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Tribal Warfare 02-12-2023 01:42 PM

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Mecca 02-12-2023 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 16800198)
And Joe Klecko is in? Was there an error in the voting machines this year?

Vet committee put him in.

Raiderhater 02-12-2023 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Wisconsin_Chief (Post 16800155)
I think what Andy meant was if he wins another Super Bowl, Clark might have to break out the check book and *convince* him to stick around if you catch my drift.

I’m not sure Andy is that kind of guy.

Maybe if he was truly wanting to retire and Clark said so much money for a couple more seasons so we can properly prepare for this change… but even that possibility seems hard for me to accept because I’m thinking Reid will, with Clark’s blessing (and hopefully still Veach’s from the GM spot) will have a succession plan and HC in waiting in place.

CasselGotPeedOn 02-12-2023 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by JustDiqLix (Post 16800131)

In fact I could see him retiring more-so if they lost than won.

Going 1-2 in the Super Bowl with Mahomes is awful. That could make any coach dejected lol.

Mahomes legacy is also at stake tonight. He can’t drop to 1-2 in the SB if he wants to catch Brady. Perceptions of Mahomes definitely change if he drops to 1-2.

Lots at stake tonight. Chiefs know it and Chiefs will win.

Josh Allen doesn't ever have to worry about losing in the Super Bowl. He's never gonna make one.

Hammock Parties 02-12-2023 01:49 PM

Raiderhater 02-12-2023 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 16800193)
We're under four hours to kickoff.

That’s too long.

SupDock 02-12-2023 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Raiderhater (Post 16800214)
That’s too long.

CP is used to hearing that.

staylor26 02-12-2023 01:50 PM


Look at the loser with the SB 57 jersey.

Side note: those are true tightest pants I've ever seen.

Chiefspants 02-12-2023 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by CasselGotPeedOn (Post 16800212)
Josh Allen doesn't ever have to worry about losing in the Super Bowl. He's never gonna make one.

Allen has got to stop sacrificing his body to convert a 3rd and 4 up 21 against the Panthers if he wants repeated shots at a Lombardi. Even his GM is begging him to stop at this point.

But what the hell are we doing? This is a SUPER BOWL thread. One that features smithandrew051's favorite team, the Kansas City Chiefs. I would be pleased if they won tonight.

Sassy Squatch 02-12-2023 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 16800104)
This has to be posturing. No way. No ****ing way.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">FOX: <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> Andy Reid didn&#39;t rule out retiring after Super Bowl LVII, per <a href="">@JayGlazer</a><br><br>&quot;I&#39;ll have a decision I&#39;ll need to make.&quot; <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) <a href="">February 12, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The full quote.

Jay Glazer reports Chiefs coach Andy Reid “didn’t say no” when asked if he’d retire after winning the Super Bowl. “I’m not getting any younger, I still have a young quarterback, I have a decision I have to make after this game,” Glazer relayed as Reid’s response.

dlphg9 02-12-2023 01:51 PM

So excited for this! Can't believe this is the 3rd one of these we've been in in 4 years. Hope we kick the Eagles teeth in and Cheffers doesn't decide the game in the first qtr.

Rausch 02-12-2023 01:52 PM

Is there a pregame on right now that doesn't suck?

PHOG 02-12-2023 01:52 PM

I'm sure their DC really appreciates it. :hmmm:

Raiderhater 02-12-2023 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by SupDock (Post 16800215)
CP is used to hearing that.

Rain Man 02-12-2023 01:54 PM

These were the finallsts for the HoF this year:

Jared Allen, Defensive End – 2004-07 Kansas City Chiefs, 2008-2013 Minnesota Vikings, 2014-15 Chicago Bears, 2015 Carolina Panthers
Willie Anderson, Offensive Tackle – 1996-2007 Cincinnati Bengals, 2008 Baltimore Raven
Ronde Barber, Cornerback/Safety – 1997-2012 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Dwight Freeney, Defensive End/Outside Linebacker – 2002-2012 Indianapolis Colts, 2013-14 San Diego Chargers, 2015 Arizona Cardinals, 2016 Atlanta Falcons, 2017 Seattle Seahawks, 2017 Detroit Lions
Devin Hester, Punt Returner/Kick Returner/Wide Receiver – 2006-2013 Chicago Bears, 2014-15 Atlanta Falcons, 2016 Baltimore Ravens
Torry Holt, Wide Receiver – 1999-2008 St. Louis Rams, 2009 Jacksonville Jaguars
Andre Johnson, Wide Receiver – 2003-2014 Houston Texans, 2015 Indianapolis Colts, 2016 Tennessee Titans
Albert Lewis, Cornerback – 1983-1993 Kansas City Chiefs, 1994-98 Los Angeles/Oakland Raiders
Darrelle Revis, Cornerback – 2007-2012 New York Jets, 2013 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 2014 New England Patriots, 2015-16 New York Jets, 2017 Kansas City Chiefs
Joe Thomas, Offensive Tackle – 2007-2017 Cleveland Browns
Zach Thomas, Linebacker – 1996-2007 Miami Dolphins, 2008 Dallas Cowboys
DeMarcus Ware, Linebacker/Defensive End – 2005-2013 Dallas Cowboys, 2014-16 Denver Broncos
Reggie Wayne, Wide Receiver – 2001-2014 Indianapolis Colts
Patrick Willis, Linebacker – 2007-2014 San Francisco 49ers
Darren Woodson, Safety – 1992-2003 Dallas Cowboys

Ronde Barber
Darrelle Revis
Joe Thomas
Zach Thomas
DeMarcus Ware
Don Coryell (coach/contributor)
Chuck Howley (senior)
Joe Klecko (senior)
Ken Riley (senior)

Wow, what a horrible set of decisions.

Jared Allen blows Demarcus Ware out of the water by a long shot.
Albert Lewis has a better resume than Darrelle Revis.
How do you pick someone like Zach Thomas over a gamechanger like Torry Holt?

And Joe Klecko? JOE KLECKO? That's the best old-timer player left in the pool? KLECKO? I could name a hundred more deserving players in the old-timer pool.

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