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KCWolfman 12-18-2000 08:55 PM

Hader - We ALL are guilty of a negative stance at one time or another. Nothing is wrong with that. We are ALL wrong at one time or another as well. The difference is that you have more than one topic to discuss and that you are willing to move on instead of attacking those who disagree with you.<BR>

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 09:06 PM

Wolfman, I thought I had attacked those people pretty hard. And I have been planning to attack them even harder. Are you sure that doesn't count?

corn balls 28

Otter 12-18-2000 09:18 PM

Even though some of us may disagree, there is a common bond which brings most of us here. Thats being loyal Chief fans.

Being the voice of reason

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 09:21 PM

Otter, I accused some of the fans for being on the virge of disloyalty. I am just wondering if this has changed how people look at me. It's not that I want to be known as a jerk, but if I am then I would like to know it.

corn balls 28

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 09:23 PM

Not that being known as a jerk bothers me, and on this issue I probaly wouldn't try to make things up, because I meant what I said and don't plan on backing down from it.

corn balls 28

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 09:25 PM

Why is the main page showing three less post than there really are?

corn balls 28

[This message has been edited by raiderhader (edited 12-18-2000).]

WisChief 12-18-2000 09:28 PM

Yep, Kenny boy - you nailed it again. I'm a blue collar garbage man. Good one!

Now, when you want to talk football, speak up and we will. I've not seen one post from you that had anything other than Carl sucks, Elvis sucks, Chester sucks, Hasty is old, Goonther is "what we paid for", and finally to top it all off - the fans suck. Again, when you want to discuss football, I'll be here.

Well, I better go now, it's bed time and the garbage has to be picked up early. MI I'll meet you at the dump.

By the way, don't even think of kicking me off the all idiot team! :mad:<P>

Otter 12-18-2000 09:45 PM

raiderhater- I've never known you to be a jerk for what thats worth. Tonight is probley a record for the most posts in one day if that gives you any idea how much I'm here. I'm working off-hours. Mabey someday we'll have somthing to argue about and I'll let you know better then.

If you think TR is our answer at HB, Schottenheimer or Stock should stay or think Gun's press conferences make sense start a new post and we'll debate. :)

alanm 12-18-2000 09:55 PM

I don't want to be on your team if your going to be snobby about it. I'll take my ball and go home. :D Don't make Bobby Booshay mad

JOhn 12-18-2000 10:02 PM

First off if your gonna quote me get it right, espeially sense you are so particular about other quoting you.
Now I DID say that I (note the I) did not go to the game because of the extreme temp. being a health risk. I DID NOT say all fans did not goo because of this reason, but I'm sure many did.

Now since you apparantly do not know what wind chill is and can do I thought you might need a little classroom help.

The wind-chill temperature is a measure of relative discomfort due to combined cold and wind. It was developed by Siple and Passel (1941) and is based on physiological studies of the rate of heat loss for various combinations of ambient temperature and wind speed. The wind-chill temperature equals the actual air temperature when the wind speed is 4 mph or less. At higher wind speeds, the wind-chill temperature is lower than the air temperature and measures the increased cold stress and discomfort associated with wind.

The effects of wind-chill depend strongly on the amount of clothing and other protection worn as well as on age, health, and body characteristics. Wind-chill temperatures near or below 0 F indicate that there is a risk of frostbite or other injury to exposed flesh,at -15 to -20 degrees any exposed flesh can freeze in approx 1 minute.

Now you might not consider that a health risk, but most logical and sane people would. So does that mean in order to be a great fan you must be stupid? well then I guess you are the greatest Packer fan ever.

TheFly 12-18-2000 10:37 PM

Can I join? Somehow I find Packfan naming an All-Idiot Team somehow oxymoronic...

Frazod 12-18-2000 10:41 PM

Hey, I want on too. It's only fair, after all - Ken's on my All-fuckhead Team.

Gracie Dean 12-19-2000 12:09 AM

I guess I need to volunteer to be your head cheerleader.

Shannon, where are you?

DaWolf 12-19-2000 12:16 AM

Am I too late to apply for the top position in all of pro sports, the Cheerleader Evaluator?

Gracie Dean 12-19-2000 12:18 AM

What does the evaluator do look for?

I have a good body, and a great smile, what else could you want

I can fill out a uniform in all the right places.

Joe Seahawk 12-19-2000 12:34 AM

Nice *** Perfect **** ,

Shapely bod, and most of "inny" belly button.. :D

[This message has been edited by Joe Seahawk (edited 12-19-2000).]

DaWolf 12-19-2000 12:36 AM

Hmm, haven't thought of standards yet. A good body is a must. I will be also looking to see if they have a good body, a good body, will keep looking to see if they have a good body, and they have to fail the Wonderlick test...

Phobia 12-19-2000 12:42 AM

DaWolf - I've never had any trouble with that Wonderlick test.... Ok - there was a couple of times I got a little overzealous about my licking but she always forgave me later.....

DaWolf 12-19-2000 12:46 AM

LOL. Now that you mention it, they can pass THAT Wonderlick test.

I sense we are going into dangerous waters...

Tribal Warfare 12-19-2000 12:51 AM

have we touched on our RBBC yet?

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 06:10 AM

Post # 67's a classic.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>Trust me guys, you dont want to be on this team because I have a LONG MEMORY and will single you out. Talk to Titus. I have embarassed him numerous times. Ditto for Luzap and Russ. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Embarassed? I've never seen you embarass anyone but yourself. And if you're memory is so great, why are you a walking contradiction?

Mark M 12-19-2000 07:23 AM

I wanna play!!!

Where can a 6'1", 135 lb. person fit into the team? Perahps DT?

~~Wants to be a team player.

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
--George W. Bush

Spott 12-19-2000 07:29 AM

You're 6'1" and 135lbs?

It looks I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue!

KCTitus 12-19-2000 07:44 AM

this post is freaking hilarious!!!

It is with great honor and humbleness that I accepting being 'singled' out by our village idiot.

To be mentioned in the same breath as: Luzap, Russ, JOhn, WisChief, Mi_Chief_Fan is truly an honor. Thanks.

I would also like to encourage everyone who hasnt yet had the chance to b!tch slap our local idiot, that it only takes a few good slams and you too can be on the 'team'.


Mark M 12-19-2000 07:48 AM

It's not for lack of appetite. I eat like a freaking horse! I don't run (unless I'm being chased) and drink about a 12 pk of beer a week. I've tried everything short of steroids . . . yet I still weigh the same at 29 as I did at 13. Thank god other things grew in that time! ;)

TMI, I know.

~~Gets nervous around drains with large openings.

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
--George W. Bush

[This message has been edited by Mark M (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 07:48 AM

When did Packfool embarass you?

I mean besides being embarassed that he's a fellow member of the human race.

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 07:51 AM

Word is that were looking for a QB that has won a playoff game. Have you ever won a playoff game?

Mark M 12-19-2000 07:54 AM

Does the PLayStation count? If so, then yes, I have.

I've even won the Super Bowl twice, the NCAA Sears trophy 7 times in 11 years, the NBA crown three times and have been personally responsible for 4 World Series titles.

I figure if Packfan can live in a world of make-believe, then so can I.

~~Ready to take the snaps . . . depending on who's center.

KCTitus 12-19-2000 08:05 AM

Mi: I must admit that fluffy did embarrass me on several occasions. Those occasions came primarly when he said some obscenely asinine things like:

a SB MVP is not the main reason why a team wins the SB, rather, a team can win a SB w/o a SB MVP.

While discussing EG's playoff appearances with the Chiefs, he goes on to rant about EG's one playoff appearance with SF (which EG didnt start btw).

His inability to recognize his own words thrown back in his face.

And finally his comment that ANY QB that throws as much as EG did can put up the numbers EG has.

Those are just a sample of the embarrassingly stupid assertions he has made. Obviously, he wasnt smart enough to realize the sheer ignorance of these statements so I was embarrassed for him.

[This message has been edited by KCTitus (edited 12-19-2000).]

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 08:09 AM

Jeez Mark... Bob Dole's left leg weighs 135 pounds.

Mark M 12-19-2000 08:18 AM

Okay guys!! So I have a thyroid issue. Big deal (or in my case, skinny deal). Do you know how difficult it is to go through life as a man and be this thin? No, I doubt it. Mock me if you will, but at least I don't have to worry about diets, I can still see my feet and am still hung like a bear.

Remember: It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

~~Not really upset. :D

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
--George W. Bush

[This message has been edited by Mark M (edited 12-19-2000).]

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 08:20 AM

Bob Dole has no idea what it's like to go through life thin or hung like a bear.

KCTitus 12-19-2000 08:21 AM

MarkM: if you found my Sr/Jr picture in your HS yearbook, contrast that with my picture on Dole's site...Only one thing can make you get like that...


JOhn 12-19-2000 08:21 AM

Well if nothing else HOPEFULLY you can be embarrassed enough for him that he will post and run as usual. But I doubt it.

BTW if packie doesn't think that sunday was cold enough to be a risk, makes me wonder if he is smart enough to come in out of the rain? Or maybe he's like a certian fowl that isn't smart enough to not drown by looking up in the rain?

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 08:24 AM

Winning the sears trophy and getting to the super bowl? Oh yeah, you can be our QB.

LMAO at winning the super bowl without a SB MVP. I'll be laughing about that one al day.

Mark M 12-19-2000 08:28 AM

I did check the '87 edition of Polaris. While you look familiar, I can't really place you anywhere in my high school memories. Of course, "high" school is an appropriate name for the way I went through! :cool: Perhaps your memory is better than mine!

I would have to say you have added a bit to yourself (not that its a bad thing, though). Unfortunately, I drank enough beer in college to add a total of 100 pounds to most people...I gained 10. That was it. A 6 pack almost every night and no luck. I lost the 10 lbs. I gained after I graduated. Still haven't gotten it back. And I still drink thick beer (Guiness, Bass Ale, et al).

What more can a guy do?

~~Wonders how this thread got focused on my weight.

JOhn 12-19-2000 08:30 AM

I to will have to cut & paste the SB w/o a MVP. Course I'm sure he has some "logic" to explain that.

Adding it to the list:
H Back ??????
NO SB MVP ????


God it gets better every day

Mark M 12-19-2000 08:38 AM

I would be honored to be our QB.

I just hope you all realize that, while the QB is the most important position on the field, it is a team game. We can win the SB without an MVP. I will put up great numbers, but only because we pass so much (never mind that every team will know that and try to stop it). I will blame the GM when players fumble, and blame the players when the GM drafts the wrong person. I will blame the crowd for not coming to a game when it's -30 degrees, and praise all other cities' fans even though their fans do the same.

This is making my head hurt. No wonder Packfan gets so confused … it's hard to be that stupid.

~~Will be looking for a play that intentionally gets us 4 yards short of the endzone with no time left.

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
--George W. Bush

KCTitus 12-19-2000 09:01 AM

There were a couple of others in the last discussion I had with Pack.

He stated that teams dont win playoffs with FA castoffs, of course, I never got around to Kurt Warner before I finally gave up on his ludicrous statements.

I stuck with one I figured he'd know most about and that was GB's SB victory and asked him to explain Desmond Howard the SB MVP for his Packers SB victory. His response was that w/o Desmond Howard the Packers still win that SB. In essence stating that w/o a SB MVP, GB still wins.

Of course, I could have really made him look the fool and asked him about another FA castoff and SB MVP, Kurt Warner, but he was struggling with GB history even with the aide of his GB media guide, so I left well enough alone.

Iowanian 12-19-2000 09:03 AM

I want to play...I have a new ball and my daddy will mow the field for free..

but...I want to play safety...One of you DL need to grab a leg, stand crackfan up and let me have a good 10yard run...I'll chew off my broken fingers to stay in the game, eat buzzard guts at halftime and kick the other team in the nuts at the bottom of every pile...I'll make Ronnie Lott look like a schoolgirl...I'm not big, fast, or talented, but consider myself tougher than boiled owl shit(while on a computer)...I'm not mindless, but I am a barbarian..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Packfans memeory....I'm sure it compares to a zoo monkey with terrets syndrome..who can't remember the taste from the last time he ate his own Shiite.

can i play, can i, can i, can i huh..cmon..

[This message has been edited by Iowanian (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:05 AM

The next year, without Howard & Andre Rison, another FA castoff, the Donkeys had little trouble disposing of the Pack. If only bad officiating didn't cost us against the Donx that year. I don't think GB could have scored on our 97 defense.

Then again, Packfool said KC's defense under Gun was "nothing special".

[This message has been edited by Mi_chief_fan (edited 12-19-2000).]

JOhn 12-19-2000 09:05 AM

Of course Favre was a cast off from another team, but Pakie will enlighten us to how Wolfe knew all along.

Wait a minute was there a VERY high priced FA, that came from Philly? Can't remember his name, but I think he was a marginal defensive player

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:06 AM

LMAO @ Iowanian!!!!!

KCTitus 12-19-2000 09:11 AM

Oh, I almost forgot another one. When I asked him for a VIABLE replacment for Carl as GM, he suggested Daniel Snyder.

When I asked him to explain, he acted as if I had said it. Of course, this also goes back to Ken's wonderful 'long memory'.

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:12 AM

I can picture Iowanian holding up the leg of a freshly killed deer, blood driping down his chin, looking as though he just beat another predator to a kill.


Iowanian 12-19-2000 09:15 AM


were you following me saturday? :D

Actually in HS, I was too slow to be a RB(we had an all state back anyway). I wrestled at 125, played Olb and pulling guard...My absolute favorite was kickoff team...I was the wedge buster and loved it...nothing like running full speed at a mantrain and slamming into it.grrrrrrrrrr

[This message has been edited by Iowanian (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:19 AM

Good old Captain Contradiction, strikes again. He may be on to something with Snyder. Is it unethical to own one team, and be a GM for another? At least Snyder might do some firing.
Duh, ima Pakfooooool, i dunno bout runnin a team, i jest knows fotbal, duhhhhhhh.I embarass u der imbreads, duuuuuuuhhhhhhh. or is dat imbreads. duhhu, me only knows fffotbol.

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:20 AM

Did something brown and hairy die?

Iowanian 12-19-2000 09:25 AM


the first one died a week ago friday night...hit it with my truck 1/4 from home...then the anger took over saturday...tough hunting...but i'm getting closer to even...lets just leave it at that for now

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 09:25 AM

Stop killing the hamsters, Iowa.

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:27 AM

or gerbils, for that matter.

Mark M 12-19-2000 09:31 AM

As much as I hate to digress from the gerbil/hamster/dead furry things slant this thread has leaned towards . . .

Do we have a full roster yet? Can it be posted so we know who is starting, who's a backup and who will need to be cut for salary cap reasons?

~~Wants to know if he will be getting reps this week.

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
--George W. Bush

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 09:31 AM

Bob Dole was denied his requested position of starting halfback.

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:35 AM

It just wouldn't look right for our starting tailback to be bigger than the O-line.

I'll donate my salary to charity. One to help mentally challenged kids, so that they can grow up normal, instead of like Packfool.

Iowanian 12-19-2000 09:37 AM

how about hedgehogs?

I think that "pack"fan has the market cornered on harm caused to gerbils and hamsters...I refrain from such practices..

from your size alone, I think you should at least qualify as the "short yardage back" of the committee...they could call you "Diesel Dole"

Dartgod 12-19-2000 09:41 AM

I don’t think we have a place kicker yet. I will volunteer and I think I can perform as well as any kicker we have had in KC recently. I can shank 3 crucial field goals in playoff games, and I can kickoff out of bounds 3 times when the playoffs are on the line. I can even make feeble attempts at tackling returners when the rest of the special teams has broke down.

KCTitus 12-19-2000 09:46 AM

I almost forgot to request a position on the team.

I think it would only be fair, given my size, that I should be on the line. I think OT (Left or Right) would suit me fine. I'll protect our no playoff winning QB's blind side if need be.

Mark M 12-19-2000 09:51 AM

As our starting QB (I think . . . Mi gave me the job) I would appreciate Titus covering my blind side and having Bob Dole protect the middle . . . although I have no problems with Dole punishing defenders on short yardage.

Who's GM? Coach?

~~Ready to not win playoff games.

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 09:56 AM

I volunteered to be the punter, but as a team player, i'll be willing to switch. I could play the line, linebackers, kick returners(oh yeah, a little special teams).

Anyone see the commercial where Santa lines up and says to the elf across from him "Oh yeah, i'm coming for you, pork chop."

The elf replies "Bring it on, fat boy."

an instant classic.

Bwana 12-19-2000 09:58 AM

Mark: I put in for the GM position, but was turned away by Packfan himself! Is there any way to overrule him on this issue? Hoping to be the CARL PETERSON of this team!

Bwana 12-19-2000 10:02 AM

I promise to gather the majority of the vile and rants concerning team Issues from our green and yellow buddy and conduct myself in questionable ways at all times. I can also talk very nasty in the event a first round draft pick or his agent gets out of line and needs a special "chat."

[This message has been edited by Bwana (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 10:09 AM

I started this thread, so if I say your the GM, your the GM, Bwana. Ken CAN'T be on this team, because it's for those not in his "class."

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 10:12 AM

Given Bob Dole's tobacco habit, perhaps short yardage back would be best.

Bwana 12-19-2000 10:13 AM

Mi: Allriiiiighty then! Any ideas on FA who I should go after at this point in time? And I still need a coach to spin things off on.

[This message has been edited by Bwana (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 10:16 AM

How about Gene Hackman(The replacements) as coach, and Cameron Diaz (doesn't matter) as assistant GM.

If she can't motivate us, you can try beer.

Think Keanu would be our backup QB?

[This message has been edited by Mi_chief_fan (edited 12-19-2000).]

Bwana 12-19-2000 10:19 AM

I like the Diaz! I'm sure I can come up with some kind of position for her. *wink*

Iowanian 12-19-2000 10:19 AM

How about center...but i want to be qb instead of safety now ;)

AND!!! we are NOT using the shotgun...and I demand long snap count.

[This message has been edited by Iowanian (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mark M 12-19-2000 10:20 AM

I like Denzel (sp?) Washington as coach . . . although running a mile doesn't sound like fun.

~~Developing a Chester-like pseudo-injury to keep from practicing.

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
--George W. Bush

Mark M 12-19-2000 10:22 AM

As the only person here who has won a playoff game, I feel as though I have earned the right to be starting QB.

We need an animal like yourself in our secondary.

Although Bwana must make that choice, as well as Mi (owner/punter).

~~Realizes the need to fill all positions.

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 10:23 AM

Perhaps "missionary," Bwana?

Lightning Rod 12-19-2000 10:23 AM

Well since I’m a bit tardy I would like to apply to the practice squad. I would run the scout smak team.

For example, I could explain the correlation between Peterson and the increase in hoof-n-mouth disease in Bolivia. I see this role as somewhat like the New Jersey Generals, which is actually a farm team for the Harlem Globetrotters.

Thank you for your consideration.

[This message has been edited by RCGChief (edited 12-19-2000).]

Iowanian 12-19-2000 10:24 AM


but, but but but..bbbbbuttt if cameron is Center...I wanna be quaaaaaaaaarterrrrbaaack! :( (now I really sound like a packfan)

Bwana 12-19-2000 10:25 AM

Mi is the owner and punter. ROTFLMAO That's one hell of a combo!

Mi_chief_fan 12-19-2000 10:26 AM

And let me just say, if I get 1 punt blocked, you're all fired.

JOhn 12-19-2000 10:26 AM

I got dips on the kicker postion...

(Adam Sandlers "Lonely Kicker" playing in the back ground)

Besides I can really screw up our field postion with the best of them. Heck I got the name John, and I can change my last name to Baker.

But if Bawana says no, I'll take WR, I'm I good actor, and can cry like a baby after each hit, ala' Eddie boy!

Bwana 12-19-2000 10:30 AM

Bob Dole: Bwana wants to be a little more creative than your formentioned "position." I was thinking more of something involving monkey bars or some other twisted situation.

If Bwana Is going to do the GM gig, it will never be never be said the he is "to conservative."

Bob Dole 12-19-2000 10:32 AM

Ahhh... Freaky Circus Sex.

Duly noted, Bwana.

Mark M 12-19-2000 10:33 AM

Cameron Diaz is the center?

We will never, ever run the shotgun when I'm QBing! :D

~~Want to keep his hands warm on cold days . . . and warm days . . . and hot days . . . any day . . .

[This message has been edited by Mark M (edited 12-19-2000).]

JOhn 12-19-2000 10:35 AM

Well he does live in Montana, what else is there to do.

Please don't include any circus midgets

Phobia 12-19-2000 10:37 AM

I'd like to be an undersized DE or OLB. I'm 6' - 208 lbs - have been as large as 255 in the past.

I don't know if I'm idiot enough to be on the team but I would appreciate consideration.

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