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DaneMcCloud 05-20-2013 12:47 PM

One of the best (yet, somewhat predictable) lines was when Fred's daughter put the stethoscope to Don's chest and said "It's broken".

Yeah, duh.

bowener 05-20-2013 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by DoucheMcCloud (Post 9694434)
One of the best (yet, somewhat predictable) lines was when Fred's daughter put the stethoscope to Don's chest and said "It's broken".

Yeah, duh.

Agreed. It was predictable, but it was also very well done. Actually it may have been the only predictable moment from that entire episode (except when that prostitute ****ed child Don).

BlackHelicopters 05-20-2013 04:08 PM

One of the best yet.

Baby Lee 05-22-2013 01:37 PM

I really dug the bit of foreshadowing, when Don was on the stairs looking in to Ted and Peggy, then he spoke with the secretary and seemed to have an 'emotions' overload. Then, as he began to descend the stairs, it looked for a split second like he was going to faint and fall down the stairs, much as he fainted upon entering the drama back at his apartment.

underEJ 05-22-2013 02:18 PM

Just caught up last night, and I loved the last two episodes. I had thought the season was a bit of a retread of Don's old tricks, but I can see now we are going somewhere new with Sylvia and Chevy, though I'm not sure which one is more likely to ruin Don. I loved the contrasting of speed with the usual alcohol infused office environment. I thought the time jumps, flashbacks, and symbolism of open doors was top shelf Mad Men. Top top shelf. Need to watch it again for all the details. Can't wait for next week now.

Reaper16 05-22-2013 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by underEJ (Post 9700566)
I had thought the season was a bit of a retread of Don's old tricks

It has been for sure, but purposefully so. I think the show increasingly wants us to dislike Don right now. But Matthew Weiner has said that this season is the darkest period for Don, meaning that future seasons won't have him stuck in as much of a rut. Theoretically (and provided Weiner doesn't change his mind).

MoreLemonPledge 05-22-2013 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 9700594)
It has been for sure, but purposefully so. I think the show increasingly wants us to dislike Don right now. But Matthew Weiner has said that this season is the darkest period for Don, meaning that future seasons won't have him stuck in as much of a rut. Theoretically (and provided Weiner doesn't change his mind).

Future season. Next season is the last, unfortunately.

Reaper16 05-22-2013 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by MoreLemonPledge (Post 9700677)
Future season. Next season is the last, unfortunately.

Oh is it? Thank God. I had it in my head that there were two more seasons. I love when shows end.

Thig Lyfe 05-22-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 9693575)
hated that episode. Ken tapdancing?

that was dope tho

Baby Lee 05-22-2013 07:04 PM

Red Brooklyn 05-22-2013 07:13 PM

Yeah, I ****ing loved this last episode.

Baby Lee 05-22-2013 08:12 PM

Also, am I right in assessing Don's leaving the cigarette butts outside Sylvia's door as nothing short of naked passive-aggressivism? I haven't sussed out a rationale for it, but that kind of detail seems to only be explained as Don WANTING everything thrown onto a bonfire of their shared existence. For me, that is more of a dick [no pun intended] move than all his past infidelity

Pitt Gorilla 05-22-2013 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 9701659)
Also, am I right in assessing Don's leaving the cigarette butts outside Sylvia's door as nothing short of naked passive-aggressivism? I haven't sussed out a rationale for it, but that kind of detail seems to only be explained as Don WANTING everything thrown onto a bonfire of their shared existence. For me, that is more of a dick [no pun intended] move than all his past infidelity

I don't know; I think he's out there a lot for significant periods of time. He obviously doesn't care if they are found, but them being there is simply a byproduct of him being there (and him not caring where they end up).

DJ's left nut 05-23-2013 09:37 AM

Wow - a ton of people like that episode. That surprises the hell out of me.

I couldn't stand the surreal nonsense. I didn't particularly care for Roger on Acid either a couple of seasons back.

As for 'seeing what made Don become Don' - didn't we already know this? We knew about the whorehouse, we knew about his stepmom being an abusive loon. I didn't see us learning anything from that entire sequence other than the fact that a whore popped Don's cherry, which I always assumed anyway.

I thought it was a pretty substantial let down from the prior two episodes.

keg in kc 05-23-2013 09:55 AM

I wasn't particularly enamored with either of the last two episodes.

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