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Tribal Warfare 12-18-2008 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Limpdick (Post 5307126)
Looks like a bitch

Looks like she might take it up the butt too

88TG88 12-18-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Limpdick (Post 5307125)
Ask her what her interests are, "who she be with"?
Things to make her smile, what numbers to dial
You two gon' be there for a while, you gon' go call your crew
she go call her crew
You can rendezvou at the bar around two

dude, instant rep

Hammock Parties 12-18-2008 12:47 AM

My reply:


Thanks...just took them (the photos) the other day. I tried to come up with a reaction to your profile but it appears to be fairly...nonexistent? :)

The jeans are great, I agree. But why?

Hammock Parties 12-18-2008 12:50 AM

Doobie doobie dooooo


ya I just signed onto this site last night.. im extremely new to this .. sorry
why are the jeans great? it was a cute pic.. so i just made a comment about the pics

unothadeal 12-18-2008 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5307162)
Doobie doobie dooooo

You're whackin' off to her pic tonight, eh?

Hammock Parties 12-18-2008 12:53 AM

The dog's name is chico.

88TG88 12-18-2008 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5307162)
Doobie doobie dooooo

Stop bs'ing, tell her you want her or something like that.

Tribal Warfare 12-18-2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by 88TG88 (Post 5307168)
Stop bs'ing, tell her you want her or something like that.

gochiefs, he's tellin the truth just get to the point, with prior advice in how to do it by other members and myself.

Hammock Parties 12-18-2008 12:58 AM

We're chatting. She initiated.


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[12:52:28 am]CW81:i was just about to
[12:52:31 am]CW81:and then you popped up

[12:53:03 am]Chico:yep i popped up

[12:53:04 am]CW81:what's the dog's name?

[12:53:11 am]Chico:his name is Chico

[12:53:20 am]CW81:why chico?

[12:53:40 am]Chico:that's a stupid story

[12:53:58 am]CW81:im kind of stupid, so spill

[12:54:10 am]Chico:when i went to pick him up from the lady.. i was driving down the road saying different names to see which one he would respond too
[12:54:21 am]Chico:and he wouldnt respond to any i was sayin
[12:54:32 am]Chico:and then we passed by this store called Chico's
[12:54:38 am]Chico:and i said it out loud
[12:54:41 am]Chico:haha
[12:54:47 am]Chico:and he looked at me..

[12:55:19 am]CW81:with those big puppy dog eyes?

[12:55:35 am]Chico:haha ya
[12:55:41 am]Chico:im a dork

[12:55:55 am]CW81:well at least we have something in common

Tribal Warfare 12-18-2008 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5307177)
We're chatting. She initiated.

I'm thinking of something crude it might work, " Hey, if I was stray would you pick me up"

then immediately say JK

Hammock Parties 12-18-2008 01:02 AM



well at least we have something in common

[12:56:18 am]her:what?

[12:58:26 am]me:we're both dorks!

[12:58:26 am]me:yay!

[12:59:05 am]her:um.. i dont know why i checked tht stupid box for Casual Sex.. I didnt mean that.. i am not looking for that..hahah

[12:59:31 am]me:not anymore, right? I mean you found me.

[1:00:15 am]her: Oh hush

[1:00:17 am]her:lol

Sure-Oz 12-18-2008 01:03 AM

Never put the pussy on the pedestal, get to know her, see if she asks back, then say lets go do something....

i suck at the online dating bullshit though, its easier in person

Sure-Oz 12-18-2008 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5307189)

She's still a slut

Tribal Warfare 12-18-2008 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5307189)

Let it all hang loose and act cocky as shit. "Hey I may be a dork, but I have more style than Armani on the red carpet"

Hammock Parties 12-18-2008 01:06 AM

Dooptie doo.


omg.. its 1am

[1:03:15 am]her:hahaha

[1:03:23 am]me:omg

[1:03:33 am]me:nothing good happens after midnight

[1:04:30 am]her:well no its just that I cant believe im stil awake

[1:04:45 am]me:well I'm here, so that would explain it

[1:04:49 am]me:I tend to keep girls up all night

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