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keg in kc 02-07-2015 07:20 PM

I don't think we know enough to make any assumptions at this point. You saying "it must be this because I don't believe it can be anything else" isn't any more valid in my opinion than when a debunker says "it can't be that, because my understanding of science says that's just not possible".

It could be literally anything. And we could be talking about several different phenomena that we're all lumping together into one category out of convenience and a lack of understanding. Like maybe some of it's extraterrestrial, and some of it's a natural phenomenon, and some of it's exotic aircraft that decades beyond the stuff we see and can identify, and some of it's...something else.

An idea I've been playing with lately, but haven't fully worked out in my head yet, is what if UAP's (that's what I usually call UFOs...) and ghosts are the same phenemena? What if we're just seeing momentary flashes of another reality? Or what if time isn't linear, just our perception of it, and sometimes something happens that changes our perception? Some kind of disruption due to electromagnetic pollution or something along those lines.

Hell, UAP's are often sighted in the same area/time as bigfoot. What if Bigfoot is something from another time or place or dimension that flashes through into our reality or perception in the same way, and that's why bodies are never found, because it's not something that actually physically lives here?

Even wilder idea: what if there's more than we grasp to human consciousness and we somehow create these phenomena ourselves? Literally create, not just a figment of imagination.

keg in kc 02-07-2015 07:29 PM

Something I just learned today, apparently Penn is doing real ghost research. Yes, an Ivy league school doing paranormal work, and while it does involve sociology that's not all it is:


Bridging subjects from religious studies to nursing to East Asian studies and more, the Penn Ghost Project consists of a group of interdisciplinary professors and academics, who all are interested in studying the social phenomena surrounding ghosts. The initiative started three years ago and has recently expanded its project list.

“Penn was really the only center that ever did anything like this,” Religious Studies professor Justin McDaniel said.

Penn is unique in having a history of paranormal academia.

The Penn Ghost Project even draws an uncanny parallel to the Seybert commission, a 19th century study on whether ghosts are real or not. The study was prompted by a monetary gift with the caveat that “the University should appoint a Commission to investigate ‘all systems of Morals, Religion or Philosophy which assume to represent the Truth, and particularly of Modern Spiritualism” — in simpler terms, whether ghosts exist.

And while the Seybert commission concluded that ghosts are not a real phenomenon, that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to study about them.

“We’re taking the study of ghosts both sociologically, psychologically and aesthetically, seriously,” McDaniel said. The group focuses on studying and documenting the idea of ghosts, the ways in which the concept of the lingering deceased has been and continues to be alive and well throughout the world.
Ironically, ghosts are probably one of the things I'm least interested in, along with NDE's, I would guess because I'm an agnostic boardering on atheist who's ambivalent about the concept of an afterlife, but I'm glad to see it nonetheless.

keg in kc 02-09-2015 04:46 PM

Not paranormal, but apparently Neil Armstrong's widow found a bunch of goodies from the Eagle in a closet:

Entirely unrelated, but I heard a caller on some radio show this weekend wax eloquent on how Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon only so he'd be in position to take photographs of Buzz Aldrin, 33rd degree freemason, as he set foot on the moon and claimed it for the globalists. LMAO

Simply Red 02-10-2015 01:19 AM

a bit on the Skinwalker Ranch

Rausch 02-10-2015 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 11314934)
So you know full well that you're using a logical fallacy, but gosh darnit in this case it's actually true because you believe!

Keg has been asking why the UFO phenomenon isn't given more respect. Well... this is a big part of it. Because there are so many out there who want so badly to believe, that they readily admit that they'll using logical fallacies as justification, and they simply don't care. They are so caught up in wanting it to be true, that they don't believe any critical thinking needs to be applied in that process.

There's a difference between not having enough evidence to convict someone and insisting there was no crime to begin with.

The problem is there's no middle ground. Debunkers insist there's no crime to begin with and believers often insist they know exactly who the culprit is with very little evidence...

keg in kc 02-10-2015 11:50 AM

Yeah, on one side you have the old thing about absence of evidence not being evidence of absence and on the other you have people who treat the subject like it's religion.

Personally, as far as proving anything goes, while I want to reiterate for about the 12,000th time that I do not support the extraterrestrial hypothesis - because I don't believe there's enough evidence for it, no matter how romantic I think the idea is - I believe that anyone advanced enough to travel here from another....wherever, be it star system or dimension or reality or even period in time, however they manage to do that, would probably be advanced enough to maintain a presence here without leaving any palpable evidence of their existence.

And as I've said before, I think if we did luck out and recover something truly advanced from a civilization other than our own, it would be impossible for us to reverse engineer it. We're talking about something truly "alien" to our understanding. We would have no shared context of any kind with whatever creatures developed it. We may even have evidence of "them" that we don't even recognize as said evidence.

And I also think the idea that it would be impossible for anyone to travel here is narrow-minded. We already believe we're advanced enough to begin theorizing faster than light technology ourselves ("we" meaning NASA, along with other theoretical physicists). Maybe it's decades, maybe it's millennia, but we're going to get there eventually assuming we survive as a species. And while I think the idea of our own SETI searching radio frequencies for other species is a bit silly, the reality is that we've been sending out our own signals for nearly a century. So if anybody does happen to look in that particular spectrum within a small but I think significant and ever expanding number of light years of here, this particular star system is flashing like a beacon. So they'd know exactly where to look.

(Which may or may not be a good thing...)

And that's without even getting into the kind of electromagnetic resonances that 70 years of atomic weapons testing has sent out.

Simply Red 02-11-2015 12:39 AM

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Simply Red 02-11-2015 03:47 PM

I've always had a thing w/ Native Americans. I like just about everything about them. They're very trustworthy people and pure - yes the debacle regarding the Redskins and all of that was ridiculous - aside from that - they're very neat.

If I was ever terminal - I'd go to a reservation and seek healing - they've really healed and free'd folks from even cancer. My cousin passed away today - so I'm on a kick; researching all of this stuff and rather emotional. But this Larry Cesspooch is a smart dude - don't let the slow delivery fool you - anyways - I wanted to share this - I hope you guys find it interesting!..


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Easy 6 02-11-2015 06:15 PM

Watched an interview with the two original Bentwaters AFB security personnel that went out to investigate the original sighting... just incredible.

They literally walked the circumference of it and touched it repeatedly, even viewed the senior guys hasty drawings of the heiroglyphics he touched and viewed on its side.

After that, it disappeared through the canopy in about one half of a second, leaving scorched tree's and earth along the way... but yeah, they just "misinterpreted something".

The emotion the senior guy displayed while recounting it was all the tell I need, damn near started crying at the awe he felt... hard to understand some people writing guys like this off as having "misinterpreted something". Both made it very clear that they misinterpreted nothing at all.

And of course lets not mention their commanding officer, Col. Halt... what he later saw and what the ATC's later saw disproves any debunker for all time, they can all get bent.

Easy 6 02-11-2015 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 11321619)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Man, I'm only an hour into this and just had to say what a great listen it is... NO BS, NO HYPE... its all just the straight skinny on the place.

It captures whats so wild about the entire phenomenon, but especially this ranch, and entire area, in and around Utah's Uinta basin... great great post, SR.

Simply Red 02-11-2015 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 11322689)
Man, I'm only an hour into this and just had to say what a great listen it is... NO BS, NO HYPE... its all just the straight skinny on the place.

It captures whats so wild about the entire phenomenon, but especially this ranch, and entire area, in and around Utah's Uinta basin... great great post, SR.

Thanks - it was a good one and Yes - that was my first thought too. Also watch the Indian man - I really like watching him articulate his words and how he is slow and measured w/ his responses. I love the American Natives. Something about it. Maybe it's that 5% Cherokee - ROFL.

I like Ryan - seems fairly sharp - passionate about researching and then writing - I'll probably toss him the $8.00's for his book - his book is only $8 - that's reasonable I thought. Heck I pay $4.95 a pop on my Archie comics I read while pooping.

Jerm 02-11-2015 07:34 PM


Easy 6 02-11-2015 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 11322755)
Thanks - it was a good one and Yes - that was my first thought too. Also watch the Indian man - I really like watching him articulate his words and how he is slow and measured w/ his responses. I love the American Natives. Something about it. Maybe it's that 5% Cherokee - ROFL.

I like Ryan - seems fairly sharp - passionate about researching and then writing - I'll probably toss him the $8.00's for his book - his book is only $8 - that's reasonable I thought. Heck I pay $4.95 a pop on my Archie comics I read while pooping.

That guy Ryan simply refuses to speculate or hype up or divulge things he shouldnt, he came off as extremely credible in my eyes... that guy was reporting the TRUTH.

I've still got about 40 minutes to go and will get to it soon... but he has done the research and knows exactly what he's talking about. If the so called debunkers looked into as much as he obviously has... there would be many changed minds out there.

Or, maybe not... I posted several podcasts from Colm Kelleher here a few years ago and got nothing but derision and yawns, if I got anything at all. "WE WANT REAL SCIENCE" they say, yet give them a real scientist and all they can do is guffaw and make excuses.

Easy 6 02-11-2015 07:50 PM

Jerm, I'd still love to hear about your paranormal investigation from the other night, it doesnt matter if no evidence was collected, tell us what it was about and how you tried...

Hammock Parties 02-11-2015 08:26 PM

Terrifying game.

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