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BWillie 03-04-2022 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 16174712)
Good God....shut the **** up about it. For not liking those damn sure like to bring them up ALL THE ****ING TIME.

Notice I said I liked this one...

Batman is my favorite superhero and it's not even close.

This is definitely not a movie to take your kid to. They won't like it.

Mr. Plow 03-04-2022 11:55 AM

This one I'll wait until it hits HBO Max to see it.

Tribal Warfare 03-04-2022 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 16174963)
This one I'll wait until it hits HBO Max to see it.

It's good, it isn't of the Batman & Robin ilk

ChiefBlueCFC 03-04-2022 12:28 PM

I was on the fence about this one when it was first announced, then I saw the trailer and got a little more excited and now that I am hearing what people are saying and I might go see it tonight

Frazod 03-04-2022 01:38 PM

Well, that ****ing rocked. Loved it. A nice combination of the basic elements of Batman with a little Seven and Fight Club thrown in. And what I really liked was what WASN'T in it. No super powers. No gods. No aliens. No spaceships. No magic. No mutants. And no ridiculously labyrinthian Nolan plot. The bad guys were just.... bad guys. After two decades of all the overwrought Marvel/Justice League crap, I found it to be completely refreshing.

Pattinson was rock solid as Batman. And the new Batmobile is awesome.

Looking forward to the next one already.

Mr. Plow 03-04-2022 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 16174971)
It's good, it isn't of the Batman & Robin ilk

Sounds like people are enjoying it so far, so at minimum I'll give it a few weeks to make sure it's worth the money. Something about it just turns me off. Admittedly, I haven't seen all the trailers for it so I'm not 100% sure what it is.

Gravedigger 03-04-2022 11:36 PM

At first I kinda just got Watchmen vibes from this movie. Something that was noticeably different from the start that I would enjoy but never watch again really. More of a chore to watch it than I intended. However as the story progressed and characters started being fleshed out it was really fun and interesting. Colin Farrell as the Penguin was pretty damn awesome, just an impressive transformation and the best acting I’ve seen of him yet. I loved Catwomans and Batman’s relationship in this movie, just playful, mysterious, sexual tension, Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz were great. The Riddler was good, Paul Dano did a really good job even though you don’t see a lot of Dano, it’s more him in the disguise than anything with a voice modulator. There are some really great action scenes as well, even though the camera work was a little awkward, where the angle they were trying to show was great but sometimes it just didn’t work. This movie is a little too dark, could’ve used a little bit more light to make out what was going on. I think the best part about this movie was Gotham and how they built that world. Just an A+ job making Gotham look so distraught and hopeless. Alfred was only in like two scenes so I wish for the three hour runtime they put more banter in between him and Bruce. Overall I’d rate it as a great movie, probably my fourth favorite Batman movie behind Dark Knight, Batman, and on par with Begins and Rises. It’s unlike any other Batman movie they’ve put out there but if you can wrap your head around that it’s really good.

Frazod 03-05-2022 12:20 AM

The only one I liked more than this was the 2005 Batman Begins.

Tribal Warfare 03-05-2022 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16175774)
The only one I liked more than this was the 2005 Batman Begins.

The Zodiac killer angle was interesting. If they do a sequel with the Joker how they improve the nature will be interesting considering the Riddler pulled the same moves that the Clown Prince of Crime would execute. Though, they may have tipped their hand with subtle nuance of "Hush" in one of the clues

sully1983 03-05-2022 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx (Post 14272317)

lol you're post hasn't aged quite well. :LOL:

Pattinson knocked it out of the park imo. Saw this yesterday at a 10am showing and was blown away by it.

I loved Bruce Wayne's grungy unkempt look (the use of that Nirvana song in this film was quite fitting ) Also Pattinson's Batman voice was much better than Bale's voice. Like by quite a bit. Pattinson's version of Batman/Bruce Wayne was spectacular. Bale basically just did his smug/fake Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) act while as Bruce Wayne while Pattinson portrayed him as damaged and obsessed with his duty of protecting Gotham to the point of madness. Pattinson rarely if ever smiled in this, wore sunglasses in his mansion, totally detached from the world and anti-social to the t (you'd never see this Bruce Wayne driving around in a Ferrari with a bunch of super models like Bale's Bruce Wayne)

Matt Reeves did a tremendous job here and the nearly 3 hour run time was totally justified imo. Obviously Reeves was inspired big time by Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy and how could he not be? The Dark Knight was a cinematic game changer and so many big budget movies that came after it tried to emulate it.

The fight scenes in The Batman are vastly superior to any of the fight scenes in Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. As well as much better camera angles and the night club scene in The Batman blows the night club scene in The Dark Knight out of the water.

I have so much more to say about this incredible movie but gotta be somewhere pretty soon. Will add more thoughts later.

I highly recommend seeing this in theaters. I plan on seeing it again next week because I'm sure I missed some things .

sully1983 03-05-2022 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16175165)
Well, that ****ing rocked. Loved it. A nice combination of the basic elements of Batman with a little Seven and Fight Club thrown in. And what I really liked was what WASN'T in it. No super powers. No gods. No aliens. No spaceships. No magic. No mutants. And no ridiculously labyrinthian Nolan plot. The bad guys were just.... bad guys. After two decades of all the overwrought Marvel/Justice League crap, I found it to be completely refreshing.

Pattinson was rock solid as Batman. And the new Batmobile is awesome.

Looking forward to the next one already.

**** yeah man! Glad I'm not the only one that thought The Batman was a breath of fresh air.

I remember how goofy and stupid Batfleck vs Superman was (especially the laughably stupid montage of Batfleck dong push ups and lifting weights preparing to fight Superman ROFLROFL just so ****ing stupid)

Matt Reeves knocked it out of the park and I can't believe this awesomely justifiably dark/bleak/gritty movie could get a PG 13 rating. As you mentioned, it had elements of Se7en, Zodiac and hell even Saw in it. The opening scene completely threw me off guard (in a great way) and was so brilliantly well done.

sully1983 03-05-2022 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 16174963)
This one I'll wait until it hits HBO Max to see it.

You would be making a big mistake to not experience this in theaters on the largest screen possible with booming theater speakers. The Batman theme in this gave me goosebumps whenever it was used.

also imo The Batman takes a gigantic shit all over the entire MCU.

I remember seeing the trailer for the Doctor Strange sequel and how goofy and silly it looked. fighting a giant cgi star fish. LMAO **** all that shit. The MCU is loaded with A list actors/actresses and they have yet to deliver any award worthy type of performance out of any of them. All the performances in MCU movies are all generic and feel so forced.

Spoilers for The Batman

I'm also so relieved that Matt Reeves has zero plans on having Batman team up with other super heroes (like how he did in the awful failed flop Justice League ) I don't want to see Batman teaming up with Aquabro or that little twink looking Flash pussy. No thank you.

Also major kudos to Zoe Kravitz performance as Selina Kyle in this. She has been impressing me as of late (she was good in Big Little Lies and that new HBO movie called Kimi) She was fierce / strong willed all while being vulnerable at the same time. SO much better than Anne Hathaway's annoying try hard performance in The Dark Knight Rises .

Gravedigger 03-05-2022 10:39 AM

Another thing I forgot to mention was when he fired up the Batmobile for the first time, that entire scene was just amazing. The sound of the engines revving up, the blue flames, the look on character's faces. gave me chills. I really loved the car chase scene between Penguin and Batman, just really well done.

Frazod 03-05-2022 12:30 PM

That car was so badass. It was like the undead wraith version of the V8 Interceptor from Mad Max.

Frazod 03-05-2022 12:42 PM

One other thing I will mention - this is definitely not another origin story. Again, kind of refreshing. That's already been done to death. Everybody knows by now who Batman is and how and why he does what he does. The movie skims the surface of that somewhat, but just barely. Plus, it would have probably added at least another half hour to a movie that's already pretty long.

Batman is established. People know who he is. The signal is in place.

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