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W_T 08-01-2001 05:35 PM

My Great Grandmother was a full blooded Native American Indian, which leaves me only 1/8th Indian blood. My Indian ancestors walked the trail of tears. I'm a Chief fan & damn proud of it. Falstaff go f<^> yourself.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:36 PM

Why can't you just open your eyes a bit. Or how about at least defending your viewpoint with some credence. Listen to what you are saying. I will sum it up for you

"The Chiefs are racist because they are associated with American Indians"

That to me is not offensive. At least tell us why you are offended by this. I won't pick on you any more as long as you can give a little bit more than

"I am right and you are wrong because I said so..."

That doesn't work very well here.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:37 PM

I agree on the BBQ chips...they are truly a stand-alone, especially KC Masterpiece.
Tortilla chips are good with just about anything...queso, salsa (hot!), bean dip. Shoot, I even like seafood dip on tortilla chips. But they have to be just plain tortilla chips, not the Nacho or Ranch kind.

aturnis 08-01-2001 05:37 PM

Bishop is right........about the whole Jahova remind me a lot of them. They can never seem to convert people either yet ignorantly assume the people will 'join' them. Ignorance.....will they ever find a cure?

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:38 PM

Warrior, I like to put a few different things in my chex mix.

Wheat, Rice and Corn Chex (sometimes leave out the wheat)
Fancy Mixed nuts (no peanuts, just the good stuff)
pretzel sticks
bugles (tried them once and love them in the mix...)
goldfish of various cheese flavors (the very best thing IMHO)

No raisins.

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:38 PM


Originally posted by Mi_chief_fan

Really? Who said:

Contradict much? Maybe we should change your name to "Big Chief Stickemfootinmouth", or would that be racist as well?

Again, you are taking my post out of context. I consider you ALL racists because you support a clearly racist organazation. AGAIN, if you support David Duke, the KKK, etc you are racist. If you support the KC Chiefs, you are RACIST. Wake up and smell the coffee, bigots!

And, if you care to discuss snacks, please start a new thread and reserve this thread for serious discussions. If you do not have any construcive comments, than please refrain from posting.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:41 PM

Fancy mixed nuts? I'd go for that, as long as I picked out the Hazelnuts. Can't stand hazelnuts. When I was stationed in Germany, the bakeries would put hazelnuts in all the pastries. Needless to say, I sure didn't gain any extra pounds.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:41 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

Again, you are taking my post out of context. I consider you ALL racists because you support a clearly racist organazation. AGAIN, if you support David Duke, the KKK, etc you are racist. If you support the KC Chiefs, you are RACIST. Wake up and smell the coffee, bigots!

And, if you care to discuss snacks, please start a new thread and reserve this thread for serious discussions. If you do not have any construcive comments, than please refrain from posting.

So your saying no matter what, by definition, because YOU say so, if we are Chief fans, we are racist bigots? Good argument NAZI.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 05:41 PM

LOL! guys!

You know what is also good besides my cheese balls, er, I mean, besides cheesballs, wait a minute...:eek: :D

Anyway, those Jalepeno cheese 3Ds doritos are off the hizal!

I think 58forever recommended them to me last January.


they're good;)

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:42 PM

Oh, I see. Well genius, here's your chance to put 'I'm calling Bishop a racist' and 'the fact that he resembles a neo-nazi' into the proper perspective.

Pleasee. Humor us a little more.

BTW, you cut the middle part of the quote out, the one where you called Bishop a neo-nazi. Or is that just putting it into the right 'context'?

aturnis 08-01-2001 05:42 PM

I don't know who Dave Duke is..........but I do support Luke and Bo Duke, they are studs. And Daisy! WOWSA!

Bishop is right, where is the mockery of the native american heritage in being associated with them?

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:43 PM

It'll probably make me look effeminate, but what the hell - another thing I love to do is bake cookies. Man I love homemade chocolate chip cookies, and I make them better than any others I've tasted so far (sorry mom).

Warrior, sometimes I just leave the nuts out of the chex mix. Depends on the mood at the time. Sometimes it's just corn/rice chex, pretzels and goldfish. Minimalist chex mix.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:44 PM

'Bout time!
So......58Forever is the conneisseur of Cheese Balls. And all this time I thought you were the Subject Matter Expert on Cheese Balls.

I wish to hear more about these Nacho 3Ds; absolutely fascinating stuff.

BIG_DADDY 08-01-2001 05:44 PM

This thread is beyond ludicrous. He won't even answer if he is Native American and if so how the title Chiefs could be considered derogatory.


There is a liberal cesspool for you post your pointless threads here. Go to the pen. There will be someone you can relate to there called Thomas. As a matter of fact there are 3 or 4 people there you can probably circle jerk with.


Just glad the planet is back up.

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:45 PM

For the last time:

1) KC Chiefs are clearly assoicated with American Indians
2) A mascot based on a race is wrong. Additionally, if it WERE acceptable a more pollitically correct name is to be expected
3) American Indians ARE offended, see prior post
4) Football is assoicated with violence and battle, which is not wrong, but racial sterotypes of Indians are associated with similar images. The Chiefs simply support and maintain a negative sterotype of American Indians

Need I say more? The Cheifs are an offensive, racial organazation.

Again, I will be glad to chair a committie to change the Chiefs name to something more civilized. Please consider this opportuniy.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:45 PM

Go get 'em, BIG_DADDY!!!

BTW, you own guns, so you're obviously a racist.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:46 PM

No one think you effeminate on this BB (unless you wear the men's lingerie that she was talking about on TOBB).

Cookies are awesome; unless they have hazelnuts in them.

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 05:47 PM


Here is why you are being considered a troll...

You will not answer direct questions:
What is DEROGATORY about the name "Chiefs"

mere association alone does not make something offensive. We have said that we agree that Redskins is offensive as is the logo for the Braves. Yet you continue to rant.

You do not read post entirely or only remember what you want to hear.

Clearly, the Chiefs mascot is a negative association with the American Indian.
for the second time, the Chiefs mascot is a WOLF , how is a wolf derogatory to American Indians????

lastly, you are not a Native American, so you have absolutely no right to *****. Either engage in a discussion, without calling all chiefs fans racists, or get your index cards ready, cause the recipies are coming up

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:48 PM

Your right guys, this guy won't even answer our simplest of questions. He doesn't have the answers to his own insecurities. I am kind of dissapointed, I thought we might be able to lure him in to an introspective conversation, but unfortunately, he is too closed minded to answer my 1 question

Why are the Chiefs are racist because they are associated with American Indians?

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 05:49 PM

No Warrior,

You misunderstood me, I was the one who found out about cheeseballs, 58forever told me about jalepeno cheese dorito 3Ds.


just shoring that up:D

DaWolf 08-01-2001 05:49 PM

Here's the rest of your post:


If you saw 60,000 people dress up in black face and afro wigs prancing around the football field, would it be considered honoring the black community?? No, it would be considered racist.
There are two points here. First, the vast majority of people in the stadium are not dressed in mock-Indian headgear. If that action is offensive, then it is the action by the person that is offensive, nothing more and nothing less. Second, as I stated, there is a team named Arabians. If that involves some dude in a turban riding around on a horse swinging around a curved sword, who cares. If it involves some dude with bombs strapped on to him running around, then that is cause for concern.


Additionally, the Chiefs are assoicted as 'tribe' of violent players coming to Arrowhead Stadium to 'do battle'. Clearly, the Chiefs mascot is a negative association with the American Indian.
Again, this goes back to the mindset behind the first statement. You are trying to associate the name with anything negative about Native Americans that comes in your mind. That is a pathetic mindset to take. EVERY NFL team does what the Chiefs do, so in essence if we associate the action with the nicname, every NFL team is doing something offensive in relation to their particular nicname, be it associated with a person, animal, or thing. Also, the Chiefs "mascot" is a Wolf, not an Indian, so I don't see how that is negative.


Moreover, American Indian groups have voiced their frustration, understandably, about the Cheifs:

"A Native American Speaker at a recent assembly expressed his feelings on the unfair treatment of Native Americans in the United States. He also declared that teams named after Native Americans, like Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, The Kansas City Chiefs, and many more were racist. Tuesday (9/ 21/99) "
These are opinions of a few people. I have spoken to many Native Americans who could care less. If you take the opinions of some people as being fact, then hey, whatever gets you by. I would like to know the exact reasons in specific relation to the Kansas City Chiefs that the speaker above finds the name negative.

So again, if you believe "Chiefs" is rasist just because it is related to Native Americans in a way, then in my opinion that is rasist thinking in itself, because to make that assumption you would have to assume that everything related to Native Americans is negative...

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:50 PM

Sparta and Troy were ancient cities in Greece. Therefore, all mascots nicknamed 'Spartans' and 'Trojans' are racist to greek Americans.

The Cavaliers fought against the Roundheads in England; therefore, it's racist to English-Americans when sports teams are nicknamed 'Cavaliers'.

'Patriots' are negative stereotypes of colonial Americans. It's racist. It should be banned.

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:50 PM


Please read my posts! I have anwsered CLEARLY the reasons that the Chiefs are a racist organazation!

Additionally, I dont NOT have to be a American Indian to be offended or oppose racism.

What would that make Abe Lincoln?

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:51 PM

Seem to be having trouble staying on topic here (especially with Big Daddy's hilarious post).

I don't know what they're called, but do you ever bake any of those cookies that have oatmeal, coconut, chocolate, and nuts (NOT hazelnuts!)? My favorite.

aturnis 08-01-2001 05:51 PM

1) KC Chiefs are clearly assoicated with American Indians
2) A mascot based on a race is wrong. Additionally, if it WERE acceptable a more pollitically correct name is to be expected
3) American Indians ARE offended, see prior post
4) Football is assoicated with violence and battle, which is not wrong, but racial sterotypes of Indians are associated with similar images. The Chiefs simply support and maintain a negative sterotype of American Indians


1) What is wrong with that?!?! Pennican beef jerky is too....go b!tch at them.
2) How is a Wolf mascot based on a race?
3) American Indians! your making yourself a mass group here, I know SOME American Indians are offended......but not ALL!
4) What exactly is the NEGATIVE stereotype we are exuding? I see none.

Dictionary Definition:

Falstaff - Ignorant man looking to blame everyone but himself for his problems.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 05:51 PM

Kyle and Warrior, or anyone else that knows?...,

The only cookies I like (love) are chocolate chip cookies. I do not like peanut butter, sugar, oatmeal, or any other cookie. Only chocolate chip cookies. So, does that make me racist against other cookies?


I hope I'm not:(

;) :D

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:53 PM

I second the nomination of falstaff for chair.

now go hold a meeting or something.

committee of one, the best kind.

1) Chiefs are not clearly associated with American Indians. If ignorance is bliss, you're a happy happy guy...

2) The mascot is a wolf. What's your point?

3) No, that says ONE American Indian is offended, not all of them.

4) The Chiefs are, once again, named after a Kansas City politician who's nickname was "the Chief". The arrowhead logo is the only logo for the team that could be even loosely interpreted as representative of American Indian heritage, and as so many other posters have asked, how is it derogatory or fraudulant. Have not millions of arrowheads similar to that one been unearthed throughout the Americas?

You certainly like the sound of your own voice. Too mad you don't have anything meaningful to say.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:53 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

Please read my posts! I have anwsered CLEARLY the reasons that the Chiefs are a racist organazation!

Additionally, I dont NOT have to be a American Indian to be offended or oppose racism.

What would that make Abe Lincoln?

Are you comparing NFL fans to slave owners that Lincoln opposed? What's the connection?

Why waste my time: you've already been reported, it's just a matter of time before you're terminated anyway......

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 05:54 PM


What is DEROGATORY about the name "Chiefs"

answer a direct question troll...

do you not understand the definition of derogatory????

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:56 PM

Who will join with me to form a committe to change the name of the Chiefs?

A true KC fan would want the best for his or her team. Are you not true fans?

Additionally, the Chiefs will not post a winning record this year. Yet, by changing the franchise name, you can have something to be proud.....Just think, there will be no more shame in admitting you are a KC fan.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:56 PM

Doggone it! Then clue us in on Cheeseballs! Pay attention here; this is important.
They may start selling those things at Arrow, er...the pro football stadium in Kansas City, and we need to be an informed audience, you know; nutritional value, calories, fat content, etc. And if they plan on charging an arm and a leg for them, I want to know if it's a worthwhile investment for me to stock up and BYOCB (bring your own Cheeseballs).
Shoot...Keg is seriously considering having these things at his wedding reception. Weddings are depending on this vital info.
We're all ears.

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:56 PM

No, I don't think I've baked any of those Warrior. I'm not baking much lately because I'm trying to get back into shape (no chex either)...

Cody, you need some cookie sensitivity training. Share the love and open yourself to cookies of every taste and creed!

Vindicator 08-01-2001 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey, I'm stuck out here in Vegas and all this chex mix and cheese balls is really making me hungry. Is there any way to get a good old fashioned Kansas City Steak way out here in the boonies?

:cool: :cool:

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 05:57 PM

BTW, I was serious about only liking chocolate chip cookies.


dang they're good

aturnis 08-01-2001 05:57 PM

OK, ExtremeChiefs question in lamens terms for your FAL.......

What is NAUGHTY about the name Chiefs?

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:59 PM

Cody, my perfect "meal" is a big bowl of chex mix. Then dessert consists of a glass of milk (fer dippin') and as many chocolate chip cookies as I can eat. ;)

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 05:59 PM

I like turkey and hot pepper cheese sandwiches. Add some oregano, lettuce, and mayo and "BAM" thats gooooddd eating.... top it off with some Chicken on a Biscuit crackers with Bacon/Cheddar cheese in a can and you've got a meal the whole family can enjoy!!!

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:00 PM

You can order Fiorella's Jackstack BBQon the internet...they deliver nationwide.
I recommend short ends and burnt ends, and they have killer onion rings! They even offer overnight delivery.

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:00 PM

OK, not wanting to change a name make us not true fans? I think I am a true fan cuz I want to beat the living shit outta you......

Are you not proud of your herritage? That you want everything associated with it abolished?

keg in kc 08-01-2001 06:00 PM

Wow, I've put off mowing the lawn for two hours.

Kyle G, master of procrastination.

Better get to it.

Everyone remember the Ravens show on at 10 on HBO.

DaWolf 08-01-2001 06:01 PM

I wonder, is Sioux City, Iowa considered a racist name?

falstaff 08-01-2001 06:02 PM

I cannot believe that I am being THREATNED to be booted from Cheifs Planet! I have not violated ANY rules. Additionaly, I am posting honest, intelligent and open thoughts.

If I am banished for thinking differently than the Chiefs Planet Masses - it is a true shame. For this not only constitutes RACISM but rings of pre-war Germany. I suppose you also plan to burn any books that dop not fall in line with Chiefs Planet rhetoric.

I was hoping to enlighten some people and possibly spark some intelligent conversation. I was greeted with insults, threats and recipies. Apperently Chiefs fans are not only racist, but ignorant as well.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 06:03 PM


You have convinced me to change my logical ways to your more primitive one sided views. Thank you for converting me oh stuborn one.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:03 PM

Outstanding sandwich! I also like pepperjack cheese on my turkey sandwiches, with a few slices of avocado and some mayonnaisse.
Top it off with some of Keg's chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of milk, and man, you're set. Afterwards, just munch on some of Chex mix (no hazelnuts) and watch a ball game.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:04 PM


The only thing I can tell you about them is that they are made by Planters and they have regular, sour cream, or jalepeno. They come in a large or medium tube er can thing.

I eat one can for breakfast, one for lunch, and then a sensible dinner.


DaWolf 08-01-2001 06:04 PM

You still haven't explained your own racist thinking in this matter...

Zebedee DuBois 08-01-2001 06:05 PM

Why does he keep refering to Germans in a negative way? That kinda hurts my feelings.

trying out being overly sensitive and whiney.

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:06 PM

I will no longer watch the Sopranos for it is derogetory to the gringos!(not tending to be offensive.......just feeding the troll) DUH, not everything associated with a ethnic group must be bad.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 06:06 PM

Gosh, if I was a monkey, I would be offended by this guy.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:07 PM

Know what else is a good snack?
Down in Kuwait, MREs got old real quick. I had my wife send me a care package of smoked oysters and Keebler crackers. We'd sit out on our tanks, crack open the canned oysters, put a little Tobasco sauce on them, and eat 'em with the crackers. Man was that good.
The down side was that after eating that stuff for a few days, it got pretty rank inside that tank!

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 06:08 PM


I'll have to try the avacado, maybe Kyle can bring me some cookies to the foundation meeting!!! Is hot pepper cheese and pepperjack the same thing????

needing cheese assistance...

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 06:08 PM

Duuude - rank oyster cans inside a tank... in the dessert? Blecch!

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:08 PM


Thats me too. I love milk n' cookies!

keg in kc 08-01-2001 06:10 PM

You've insulted all of us.


You've stereotyped all of us.


You refuse to listen to anything that anyone says to you, hence the recipes and off-topic discussion.

You are, by definition, a "troll" and you've lasted a hell of a lot longer than most of those who choose to show up on this board, so you are to be commended for that, I guess. You don't have anything to say, you're just here to stir the pot, and that's fine in some places, but not here. Here you show respect, you listen as well as talk, and above all you behave in a civil manner or you won't be here any more.

You've had your chance and you showed us all your a$$.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:10 PM

Yeah, I think the pepperjack and hot pepper cheese is one in the same. You gotta try the avocado!
I'm not too up on the cheese thing...was hoping CODY would enlighten us. Maybe he's typing up a <B>lengthy</B> analysis as we speak.

DaWolf 08-01-2001 06:11 PM

Dudes (and sorry if that offended any surfers out there) you guys are getting me hungry. I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat... :)

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 06:12 PM

leftover biscuits...
Did you make biscuits and gravy this morning and have some biscuits leftover??? Are you wondering "Whatever will I do with these darn leftover biscuits???" "Maybe I could let them dry and use them for coasters!" Well, have no fear, Van has a plan for you dear!!

Cut biscuits in half, butter them, add garlic powder or salt and cheese...bake at 350 for about 10 minutes. EAT

doing my part to help the biscuit/gravy ratio problem...

Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10, but buns come in packages of 8????

searching for the closest common denominator...

keg in kc 08-01-2001 06:13 PM

Man, all this chocolate cookie and chex mix talk and I'm just going nuts for the stuff now.

I'm gonna go mow the lawn and try to think about chicken, fruit and vegetables for an hour and a half to offset the junk food cravings.

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:13 PM

Falstaff, this board is to talk about Chiefs Football, not whether or not the name is racial, or the mascot(how does a wolf mock Indians? Is this b/c you are associated with them while dancing with them?)crazy **** ya'll.....

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:14 PM


Whats your favorite food?

Brock 08-01-2001 06:14 PM

This topic is offensive to me. Please remove it.

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:14 PM

Da Wolf...
Get the Turkey sandwich with pepperjack, mayonnaisse, oregano, lettuce, and a few slices of avocado. You won't regret it! If you have some nuts with it, try to avoid hazelnuts. I'd recommend the oysters with tobasco on crackers as an appetizer, too.
Just don't spend the next week in a tank with three other guys in the middle of the Kuwaiti desert.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:15 PM


I could go for a chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard from Dairy Queen right about now!

falstaff, do you like chocolate chip cookie dough blizzards from DQ?

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:16 PM

or do they offend cows?

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:17 PM

Great idea for those biscuits! Have to tell my wife about that. One question though, and very important:

what <B>kind</B> of cheese do you put on the biscuits?

If it's pepperjack, I'm all for it.

falstaff 08-01-2001 06:19 PM

Snack Munchers -

Please grow up. If you can not handle the truth, please do not post your idiotic recipies. YOU are the ones that will be kicked off the site.

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:20 PM

Now I'm tempted to make the mile long journey to DQ to get myself a chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard!!!

Brock 08-01-2001 06:21 PM

Kicked off by whom?

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:21 PM

Do you like DQ, falstaff?

And for the record, whats your favorite team?

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:24 PM

Oh no.....I'm gonna get kicked off the site for posting my favorite food! Guys, I think our good friend Kyle will turn against us long time users to help out the trouble maker on this site!

Warrior5 08-01-2001 06:24 PM

The Truth? You want the Truth?
The truth is this:

I don't like hazelnuts.

I like pepperjack cheese and avocado on my turkey sandwiches.

I don't like raisins in my Chex mix.

I really enjoy smoked oysters with tobasco sauce on Keebler crackers.

Jackstack BBQ has great onion rings and short ends.

Seafood dip is great on tortilla chips (but only the plain ones).

And finally, we're all waiting for Cody to post the nutritional value of Jalapeno Cheese Balls.

Would you like to try one of Keg's chocolate chip cookies, Mr. Falstaff?

Vindicator 08-01-2001 06:25 PM

God, there it is. I see it! Wow and Thanks. Now if I could just save enough to order. BTW, I love Onion Rings. AHHHHHhhhh. Now I'm really hungry. What kind of cheese do ya figure I should have with my BBQ?

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 06:25 PM


normally I use Velveeta or American... haven't tried pepperjack, does it melt very well??? I've heard Velveeta melts bedda than chedda, but I don't know if it becomes slack better than jack. Can't miss with swiss???? That cheese is Gouda!!! Blue Cheese if you please!! I think I oughta go with Ricotta!! If you want a big seller, put on Mozzerella!!!

what the hell rhymes with Parmesean???

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:25 PM


its fo rizal. they are delizal wizal a capizal Dizal...

you fizal?

keg in kc 08-01-2001 06:26 PM

Hey Cody, I LOVE DQ. M&M Blizzards are the best!

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:28 PM

Whoa Warrior! The truth hurts man, the truth hurts........

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 06:28 PM

Those are fo rizal tizal Kyzal!


ok, I stop speaking in Snoop Dog language:D

Zebedee DuBois 08-01-2001 06:29 PM

I like to eat hot (spicy) dishes sometimes. Mexican, Chinese, or Indian.

I was wondering.... are there any hot (spicy) Italian dishes? I cannot think of any off-hand. Lots of garlic and oregano.. but not peppers.

Can anyone recommend a spicy Italian dish?

falstaff 08-01-2001 06:29 PM

For the record, I DO like Dariy Queen. And, I do not follow NFL football. I believe all pofesssional sports are rigged. I follow college football and root for the U of Texas.

This does not change the fact that the Chiefs are a racist organazation! No one has responded to rectify the Chiefs' wrongs!

aturnis 08-01-2001 06:29 PM


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