somebody please clarify........
Is the word "Chief" derived from French, or an Indian language?

Logical 08-01-2001 08:04 PM

Your posts are offensive to a large group so why would you complain that they might be deleted and you would be banned. Similar principal. I live in San Diego now and last year there was a large brouhaha over the Aztecs an their Mascot who is an Indian. Guess what the local Indian tribes were some of the biggest and most vocal supporters of keeping the Indian name Aztecs and keeping the mascot Monty Montezuma. In the end the name and mascot stayed only some of the depictions are to be changed.

Your and I stress your opinion that a majority of Indians object to the name is nothing more than your opinion and is not backed by facts. Yes some high profile Indians have made objections but like you each of them has an @sshole just like they have an opinion. They as you are entitled to both, just do not expect others to follow you blindly. Your use of the epitaph racist for 100s of thousands of Chiefs fans does not make your argument but instead just makes you appear stupid.

Simple minds stray easily, and it is clear that you either have not read where the Chiefs name came from or are choosing to ignore this fact.

Your stupidity and ignorance lends no validity to your arguments. I present to you that answering questions directly asked can only improve your standing! :rolleyes: Not that you will understand this simple concept.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:12 PM


I think you finally shut them up.


Bwana 08-01-2001 08:13 PM

Get a life pal!

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:14 PM


Apperently your one-sided mind has allowed you to disregard MANY of my previous posts. AGAIN, the term 'Cheifs' offends Native Americans. AGAIN, no other ethnic group is depicted in professional sports.

Once again, it is obvious that your frustration stemming from years upon years of embarrassing seasons has been channelled into hatred for not only Native Americans, but justice-seekers like myself. Chiefs fans - your team will suck again this season, like that have sucked nearly every season since the inception of the franchise - channel your frustration into rectifying the offensive moniker!

aturnis 08-01-2001 08:14 PM

Alright......back to whats important....
Who would win in a fight, Batman or Wolverine?

Pearl Man 08-01-2001 08:16 PM

Once again I am disappointed in the Chief's fans... Only because two out of many dozens of people do not agree with their close minded views they accuse myself and Mr. Falstaff of being one and the same... Maybe both of us should be bannished from this BB so the one sided bigotry can proliferate un-impeded... Then the you can run threads discussing the sad reality of yet another long, losing season in ole KC...

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:19 PM

Why bother us?
The rank of E-7 and above in the Navy, Chief Petty Officer, CHIEF for short. Go tell it to the Department of Defense.

stevieray 08-01-2001 08:19 PM

I bet Mother Nature is pissed we stole her Arrowhead.

Falstaff Stands With Fist...Oh sorry, is that racist?

Don't you have a beef with Indian Motorcycles to start?

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:20 PM

Head of a police department.....
CHIEF of police.

stevieray 08-01-2001 08:20 PM

long losing season
I think I'm gonna cry....

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:21 PM

Top editor at a newsparer.....
Editor in CHIEF

Hank 08-01-2001 08:21 PM

This reminds me of something I read a few years ago:

'In this era of "Political Correctness" and "enlightenment"
some sports team names are being examined. I feel that the current public awareness of these issues needs to be heightened. Let me share the following list of "offensive" team names:

- Offensive to non-Christians
New Orleans Saints, California Angels,
San Diego Padres, Arizona Cardinals,
St. Louis Cardinals
- Promotes stealing
Tampa Bay Buccaneers,
Pittsburgh Pirates,
Oakland Raiders
- Promotes alcoholism
Milwaukee Brewers
- Offensive to Native Americans
Chicago Blackhawks, Kansas City Chiefs,
Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians
- Offensive to Southerners
New York Yankees
- Offensive to singles
Minnesota Twins
- Promotes aristocracy and inequality
Kansas City Royals, Sacramento Kings,
Los Angeles Kings
- Promotes superstition
Orlando Magic
- Offensive to the height-challenged
New York Giants, San Francisco Giants
- Offensive to fans of other musical styles
Utah Jazz, St. Louis Blues
- Anti-British
Philadelphia 76ers, New England Patriots
- Promotes violence
Washington Bullets, Buffalo Sabres,
Golden State Warriors
- Promotes violence against animals
San Antonio Spurs
- Promotes anti-social behavior
Dallas Mavericks, Tampa Bay Rowdies
- Offensive to propeller-powered planes
New York Jets
- Offensive to other colors
Cleveland Browns
- Offensive to other metals
Pittsburgh Steelers
- Anti-environment
Houston Oilers
- Pro-electricity
San Diego Chargers, Tampa Bay Lightning
- Promotes white male WASP stereotypes
Dallas Cowboys
- Offensive to landlubbers
Los Angeles Clippers, Seattle Mariners
- Pro-Scandinavian
Minnesota Vikings
- Pro-Irish
Boston Celtics
- Promotes greed
San Francisco 49ers, Denver Nuggets
- Pro-Canadian
Montreal Canadiens, Vancouver Canucks,
Toronto Maple Leafs
- Offensive to the ground-bound
Philadelphia Flyers
- Pro-government
Washington Capitals
- Promotes mindless killing
Toronto Raptors
- Anti-night
Phoenix Suns
- Pro-Disney
Anaheim Mighty Ducks
- Promotes police brutality
New York Rangers, Texas Rangers
- Offensive to slower planes
Seattle Supersonics
- Promotes forest fires
Portland Trail Blazers
- Offensive to fashion-impaired
Chicago White Sox, Boston Red Sox
- Offensive to mountain-impaired states
Colorado Rockies
- Promotes foreign automobiles
Jacksonville Jaguars
- Promotes 4-wheel drive automobiles
Denver Broncos
- Offensive to anyone not named William
Buffalo Bills
- Offensive to Type-B personalities
Oakland A's
- Offensive to the former hometowns of these teams
Los Angeles Dodgers,
Los Angeles Lakers
- Offensive to mainlanders
New York Islanders
- Promotes global warming
Miami Heat
- Pro-French
Cleveland Cavaliers
- Pro-Satan
New Jersey Devils
- Promotes Hollywood values
Dallas Stars



aturnis 08-01-2001 08:22 PM

I heard that Pearlman has some crazy fetishes which include dressing as an indian chief and playing cowboys and indians with Falstaff....

keg in kc 08-01-2001 08:23 PM

I can't believe you guys are still wasting time on this.

I guess it's an annual troll right-of-passage or something...

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 08:24 PM


Tough call.

Wolverine would slash the poop out of Batman, but then Robin would back his *** up.

Michael Michigan 08-01-2001 08:24 PM

Posted by personality # 2--Pearl Man-

... Then the you can run threads discussing the sad reality of yet another long, losing season in ole KC...

Posted by personality # 1 falstaff-

Your team is lousy. They will be terrible again this year.

In the words of Paul Simon--

"Who do, who do you think you're fooling?"

How about three---think you can release a third personality?

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:25 PM

Nice...nice...calling us homosexuals....I suppose you are adding fuel to the really ARE RACISTS

stevieray 08-01-2001 08:25 PM

Apache Helicopter

Jeep Cherokee

Blackhawk Helicopter

Chief of State

Chief of Staff

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Fire Chief

Pearl Man 08-01-2001 08:26 PM

I'm getting very tired of reading posts with the definition of the word chief... It is the connotation of the word that is relevant... In the case of the lame football team that plays in KC it is used in the context of the American Indian as the previously described symbolism attests...

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:27 PM

Eating 'Crow'?

Getting 'Siouxed'?

Can't those be classified as Indian slurs?

aturnis 08-01-2001 08:27 PM

No not racist........
Homophobic, there is a difference Falstaff......

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:29 PM


Originally posted by Pearl Man
I'm getting very tired of reading posts with the definition of the word chief... It is the connotation of the word that is relevant... In the case of the lame football team that plays in KC it is used in the context of the American Indian as the previously described symbolism attests...
Like we've said all along dufus, it has NOTHING to do with demeaning Native Americans, but more to do with the man nicknamed 'Chief' that brought the team to KC.

Sheesh, try READING the posts sometime.

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:30 PM

You are all idiots. I fail to see why describing why 'Chiefs' is offensive for the 50th time will make a difference.

I suppose you are secure in your one-sided closed in world. It is a shame that you are not only closed minded politically, but, it seems the driving force of your lives is cheering for one of the worst teams in the NFL. The players, coaching and managment of the Chiefs has ALWAYS been sub-par. I suggest you all read a book or spend time with you families rather than piss you time away supporting a losing, racist organization.

Tomahawk 11 08-01-2001 08:30 PM

VIKINGS. I think all the VIKINGS were white. At least I have never seen a Native American Viking. The Raiders are all white guys. At least the faces on the side of their helmets are white.

By the way Falstaff. I am going to help you out here. Since you don't want to be racist or a hypocrit, you need to start calling me and everyone on the planet by their true ethnicity. I am a German, English, Irish, Native American, American. You better start walking the walk, Or else I will cry.

Here is another thing for you. I have a few friends that happen to be black that are from Haiti. Yet, every time someone wants to be "politically correct" they call them African Americans. I also have an African American friend that is White. Is it not demeaning to the whites in Africa that the Politically Correct Camp has labeled their entire continent as being black.

Here is the kicker for me. I am a NATIVE AMERICAN. Yes, I have Cherokee indian blood (very small amount), but what I am referring too is the fact that I was born and raised and currently live in America just like you. There are millions of people from all races that are just the same, yet the term Native American is reserved for your race. I am the White guy. The politically correct camp has totally outsmarted itself.

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 08:30 PM

Alright, I haven't read any of the posts on this thread, I am merely responding to the topic starter.

I wonder if you could clear up something for me, how is the word Chiefs in any shape manner or form racist? Clearly some of the examples you gave are racist, but I have never considered chief to be one of those derogatory terms. Let us be realistic, when some one wants to derogatory to an Italian they call them a wop, if a black it is the "n word", but how many times have you heard the term chief in a derogatory manner? "Listen to me you dirty chief!" You just don't get that very often (dare I say at all?).

If you and the other half wits out there on this ridiculous warpath (pun indeed intended) would stop and think that perhaps it is a for honor to these people, you might actually get on the right track. Think about it, Indians were great warriors, chiefs were ussually the greatest warriors in the tribe, so we are taking their name so that when people think of the Chiefs, they think of mighty warriors. It is an honor, not a form of racism.

BTW, what team are you a fan of? Just curious as to why you would be hanging out with a bunch of "racists".

aturnis 08-01-2001 08:30 PM

Pearl Girl.......
Do you not listen.........

The KC Chiefs do not use this in referance to any Indians, we are merely paying tribute to a great man.......

Dude, you must not get ANY ladies, this is why you choose to play cowboys and indians with Falstaff, cuz women like guys who can listen, and you just talk. Therefore no ladies and you have to settle for fellow "men" if thats what you want to call Falstaff.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 08:32 PM

You're right, Kyle. I'm done with this.

This guy is ludicrous.:D

Brock 08-01-2001 08:36 PM

Any of you guys every listen to the Phil Hendrie show? That is what this post reminds me of.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 08:37 PM


"...said the kettle to the pot..." I think I have had enough ignorance for an evening as well. Still he has not made 1 explantion as to how it is derogatory, he has just referenced others concern over the subject. Apparently he can't even think for himself. I'm done...

AustinChief 08-01-2001 08:38 PM


about time you showed up... I just logged in and didn't see any posts from you.

We haven't had any trolls for awhile... so I guess its ok to play with them for a bit....


falstaff 08-01-2001 08:38 PM


Is the word 'spic' deragatory? No. It is just a few letters, like cat or beer. However, Latinos find it offensive, so out of RESPECT for them we choose, or I choose not to use it. The use of the word show a lack of respect for a race and is thus racist.

'Chiefs' is offensive to Native Americans. I have posted about five articles PROVING this. You may find atdditional information on the web or at your local library. Additionally, AGAIN no other racial group is depicited in professional sports. The Native Americans do NOT like it, do NOT consider it an honor and want it STOPPED.


Your recipies were better than your arguments.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 08:39 PM

falstaff and pearlman,

But seriously, you guys need to stop this.

Its kinda gay.


AustinChief 08-01-2001 08:41 PM

There is an ongoing poll(another thread)... I'll keep it open for another 15 minutes or so... and then we'll take action depending upon the results....


stevieray 08-01-2001 08:43 PM

Who invented the term 'race' Blame him.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:43 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

Is the word 'spic' deragatory? No. It is just a few letters, like cat or beer. However, Latinos find it offensive, so out of RESPECT for them we choose, or I choose not to use it. The use of the word show a lack of respect for a race and is thus racist.

Kinda like calling someone a Neo=Nazi, dip$hit?

Tomahawk 11 08-01-2001 08:43 PM


All a bunch of white guys. With the exception of the Fighting Irish, all professional sports teams.


aturnis 08-01-2001 08:45 PM

Thats b/c the meaning of spic is latino, and is no matter how you use it derogatory! DERRRRRRRRRRRR MY NAME IS FALSTAFF... DERRRRRRRRRRRR I HAVE A WOODEN SPOON!

Chief wasn't even derived from a native american indian, chief does have a derogatory meaning if chosen to be used in a derogatory fashion, but when you don't even use this word as a referance to the indians your arguements is kind weak! so all i have to say to you is........EAT A DICK!

Zebedee DuBois 08-01-2001 08:45 PM

I think what they are trying to say is that the name Chiefs is demeaning because they think we are a sucky team. That our recent subpar years bring disrepute to the word Chiefs.

If that is the case, I am all for bringing glory to the Chiefs name with a Championship or three!

Making random sense of nothing.

AustinChief 08-01-2001 08:45 PM


by your logic... I'm offended by YOU callling me AustinChief... therefor YOU are a rascist... kindof a slippery slope eh?

You can't judge rascism, simply by what offends a person... intent must ALSO play a part....

I find it offensive that French people are well... French! but does that make them rascist for being French!

think for a sec bud...


falstaff 08-01-2001 08:45 PM

Again, this BBS rings of pre-war Germany. Kick two people off for posting INTELLIGENT topics, that happen to be against the grain. Freedom of speech - not on!

Go on - SHOW YOUR POWER, you MANLY men! Reject any ideas that are not accepted in you community.

Again - I have not broken ANY rules, and have kept my posts clean and to the point. I will be offended if booted for expressing my opinion.

Trolls post things like 'KC Sucks' and 'Chiefs ar stupid'...

I have brought up the serious issue of racism in American Sports. If you can not handle this topic, well, then so be it.

morphius 08-01-2001 08:46 PM

falstaff - not one place have you showed that the word "Chiefs" is offensive to anyone, and nowhere have you showed that it should not be used in terms such as Chiefs of Staff, etc etc. So basically your arguements hold no water and you should step away before you embarrass yourself anymore.

Can't believe I typed this either, what a waste.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:46 PM

LOL @ Aturnis.....
DERRRRRRRRRRRR......I have a wooden thpoon!!!!

Tomahawk 11 08-01-2001 08:47 PM

I am with him... EAT A WHOLE BOWL OF DICK!!!!:D

morphius 08-01-2001 08:47 PM

falstaff - do you have any things else you want to talk about, you seem to be kind of a one issue guy, and most of us have had this discussion last offseason...

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:48 PM

Nice try, BUD ...but I never called you 'that term'

Additionally, you do NOT consitute either a race opr a large group of people.

But you are right..the French do suck.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 08:48 PM


You are a superhero!!!

Are you offended?

-Just trying to apply your logic to a conversation.

stevieray 08-01-2001 08:49 PM

You could call us pale face idiots.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:49 PM


Originally posted by falstaff
Again - I have not broken ANY rules, and have kept my posts clean and to the point. I will be offended if booted for expressing my opinion.

Even when you called Bishop a Neo-Nazi?

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:50 PM

I never called Bishop a neo-nazi...I said he APPEARED to be a Neo-Nazi....Christ...look at his picture!!!

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 08:51 PM



about time you showed up... I just logged in and didn't see any posts from you

do ya mean on the board, or this topic specifically? If the board it is because work has been keeping me busy, if this topic, well same reason.:)

I enjoy playing with trolls once in a while. I know it is fruitless (much like arguing with libs), but as can be attested by my constant arguing with libs, I tend to enjoy fruitless arguments.

I have never heard an Indian claim that the word Chief is derogatory (with the exception of those few nut cases who want money and attention). And I myself have Injun (that ought to really blow you away) blood running through my veins. I have both Commanche (explain anything about my relentless attacking personality when in a political rumble?), and I believe the other is Cherokee. I am not offended by the Chiefs, or the Redskins, or the Braves. I think you are just wound to tight looking to be offended. get over it, because if we meant disrespect you would know it, we would have segergation again, only this time it be everyone on one side, and Indians on the other. Get a life.

BTW, you didn't answer my question about your favorite football team.

AustinChief 08-01-2001 08:52 PM


you need to read the FAQ and see the definition of trolls...( I think it is still there,... if not I'll put it back in)

you have continually spouted off WITHOUT properly addressing issues... in a REAL debate you would've lost after round 1... you MUST adress a point in its entirety BEFORE moving on to pontificate further...

NEVER ADRESSED... even if Chiefs is indicative of American Indians... WHY is that offensive... I have never seen or heard of any Indians finding it offensive....are the Fighting Irish offensive?

--Kyle (help me I'm actually feeding the trolls)

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:53 PM

Raderhader - Yes I did. You have not been reading.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:53 PM

Well, you appear to be a disgruntled, c#ck$ucking Cowboys fan. Get the idea, moron?

stevieray 08-01-2001 08:54 PM

Ahhh, judging someone on their appearance...I get it now. you might appear to be self righteous, but in reality you're only a hypocrite.

falstaff 08-01-2001 08:54 PM

Kyle (if that is your real name),

The term Cheifs offends Native Americans. I posted numerous articles concerning this. I found them uner my bed in St. Joe.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 08:55 PM

Come on you ****1ing idiot! By what definition do I fit that stereotype? Huh. Should I have posted the picture of me in my suit and tie? You do realize that I work a day job for a VERY large corporation. What do you do muther****3r? Sell tampons? Get the **** out of here. I am seriously offended by the fact that you are pretentios enough to think you are a class above me, because I can garuntee pal, that I make twice as much as you do you peice of trash. Where is your picture?

AustinChief 08-01-2001 08:57 PM



I enjoy playing with trolls once in a while. I know it is fruitless (much like arguing with libs), but as can be attested by my constant arguing with libs, I tend to enjoy fruitless arguments.


So you think the French suck... fair enough... but AGAIn you didn't address the issue... of intent.


morphius 08-01-2001 08:57 PM

bishop - Relax, take a deep breath and remember its just a troll.

Trying not to check out bishops women too much :D

Pearl Man 08-01-2001 08:58 PM

Ok chief fans why don't you cry to your daddy Kyle some more and maybe you will get us sensible types banned... As Mr. Falstaff alluded to that does bring to mind the intolerances of pre-wwII Germany... I don't know how many ways there are to say it it, but it is what offends others that makes something offensive... Native Americans ARE offended by the depiction of their culture by the KC football team... I'm sure if you guys ever made it to the playoffs you guys would invent some mockery such as the infamous "Tomahawk Chop" (developed in Atlanta another racist team- remember John Rocker)... Maybe then you could get a celebrity like Ted Turner to go to one of your games and wear his cap like a mohawk and chop the air with his air-tomahawk...

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 08:58 PM


Originally posted by falstaff
Kyle (if that is your real name),

The term Cheifs offends Native Americans. I posted numerous articles concerning this. I found them uner my bed in St. Joe.

Here's the type of guy we're dealing with: he uses one guys opinion as the basis for his facts, and the moron cannot even spell "CHIEF" right.

Didn't I tell you once: I before E, except after C?

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 09:00 PM

And for you, Pearly: the tomahawk chop was being done by Florida State fans long before the Atlanta Braves were even drawing crowds.

Sorry about your unsuccessful attempt at looking intelligent.

stevieray 08-01-2001 09:01 PM

I'll bet Steven Spielberg drives $100,000 Mercedes Benz.

AustinChief 08-01-2001 09:01 PM

OK guys... after the last post I KNOW who this joker is... if anyone wants his address in Dallas ... the name of his boyfriend... I can get it for ya...

btw he gets real upset when you talk about how much you'd like to get with his sister... I have her address too... any takers ;)


falstaff 08-01-2001 09:01 PM


Have you READ any of my posts? I stated I was trying to help the fans to see that they support a rasist organization.

Additionally, I offered SEVERAL times to chair a committe to re-name the Chiefs.

I have purpose.

morphius 08-01-2001 09:01 PM

Pearl - I'm not sure, but don't think the tomahawk chop was started in Atlanta...

morphius 08-01-2001 09:03 PM

Flastaff - Your intent is to ignore all evidence that is opposite to your view point, and that is what is unaccaptable.

bad speeler I'am.

AustinChief 08-01-2001 09:07 PM

Guys... no responses to my last post?

BTW the Poll closes in 5 minutes.


Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:08 PM

If you would have read my first post, you would have seen were I stated that I haven't read any of the previous posts on this topic, so there is no way I could Know what team you pull for.

And he gets after me for not reading posts????

Raiderhater 08-01-2001 09:10 PM

if you are being serious about knowing this guy and his address (for all I know those are clues about someone from the old Star board that was before my time), let me have it all.

Frazod 08-01-2001 09:10 PM

Damn, I wish I'd got in on this one earlier. I really should check in more. I could've had a field day with this clown.

Anyway, some random thoughts after reading through 17 pages of this crap.

1. I agree that the mascots of certain teams (namely the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins) would probably offend me if I was a Native American. I fail to see how an arrowhead is offense to anyone, though, except possibly someone who just had one shot through them at the end of an arrow.

2. Native Americans are NOT the only people in the world who have used arrowheads on the tips of their arrows. Seems like my European ancestors shot the hell out of each other with arrowhead-tipped arrows for centuries before upgrading to guns. Does some particular tribe hold a patent or copyright on the arrowhead that I'm not aware of? I don't think so.

3. The whole idea of calling Native Americans "Indians" originated with Columbus, who mistakely thought he had landed on an island near India when he walked up on the beach of San Salvador. Even after the truth was learned, for some reason the name stuck. So in truth, no Native Americans are actually Indians, as they come from America, not India. I wonder if people from India are offended by our arrowhead? Hmm.....

4. Of course, Native Americans probably shouldn't be called that, either, since "America" is named after Amerigo Vespucci, the first European explorer with enough of a clue to realize "you know, I think this just might be a whole new fucking couple of continents." If they don't want to be named after people from India, would they want to be named after some Italian explorer?

5. Thank God they used Amerigo's first name. I'd really hate like hell to call myself a Vespuccian. :eek:

6. I highly doubt that the vast majority of Native Americans really give a shit about the arrowhead on the sides of our helmets. Of course, there's always someone out there who will be offended by everything, and of course there's always muck-raking liberal do-gooder douchebag to trumpet his plight as if it were actually important. Ever drive across an Indian reservation? I have. Believe me, they have better things to worry about.

7. Pearlman, you seem very concerned about all the terrible things we've done to the Indians. God knows there were plenty of them. So I have a suggestion on how you can curb your bleeding-heart, liberal guilt - find the nearest Native American, sign over the deed to your house to him, which is undoubtedly on his land, and go the fuck back to whatever European country your ancestors hailed from, since you obviously have no right to be here. C'mon, man, take a stand! Do the right thing! Obviously none of us racist Chief fans are willing right 500 years of wrongs! Of course, I forgot - liberals don't make meaningful sacrifices themselves - they just whine about them in coffeehouses and lecture halls and then try get everyone else to shoulder the load. Forget I mentioned it.

8. I'm not surprised that falstaff doesn't like football. He strikes me a Barbie-and-Ken type of guy. Football probably scares him. Along with all us racists.

9. This hasn't been a very serious reply, but these morons don't rate one.

10. WHO GIVES A shit???? GO CHIEFS!

Have a nice day!

bishop_74 08-01-2001 09:10 PM


Originally posted by morphius
Flastaff - Your intent is to ignore all evidence that is opposite to your view point, and that is what is unaccaptable.

bad speeler I'am.

That pretty much sums it up.

chiefqueen 08-01-2001 09:16 PM

I have skimmed through the entire thread. I was a little disappointed that more of the posts did not refers to KC history.

The Chiefs are named after H. Roe Bartle who was KCMO Mayor from 1953 to 1959 (I Think they had 2 year terms back then.) Mayor Bartle's nickname was "Big Chief" and he is primarily credited with making KC a major league city by convincing Charley Finley to move the A's to KC in the mid 50's. This was KC's First "Major League" franchise.

When the Dallas Texans moved to Kansas City in 1963 it was decided the team would be named after its former Mayor. (Bartle lived until 1974 I believed.) The KC Star had an article about his daughter who still spoke to boy scouts at scout camp even though she's in her mid 70's (H. Roe Bartle, according to most accounts, held a special place in his heart for the Boy Scouts).

I will try to look the Star article on his daughter this weekend and give some more details about this man that the Chiefs are actually named for but I just thought somebody needed to post the truth now.

morphius 08-01-2001 09:16 PM

Hey now Falstaff has his Avatar as a picture of Micahel Irvin reaching out for some crack, notice the single silver star below it...

falstaff 08-01-2001 09:17 PM

My attempt to open your eyes has failed. You are all close-minded weak individuals.

By supporting a racist organization, you yourselves are racist.

I will pray for your souls as they burn in Hell.

By the way - has anyone realized that no one has denied that the Chiefs suck?

morphius 08-01-2001 09:19 PM

Flastaff - Have you realized that nobody has said you didn't suck either?


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