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Nzoner 11-12-2018 01:31 PM

So Eugene became a badass walker killer LMAO

Easy 6 11-12-2018 06:17 PM

Incredible first 6 episodes, some of the best in years

Then it all just completely shat the bed, and nothing makes any sense whatsoever now

Whatever they're doing now, dont really want any part of it... kept wondering what the hell was going on, then finally Ricks daughter shooting a .357 at the end effectively killed any interest I had left

vailpass 11-12-2018 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 13888361)
Incredible first 6 episodes, some of the best in years

Then it all just completely shat the bed, and nothing makes any sense whatsoever now

Whatever they're doing now, dont really want any part of it... kept wondering what the hell was going on, then finally Ricks daughter shooting a .357 at the end effectively killed any interest I had left

I liked how she carried the .357 up the stairs with one hand like it’s made from balsa wood. We laughed.

Easy 6 11-12-2018 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 13888461)
I liked how she carried the .357 up the stairs with one hand like it’s made from balsa wood. We laughed.

I'm a week behind, but have read plenty about sundays episode... its time for a clean break

Pretty much had enough zombie melodrama for a while

dlphg9 11-13-2018 11:24 PM

Thought it was a damn good episode again. It's nice to care again. The last couple of years were terrible, but they're making up for it this year.

Sure-Oz 11-14-2018 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 13891085)
Thought it was a damn good episode again. It's nice to care again. The last couple of years were terrible, but they're making up for it this year.

I think the writing has been better too

lcarus 11-14-2018 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 13888361)
Incredible first 6 episodes, some of the best in years

Then it all just completely shat the bed, and nothing makes any sense whatsoever now

Whatever they're doing now, dont really want any part of it... kept wondering what the hell was going on, then finally Ricks daughter shooting a .357 at the end effectively killed any interest I had left

I agree with you, except I'll probably keep watching. I've come this far and I don't really watch many other shows. The only character that interests me is Negan at this point. Daryl used to be cool but he's just boring and has been for a while now.

I watched the first 3 seasons again recently and realized holy shit, almost all of these people are dead or just "gone" now. Rick, Carl, Lori, Shane, Glenn, Hershel, Beth, Dale, Andrea, T-Dog, Tyreese, Sasha, Maggie, Merle (who was one of the best characters), and probably others I'm forgetting. Who is left? Carol, Daryl and Michonne. Morgan is on the spinoff, which also killed off nearly everyone and just forgot about Daniel Salazar, who was the most interesting to me. All the actors are jumping off the ship like it just hit a giant iceberg.

notorious 11-14-2018 01:14 PM

When you watched the first 3 seasons did you realize how great it was back then ?

Even the suck-ass farm had me more interested than watching Ricks gang shoot 10,000 missed shots at Neagen.

I used to be die-hard, but I haven’t even watched this season yet. I will give it a try when the weather turns to shit.

lcarus 11-14-2018 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 13891641)
When you watched the first 3 seasons did you realize how great it was back then ?

Even the suck-ass farm had me more interested than watching Ricks gang shoot 10,000 missed shots at Neagen.

I used to be die-hard, but I haven’t even watched this season yet. I will give it a try when the weather turns to shit.

Yes I did notice. The farm had plenty of boring moments but overall season 1-3 were good. I forgot how entertaining Merle was. Especially when he joined the group in the prison. Really a shame he didn't last long after that. His final sacrifice though was pretty awesome.

notorious 11-14-2018 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 13891694)
Yes I did notice. The farm had plenty of boring moments but overall season 1-3 were good. I forgot how entertaining Merle was. Especially when he joined the group in the prison. Really a shame he didn't last long after that. His final sacrifice though was pretty awesome.

Shane carried the show through 2, and I will never forget Rick finally turning his pussy off and shooting those guys in the bar.

Easy 6 11-14-2018 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 13891151)
I agree with you, except I'll probably keep watching. I've come this far and I don't really watch many other shows. The only character that interests me is Negan at this point. Daryl used to be cool but he's just boring and has been for a while now.

I watched the first 3 seasons again recently and realized holy shit, almost all of these people are dead or just "gone" now. Rick, Carl, Lori, Shane, Glenn, Hershel, Beth, Dale, Andrea, T-Dog, Tyreese, Sasha, Maggie, Merle (who was one of the best characters), and probably others I'm forgetting. Who is left? Carol, Daryl and Michonne. Morgan is on the spinoff, which also killed off nearly everyone and just forgot about Daniel Salazar, who was the most interesting to me. All the actors are jumping off the ship like it just hit a giant iceberg.

Hey stick to your guns my man, but I just dont care about all of these new faces and cant see myself investing any more time in this show to try and develop an interest in them

vailpass 11-14-2018 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 13891812)
Hey stick to your guns my man, but I just dont care about all of these new faces and cant see myself investing any more time in this show to try and develop an interest in them

Same here. Especially with the sjw tint it’s taking on. I’ve been on board since day one but it’s ending soon for me.

sedated 11-15-2018 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 13887669)
Jesus is gay?
FFS half the main characters are "different". Man I hope they don't go the SJW route anymore than they have. Story is starting to get palatable again.


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 13891895)
Same here. Especially with the sjw tint it’s taking on. I’ve been on board since day one but it’s ending soon for me.

JFC, not to go all DC but I can't fathom being so bothered by people who aren't straight white males that I label it "SJW" and refuse to watch.

vailpass 11-15-2018 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by sedated (Post 13893015)
JFC, not to go all DC but I can't fathom being so bothered by people who aren't straight white males that I label it "SJW" and refuse to watch.

Not what I said but let's not muck up this thread with that bullshit.
FTR I am also fine with all hot females straight, lesbian, and bi regardless of race, color, or creed.

sedated 11-19-2018 09:49 AM

Not a ton of activity last night, but the previews for next week have me excited. After its all said and done it seems that episode ending with Daryl, Aaron, and Jesus leaving the Hilltop to look for Eugene will be a huge turning point.

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