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Setsuna 12-20-2019 03:27 PM

Just saw it. Rey is the Avatar the last force bender.

Gravedigger 12-20-2019 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14667301)
Uhh, isn't it implied that Finn IS a force user?

He does seem to have a force connection with Rey, able to sense her in the distance. He talks throughout the film about believing in the force now after all that's happened so maybe he's the Leia of this trilogy where his force abilities are not explained until later installments. The actors have seemed less than thrilled with continuing their characters, especially Boyega, but maybe they can do a Star Wars Rebels/Clone Wars animated show diving deeper into the characters. I'm actually interested in Rey and where she goes from here. Even if they cut the majority of the characters and did a stand alone film of her rebuilding the Jedi Order or finding Jedi/Force Sensitive Padawans to train to rebuild the Jedi Order, that'd be cool. I thought Fallen Order's premise was solid about Cal Kestis rebuilding the Order, it just ended in the complete opposite direction. Maybe they'll do a KOTOR 3 eventually and do it right.

Chiefspants 12-20-2019 05:11 PM

Man, remember how stoked we all were at that 6 second clip where Finn ignited a lightsaber against Kylo?

Good times.

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14667964)
Man, remember how stoked we all were at that 6 second clip where Finn ignited a lightsaber against Kylo?

Good times.

TFA was fine. We were all excited before and after.

TLJ reduced some of that excitement, but a lot of us were still eager for the next one.

JJ killed it DEAD. I mean he just ****ed Star Wars corpse.

"Rey is a Palpatine! No explanation how! And Palpatine is BACK! No explanation how! Now look at these ****ing FLYING STORMTROOPERS using BIKES WITH WHEELS when they are chasing the good guys using SPEEDERS"

"We've already removed logic from the main plot points so we've removed it from THE ENTIRE MOVIE!"




Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 06:04 PM

one thing I DO enjoy are the explanations we get in the visual dictionaries

i'll post here as i find them

Knights of Ren


Sith SSD

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 06:15 PM



Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter. Despite how ridiculous Sheev clapping cheeks sound, it isn't the main problem I have with the reveal. It is the negative buildup that makes it ridiculous. Why does Anakin's lightsaber call out to Rey if she's a Palpatine? The movie implies that she inherently is pulled towards the Dark Side and to have the Skywalker lightsaber call out to a Palpatine who is the source of the family's misery and suffering is just bad storytelling. JJ clearly wanted Rey to be a Skywalker in TFA and he should've made her so without taking the path of a cheap twist that makes no sense story-wise.

arrowheadnation 12-20-2019 10:15 PM

^^Hasn't it been said somewhere that JJ initially intended for her to be a Skywalker and Rian Johnson changed it.

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 14668260)
^^Hasn't it been said somewhere that JJ initially intended for her to be a Skywalker and Rian Johnson changed it.

Rian left it completely open-ended.

As it is, making her a Palpatine is just plain DUMB.

Not only is the setup not believable in the slightest, ANAKIN'S LIGHTSABER WAS CALLING TO A PALPATINE?

JJ Abrams is the biggest hack who's ever worked on popular movies.

Eleazar 12-20-2019 10:39 PM

I don't understand all the negativity. I'm not going to put it at the top of the list, there are some things I would change, but it wasn't a bad film overall.

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eleazar (Post 14668271)
I don't understand all the negativity. I'm not going to put it at the top of the list, there are some things I would change, but it wasn't a bad film overall.

When films abandon logic and don't even bother to explain why characters are in a film, or how characters can be something they shouldn't be, they are bad films.

A bad film can still be entertaining.

This was like The Force Unleashed, which was horrible even by video game standards, got made into a ****ing movie.

Lazy action schlock.

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 11:07 PM

The way that Palpatine went out didn't even make sense.

This guy who's supposed to be a mastermind, and has been planning this for decades...goes out via the same tactic Mace Windu used on him circa 18 years before battle of yavin?

So not only did they put a character in the movie who should not have been in the movie, they didn't explain why he was in it - like THEY DIDN'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO DO THAT AT ALL - and then the things he did in the movie were just plain-assed stupid.

**** Jar Jar Abrams.

Dave Filoni spent more effort and imagination in resurrecting Darth Maul in a ****ing cartoon.

Chiefspants 12-20-2019 11:10 PM

I remember reading a reddit thread that ruefully regretted that Luke didn’t go The Force Unleashed at the end of The Last Jedi.

Since I’ve legitimately wondered how many would have preferred that ending.

Eleazar 12-20-2019 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14668286)
When films abandon logic and don't even bother to explain why characters are in a film, or how characters can be something they shouldn't be, they are bad films.

A bad film can still be entertaining.

This was like The Force Unleashed, which was horrible even by video game standards, got made into a ****ing movie.

Lazy action schlock.

The only people who seem to be savaging it are the hyper-nerds, who have built such a degree of expectation into everything the franchise puts out that they can't ever be made happy. Even the originals don't compare to these standards.

The sequel trilogy wasn't as good as the original but it had some good moments, and it was a hell of a lot better than the prequels.

Rams Fan 12-20-2019 11:57 PM

I think ROS just shat all over Palpatine's story arc.

They brought him back for hardly any action, didn't explain how he survived, and then reveal him to be Rey's grandfather?


Also undermines Anakin's arc, too.

KurtCobain 12-21-2019 12:01 AM

Just got back from seeing it. It was fun, it was entertaining, it was a garbage story that seemed to be set out to cover up the garbage story of The last Jedi.

Hammock Parties 12-21-2019 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Eleazar (Post 14668303)
The only people who seem to be savaging it are the hyper-nerds, who have built such a degree of expectation into everything the franchise puts out that they can't ever be made happy. Even the originals don't compare to these standards.

The sequel trilogy wasn't as good as the original but it had some good moments, and it was a hell of a lot better than the prequels.

100% NOT true.

I'm a hyper nerd and I loved TFA and TLJ.

Megatron96 12-21-2019 01:36 AM

My buddy who is a huge Stars Wars fan and a commercial artist that saw the movie the day before it was released told me to stay away. Sometimes he gets caught up in the nit-pickery though. But he said the story is completely ****ed up.

I'll probably catch it when it hits Amazon for 9.99.

Sassy Squatch 12-21-2019 10:51 AM

So what Finn wanted to tell Rey the whole movie was that he's force sensitive.

kysirsoze 12-21-2019 11:30 AM

Yeah this movie sucked. I know TLJ isn't popular on here, but at least Rian Johnson tried something and told a story that had some heart. This whole thing was just a response to the any fan boys flaming TLJ. Rey being a nobody was a great move that broke the cycle of heredity in the force that was way overdone. Abrams retconned it to appease fan boys. People bitched about lack of showy force powers so they amped the force up to 11.

The story made no sense, there were constant leaps on logic, and there was no real time given to any character or story element to develop. The most touching part of the movie was C3PO finally getting to be the hero and they even ****ed that up with a laugh line and then undoing it. Man I figured it would be bland and full of fan service, but I didn't think it would be easily the fourth worst Star Wars movie ever made. Solo was better than this.

Hammock Parties 12-21-2019 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by kysirsoze (Post 14668722)
I didn't think it would be easily the fourth worst Star Wars movie ever made. Solo was better than this.

Worst thing Disney has done.

On par with Attack of the Clones, and even that had a more sensible plot.

RustShack 12-21-2019 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14668264)
Rian left it completely open-ended.

As it is, making her a Palpatine is just plain DUMB.

Not only is the setup not believable in the slightest, ANAKIN'S LIGHTSABER WAS CALLING TO A PALPATINE?

JJ Abrams is the biggest hack who's ever worked on popular movies.

Maybe it was calling to her because she was similar, but stuck with the Jedi instead of going to the Dark side. Or because the force knew the Skywalkers would take her in.

Hammock Parties 12-21-2019 01:07 PM

or maybe JJ is just a ****

Sorry 12-21-2019 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Eleazar (Post 14668271)
I don't understand all the negativity. I'm not going to put it at the top of the list, there are some things I would change, but it wasn't a bad film overall.

The plot was dumb af. The ending was an avengers knockoff. The last battle scene was the biggest joke of all time. It should’ve been an epic battle but just like snoke, done in 2 mins

007 12-21-2019 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14666761)
A "meh" review from the guy who'd happily watch two hours of Jake Lloyd Anakin and Jar Jar playing holographic chess.



Hammock Parties 12-21-2019 09:21 PM

I'm still just so annoyed by this movie.

It has some fun little things that make me enjoy about half of it.

But the rest is just a giant hamfisted shit**** that totally invalidates any reason for the sequel trilogy to even exist.

**** Disney and **** Jar Jar Abrams.

Hammock Parties 12-21-2019 09:45 PM


Disney Reportedly Wants Kathleen Kennedy Gone After Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Backlash


we’re now hearing that Kennedy may indeed be on her way out.

Sources close to WGTC – the same ones who said [SPOILERS] would die in The Rise of Skywalker and that [SPOILERS] would be revealed as a traitor, both of which were true – have told us that Disney wants Kathleen Kennedy gone from Lucasfilm and while it’s not set in stone just yet that she’s on her way out the door, from what we’ve been told, there’s a “95% chance” she won’t be with the company for much longer.

As for who would replace her, that remains unclear, but from what we’ve heard, it could be another woman so that the studio isn’t accused of mistreating women in power. But again, we weren’t given any names in regards to who may be stepping in once Kennedy is gone. Seeing as this intel comes to us from the same sources who also told us Rey is Palpatine’s [SPOILERS] though, which also turned out to be true, we have no reason to doubt it.

In short, the writing has been on the wall for a while now and with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker receiving such a mixed response from critics and fans and likely on course to underperform at the box office, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before Kennedy is replaced.

Barret 12-21-2019 10:24 PM

Hammock Parties, I am with you but let me play Devils advocate here for a second. Could Anakins saber called out to her because she is "the embodiment of all past jedi's" When she was down they all came to her to tell her to rise up.

I am just throwing this out because I am sure someone that is super in love with this story will find a way to justify it.

Hammock Parties 12-21-2019 10:33 PM

Please don't try to justify Jar Jar Abrams horrible story decisions.

The main problem with Rey being a Palpatine is that it isn't logically feasible. It's not believable. The ****ing Emperor, at the height of his powers as an old man who needed a cane to get around, was clapping cheeks, and his son was disobedient and Palpatine somehow let him get away, and this son had a daughter, and Palpatine let HER escape from his grasp, too?

No, just ****ing no. Wrong. Stupid.

Jar Jar Abrams, of course, didn't even try to explain how any of this happened because it would have been too difficult and any explanation would have come off as stupid anyway. Come up with a stupid idea, you get stupid results, and you basically just have to say "**** IT" and throw CGI at the audience and hope they don't care.

And of course he did the same thing with Palpatine's return. No explanation. Just "HE'S BACK OMG" and who cares that it invalidates the OT and...****!!!

Shit was so ****ing stupid.

BigCatDaddy 12-22-2019 08:12 AM

There was no way to repair the whole thing after TLJ. It's a damn shame

BigRedChief 12-22-2019 09:51 AM

So Rey is the daughter of a cloned Palpatine. Who is the skywalker mom?

Bowser 12-22-2019 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14670640)
There was no way to repair the whole thing after TLJ. It's a damn shame


I'm not going to attempt to defend JJ here, but the Rise of Skywalker was a mess due specifically to KK and RJ going full on SJW with The Last Jedi, and nobody can refute that. Abrams did all he could with what he was given, which wasn't much at all.

Bowser 12-22-2019 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14670787)
So Rey is the daughter of a cloned Palpatine. Who is the skywalker mom?


Rams Fan 12-22-2019 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14671008)

I'm not going to attempt to defend JJ here, but the Rise of Skywalker was a mess due specifically to KK and RJ going full on SJW with The Last Jedi, and nobody can refute that. Abrams did all he could with what he was given, which wasn't much at all.

I didn’t like TFA and liked TLJ and thought, while TLJ tried doing expanding on the story of TFA and doing things that were different and that a lot of people didn’t like, at least made some logical flow.

ROS didn’t do any of that. It completely undermined Anakin’s and Palpatine’s story arc while killing off the best part of the trilogy(Kylo).

There was no context that was earned for Palptine coming back and the Kylo/Rey lightsaber fight was just her fighting based off rage. I felt completely unemotionally attached from the fight.

Say what you will about TLJ, but the Kylo/Luke fight was earned. Kylo/Rey fight in TFA, while Rey shouldn’t have won, was warranted.

Bowser 12-22-2019 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 14671025)
I didn’t like TFA and liked TLJ and thought, while TLJ tried doing expanding on the story of TFA and doing things that were different and that a lot of people didn’t like, at least made some logical flow.

ROS didn’t do any of that. It completely undermined Anakin’s and Palpatine’s story arc while killing off the best part of the trilogy(Kylo).

Bringing back Palpatine was a mistake for what you are saying, but due to the disaster of TLJ they weren't given much of a choice in that regard.

TLJ was a beautiful looking film, and they did try to be bold and take the story in unexpected directions, but they gambled and failed on what they were putting out. Even without all the political and SJW angles, why in the hell would you kill off Snoke? The whole movie was a turd and didn't leave any foundation for RoS to build on.

Rams Fan 12-22-2019 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14671036)
Bringing back Palpatine was a mistake for what you are saying, but due to the disaster of TLJ they weren't given much of a choice in that regard.

TLJ was a beautiful looking film, and they did try to be bold and take the story in unexpected directions, but they gambled and failed on what they were putting out. Even without all the political and SJW angles, why in the hell would you kill off Snoke? The whole movie was a turd and didn't leave any foundation for RoS to build on.

Killing Snoke would’ve been fine if a different approach was taken with regards to Kylo.

Imagine Kylo struggling to deal with being in charge of the First Order and having a conflict with Leia. I don’t think TLJ ruined ROS as much as Carrie Fisher dying did(which I believe they handled Leia well given the circumstances in ROS).

Instead, they took the cop out with Palpatine-who had no business being in the movie as his return wasn’t even brought up in the prior 2 films-to try to do something to advance the plot.

DaneMcCloud 12-22-2019 01:08 PM

The film was an epic disaster. While TLJ had its flaws, most notably the Holdo Manuever and the Finn/Rose jaunt to Canto Bight, Abrams RoS was just lazy.

IMO, anything would have been better than reincarnating The Emperor because it just destroys the entire narrative, from Anakin to Rey. And dedicating 80 minutes to retconning TLJ was just boring and dull.

But hey, Abrams got to make Rey a Skywalker, like he intended.


BigRedChief 12-22-2019 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14671009)

so it’s brother and sister kissing at the end?

I thought they said without a doubt, no room for wiggle room that Leia was not Rey’s Mom?

I remember that conversation when Leia hugged Rey after the mission and Solo’s death she ignored chuey. Everyone was like WTF? Chuey and Solo were best buds, Leia had know Chuey for 30+ years etc. why are you hugging the noob? If she’s not your daughter?

Bowser 12-22-2019 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14671483)
so it’s brother and sister kissing at the end?

I thought they said without a doubt, no room for wiggle room that Leia was not Rey’s Mom?

I remember that conversation when Leia hugged Rey after the mission and Solo’s death she ignored chuey. Everyone was like WTF? Chuey and Solo were best buds, Leia had know Chuey for 30+ years etc. why are you hugging the noob? If she’s not your daughter?

Ok, no to all of that. I think Rey took the Skywalker name on her own at the end, that's all. I didn't understand the question, lol

Hammock Parties 12-22-2019 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 14671296)
IMO, anything would have been better than reincarnating The Emperor because it just destroys the entire narrative, from Anakin to Rey. And dedicating 80 minutes to retconning TLJ was just boring and dull.

But hey, Abrams got to make Rey a Skywalker, like he intended.


Pretty sure you mean "yipeeeeeeeeeee!"

I actually buy the "adopted" Skywalker ending, I quite like it...but making her a Palpatine doesn't jive.

They should have stuck with the "you're nobody" narrative instead of trying to awkwardly shoehorn her into an existing just makes everything too convoluted and unbelievable...especially seeing as how randomly selected force sensitive people seem to be, anyway.

Hammock Parties 12-22-2019 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14671483)
so it’s brother and sister kissing at the end?

I thought they said without a doubt, no room for wiggle room that Leia was not Rey’s Mom?

What? Weird posts.

Leia has nothing to do with Rey's lineage.

She's the daughter of Palpatine's son, who shockingly escaped the Empire's grasp and hid his offspring from the most powerful being in the galaxy!!!!! ROFL

Hammock Parties 12-22-2019 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14670640)
There was no way to repair the whole thing after TLJ. It's a damn shame

I disagree 100% - Abrams just got lazy.

A creative screenwriter could have created a believable plot, with Kylo as the bad guy, eventually feeling conflicted because of Leia's death, and unable to control the monster of the First Order he had created.

You already have the setup there with Hux hating Kylo and wanting him out.

First Order turns on Kylo, he turns back to the lightside, teams with up with Rey and sacrifices himself for the good of the galaxy, since he's basically unredeemable anyway (audience would never buy it).

In the hands of a competent writer you can spin that into a satisfying ending.

Unfortunately it was in the hands of Jar Jar ****ing Abrams, who gave us PALPS BACK NO EXPLANATION AND LOL THEIR FLEET COULDN'T TAKE OFF IN TIME

BigRedChief 12-22-2019 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14671498)
Ok, no to all of that. I think Rey took the Skywalker name on her own at the end, that's all. I didn't understand the question, lol

its confusing as all hell. For two years or more people wanted to know who Reye’s parents were.

Kylo says they were nobodies

Pallantine says Rey is the daughter of his son. Definitely not a nobody even if he rejected Dad. Even if it was a clone or DNA splicing/experminting thing, Rey still has to have female DNA to exist as a human being.

We deserved to know at the end. Ohhhh well we will just let her call herself a Skywalker and be done with this question?

KC_Connection 12-22-2019 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14670640)
There was no way to repair the whole thing after TLJ. It's a damn shame

TLJ was a fine movie on the whole. It was Disney giving in to the vocal minority of critics of TLJ that led to TROS and its absurd plot.

The fact that they did that only gives those people more power too, so I'd imagine this won't be the last property that Disney will destroy.

Bowser 12-22-2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14671531)
its confusing as all hell. For two years or more people wanted to know who Reye’s parents were.

Kylo says they were nobodies

Pallantine says Rey is the daughter of his son. Definitely not a nobody even if he rejected Dad. Even if it was a clone or DNA splicing/experminting thing, Rey still has to have female DNA to exist as a human being.

We deserved to know at the end. Ohhhh well we will just let her call herself a Skywalker and be done with this question?

Kylo explained it, actually - her parents worked at being nobodies so they wouldn't be recognized as Palpatine's family.

Bowser 12-22-2019 02:12 PM

I'm going to have to see it again to get a better feel on how I feel about it. Right now it felt like a rushed fan service mess.

BigRedChief 12-22-2019 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14671567)
Kylo explained it, actually - her parents worked at being nobodies so they wouldn't be recognized as Palpatine's family.

they may have been in hiding as nobodies. But Kylie would have known its Palestine’s son. Maybe the son married a nobody. But..... no way, no how can any reasonable person say Rey’s parents are nobodies when one is the son and heir to the emperor.

Hammock Parties 12-22-2019 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14671595)
they may have been in hiding as nobodies. But Kylie would have known its Palestine’s son. Maybe the son married a nobody. But..... no way, no how can any reasonable person say Rey’s parents are nobodies when one is the son and heir to the emperor.

Yes, it's very stupid.

Try not to think about it too much.

DaneMcCloud 12-22-2019 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14671503)
Pretty sure you mean "yipeeeeeeeeeee!"

I actually buy the "adopted" Skywalker ending, I quite like it...but making her a Palpatine doesn't jive.

They should have stuck with the "you're nobody" narrative instead of trying to awkwardly shoehorn her into an existing just makes everything too convoluted and unbelievable...especially seeing as how randomly selected force sensitive people seem to be, anyway.

There were so many different ways to go with Rey’s heritage, whether she was a Skywalker or even a Kenobi but a Palpatine? It makes zero sense.

We have plans to see it again this week and maybe I’ll be able to enjoy it more on a second viewing but I don’t think that the choices JJ made will ever be justified.

Ultimately, the Skywalker story ended with Return of the Jedi, not with RoS.

Hammock Parties 12-22-2019 03:16 PM

The idea of Kylo being turned on by the First Order actually quite appeals to me in a "Napoleon exiled to Elba" sort of way.

And yes, he's super powerful, but surround him with 50 stormtroopers and a bunch of Walkers and it would be entirely believable.

Far more believable than LOL HEY ITS PALPS FOR NO REASON

Chiefspants 12-22-2019 03:49 PM

I was bummed they didn’t bring Mace Windu and Count Dooku back too.

I mean, why not, right?

Hammock Parties 12-22-2019 03:51 PM

Star Wars: Newly-Found After-Death Note From Carrie Fisher Shared By Her Brother


“I am dead. How are you? I’ll see you soon … I would call and tell you what this is like, but there is no reception up here. Cut. New scene, new setup, new heavenly location. I have finally got the part that I have been rehearsing for all my life. God gave me the part. This is the end of the road I have been touring on all my life."

ScareCrowe 12-23-2019 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14671522)
I disagree 100% - Abrams just got lazy.

A creative screenwriter could have created a believable plot, with Kylo as the bad guy, eventually feeling conflicted because of Leia's death, and unable to control the monster of the First Order he had created.

You already have the setup there with Hux hating Kylo and wanting him out.

First Order turns on Kylo, he turns back to the lightside, teams with up with Rey and sacrifices himself for the good of the galaxy, since he's basically unredeemable anyway (audience would never buy it).

In the hands of a competent writer you can spin that into a satisfying ending.

Unfortunately it was in the hands of Jar Jar ****ing Abrams, who gave us PALPS BACK NO EXPLANATION AND LOL THEIR FLEET COULDN'T TAKE OFF IN TIME

While I didn't like Palpatine being brought back either, I don't think Kylo as the bad guy would have worked. There's no sense of danger from Kylo as Rey had beaten him before she ever trained. Now after having time to train we're somehow supposed to feel a sense of danger when she goes to fight someone she's already beaten.

That basic plot would have worked well. (and honestly that's pretty close to the plot we got, Kylo turned back to fight the Final Order monster he created by joining with Palpatine) The problem is there has to be someone left to fight that provides some sense of danger against Rey & Ben, who have been shown to both be very powerful force users. Snoke would have worked well, but Rian Johnson took care of that. JJ could have set Kylo up better by not having him defeated by someone who'd never used a lightsaber, so he's not blameless either. But the plot specifically with Kylo turning requires there to be a threat for them to face together that doesn't feel like a forgone conclusion.

There were no characters that feel like they could reasonably fight Rey & Ben. Hux was painted as completely ineffectual, allowing Poe to stall him leading to a dreadnought being destroyed & the rebels to escape on their low speed chase in the first place. Now we're supposed to feel danger from him leading the First Order? So you're left with bringing back an existing character like Palpatine or create a new big bad and somehow establish them as a threat and be destroyed all in one movie.

I really wonder what Rian Johnson had planned as a 3rd film after TLJ. Where he left off with TLJ definitely left whoever directed episode IX in a difficult position. I mentioned the other day (in a different thread) I rewatched TLJ & it actually isn't as bad as I had built it up into my head. As a standalone film it wasn't bad. It just doesn't work as act 2 of a trilogy IMO

notorious 12-23-2019 10:03 AM

Red Letter Media thought that Palpatine was a clone in Return of the Jedi, that would explain why he is still alive.

Makes sense.

I haven't even watched the movie yet. LMAO

Hammock Parties 12-23-2019 12:58 PM

Hammock Parties 12-23-2019 01:01 PM

DJJasonp 12-23-2019 03:06 PM

Just got back from seeing it. Probably liked it the best of the last three.

Had to pee.......and wouldnt you know it, picked the time where rey sees Luke. Totally missed the "Force ghost" explanation.

And.....and maybe I dont have the same attention to detail as I used to.......but did anyone ever explain how Vader's burnt helmet made it's way from Endor into the hands of Ben Solo?

Hammock Parties 12-23-2019 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 14674842)
did anyone ever explain how Vader's burnt helmet made it's way from Endor into the hands of Ben Solo?

It'll be EU stuff


In The Perfect Weapon, Bazine is hired by a mysterious client to retrieve a mysterious package from the room of a former stormtrooper who fought at the Battle of Endor (depicted in Return of the Jedi).

The theory goes that the mysterious package is actually Darth Vader’s charred helmet, and that the mysterious client is Kylo Ren. Mind you, those last two details are not confirmed.

The Perfect Weapon never actually specifies who Bazine was working for or what she was hired to get. Still, it’s as plausible an explanation as any we’ve heard so far.

tk13 12-23-2019 04:56 PM

The whole thing kind of felt like Batman v Superman, so I shouldn't have been surprised the same guy helped write this. It was the exact same thing... a plot with some decent ideas but the whole thing was completely rushed. Just flew threw the plot at 100 mph.

Then to top it off, he pulled the EXACT same plot trick from BvS. You have this epic battle where this guy who is full of rage, ready to kill, and then he stops suddenly and doesn't attack, because of his mother, then completely has a change of heart. You don't get any sense that he's conflicted before that moment, he's the one trying to convert Rey, then poof. I'm a good guy now! It's exactly the same. Then he pulled out the exact same trick with Harrison Ford that he did with Kevin Costner coming back from the dead to talk to his conflicted son.

Granted I liked TLJ, but it was definitely better than this movie. There are a dozen other things I could point out but there's probably no point. I thought the parallels to BvS were funny. The action sequences and lightsaber battles were great though. And C3PO was very entertaining.

Hammock Parties 12-23-2019 05:36 PM

spot on LMAO

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 12-23-2019 10:00 PM

Holy shit LMAO

Hammock Parties 12-23-2019 11:41 PM

I will say this.

I loved this.

**** Jar Jar Abrams for ridding us of any Ben Solo movies, though. I'd watch the shit out of that.

A Salt Weapon 12-24-2019 01:00 AM

Just saw it.
Here’s about all I can add,

I love the mild explanation to the “rule of two” I’m assuming that’s what the whole only two whatever the hell they were called paths to the home of the sith planet.

Rey’s tits looked fantastic.

Overall I enjoyed it but walked out feeling like it was just an action film with little substance. Except Rey’s tits looked fantastic.

Hammock Parties 12-24-2019 01:13 AM

Anakin scenes were cut by Kathleen Kennedy

I hate that bitch.

Hammock Parties 12-24-2019 01:31 AM

visual dic

InChiefsHeaven 12-24-2019 10:09 AM

As someone said earlier, this film was poorly written, the story sucked, but it was indeed entertaining. I left the theater going "Well, that's as much as I could have hoped for with these ****ers."

The whole problem with the Sequels started with the reboot of Episode 4. Honestly, the First Order should have been the small band of bad guys trying to worm their way back into power and the Republic (rebels) are the ones dealing with that plus some internal struggles. Instead, we get what we have already seen, with no explanation as to how the "first order" could get so damn big after the Empire dies along with the Emperor. I hated that.

Luke should have been shown as a Jedi Master training Ben, and then we see how and why Ben turns ( and not in a throw away 30 second scene). Han and Leah could have made a quick cameo before dying in some cool dignified way. The we're left with Luke, which is how our story really began in 1977. But no...

And on and on. The problem with Star Wars is that the ones with the money to make it (Disney) don't want to do anything fresh and risk the golden goose that was really over in 1984. I know you geeks and young millenial whipper snappers love all the other shit in the Star Wars universe, but I hate the fact that there was once a really neat little story that was told over 3 movies that gave us amazing characters and a really cool ending, and now they are exploiting the shit out of it to make a buck.

Oh, and TLJ was a total failure, there was a chance to save this POS franchise but RJ ****ed it up because he was so dead set on subverting everyone's expectations. I have no problem with that concept, but it was executed horribly. AFAIAC, TLJ was by far one of the worst of all the Star Wars films. Only Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were worse...and maybe Sith too. God, I hated the prequels.

This Entertaining. Lazy as hell, but good actors and performances, mixed in with a cluster**** of a story. Tried to cram so much shit in it that I can't remember half of what the **** happened. I think they did that on purpose, because once you start questioning the logic of shit, the film is revealed for the farce that it is. So, keep cramming stuff in and move along as fast as possible so nobody notices. I honestly don't care if I see it again. Maybe I will, maybe I won't...I honestly don't care.

I will now move on with my life, done with the pile of shit that Star Wars has become. Don't care about Clone Wars, or Rebels, or Mandalorian (which I hear very good things about, but I'm just jaded as hell right now), or any of that shit. It's over. It's kind of freeing actually.

DaneMcCloud 12-24-2019 11:29 AM

I saw RoS again last night, this time at the B&B X screen in Olathe, which was as good or better a viewing experience I’ve ever had, including IMAX.

Since I’d already seen it, I could sit back, relax and just enjoy it and surprisingly, I did just that: Enjoyed it. I enjoyed it knowing that it had a lot of plot holes and things that just didn’t add up, so I just looked at it as a self-contained film and not the last of of 11 films overall.

In that regard, it was tight and taut, well acted, well produced and fun. The action never ceased and the choreography was pretty amazing. Everyone in our group of 14 people loved it, especially those that didn’t “live and die” Star Wars.

After the movie, I came to the realization that it’s over: Not just the Skywalker Saga, but the Event, the magic that captured the world. It’s gone and it’s extremely unlikely that Star Wars will ever rule the box office ever again.

In some ways, that’s liberating and I hope that Lucasfilm begins to concentrate on Standalone Stories like The Mandalorian and the other upcoming series as self-contained within the rules set forth by the films. If thats their goal, it’s attainable.

If their goal is to create another mind blowing multigenerational epic without having the source material in place, they’re going to fail and fail hugely, like massive box office losses.

Time will tell if they’ve learned the lesson or not...

Son of Logical 12-24-2019 11:29 AM

I really think ROS fails in the exact opposite way of the PM and AOTC. The prequel movies had great stories that failed in dialog/performance. ROS had a crap story with good dialog/acting.

Chiefspants 12-24-2019 11:52 AM

I saw it again.

I’ve accepted it for what it is. There were a few moments in this movie that made me want to stand up and cheer - but the whole movie felt like we were being lightspeed skipped from one point to another while the characters kindly explained the next part of the plot to us as it happened.

“Rey is on a skiff! So is another character!”

“Let me explain that if you kill me, you will become me! Oh, you’re not killing me - I’ll just take your life force then!”

It is what it is. My brother loves BB-8 and my students for the most part love Star Wars too. TLJ is my favorite of the new films, and as stated above, the trilogy had a lot working against it the moment JJ was allowed to remake A New Hope.

Ah well - TV is the future, and Star Wars has so much potential there. The movie did make me want to rewatch 7, 8 & 9 again - so there’s that, anyway. In the end, I think I’ll try to remember 7, 8 & 9 for the high moments and that they continued the rebel fight to the next generation.

JD10367 12-24-2019 09:34 PM

I agree that the movie was well executed but poorly written. And that Abrams was forced to make choices he didn't want in order to fix the choices of TLJ. And that Palpatine was poorly explained and too convenient. But people are complaining about retconning, coincidence, suspension of disbelief, and giant plot holes as if this is something new to sci-fi in general and the SW universe in specific. May I remind you that this whole thing started with an opening scene of a bad guy chasing a ship containing a rebel princess who turns out to be his unknown daughter, along with a robot he built as a child that he seemingly doesn't remember, over a planet where the robots escape into the hands of a young man who turns out to be another unknown child, who happens to hang out with an old guy who happens to be the dude who cut off the bad guy's limbs a few years back?

Hammock Parties 12-24-2019 09:47 PM

Bringing back Palpatine and making Rey a Palpatine is just a bridge too far, though. Especially when they don't even bother to explain either plot point.

Things have to be believable within the scope of the story.

Pitt Gorilla 12-24-2019 10:32 PM

Really enjoyed it.

Hammock Parties 12-24-2019 10:36 PM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WhawhaWhat 12-24-2019 11:42 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“If there is one Jedi left...”😂😂 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) <a href="">December 25, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

listopencil 12-25-2019 01:38 AM

I enjoyed it. Felt more Star Wars-y than that shit show of a middle movie in the trilogy. There were a few moments that gave me a sincere emotional reaction. I'd recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the franchise.

listopencil 12-25-2019 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14676582)
Bringing back Palpatine and making Rey a Palpatine is just a bridge too far, though. Especially when they don't even bother to explain either plot point.

Things have to be believable within the scope of the story.

I think it would have been better if they kept the same guy running all three movies. I did enjoy Rey's bit of dialogue at the end.

Sorry 12-25-2019 03:10 PM

It really should’ve been JJ for all three. Then I could see giving the Reigns to rian

Hammock Parties 12-25-2019 09:10 PM


BigRedChief 12-26-2019 12:44 AM

Almost a 1/2 Billion in its first 5.5 days.

DOMESTIC (47.7%)

ScareCrowe 12-26-2019 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14677367)

Yeah that was one of the things I had issues with as a Star Wars fan that the average movie goer doesn't really think about. How many times have people narrowly escaped where just force grabbing their ship would have stopped them. Count Dooku escaping Yoda in Attack of the Clones comes to mind specifically.

Another big one was the fact that Kylo force resurrects Rey several minutes after she supposedly dies. I'm not sure how yo can go forward with a story involving Rey. As I would assume she would have the same ability since the closest we get to an explanation of how Kylo learns to do that is when Rey force heals him. (no idea where she learned it either) So how is there any danger when Rey's around? She can just heal people, and even if she doesn't get there in time to heal them she can just resurrect them.

Hammock Parties 12-26-2019 01:54 PM

a lot of hand waving and deus ex machina, basically

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