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-   -   Ben Carson: Egyptian pyramids were used to store grain, not Pharaohs' tombs (

Fish 11-06-2015 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866265)
Maybe he got the hieroglyphics mixed up with his religion. I mean that statement if applied to the bible would make perfect sense.


srvy 11-06-2015 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866255)

Oh look a cute cat meme. You ****ing know its right. I remember reading about the deep space probe what was it Pioneer, Voyager? Anyway they hired Archaeologists Scientists and Scholars to decide what they would put on the probe in case it was found by intelligent life. These guys couldn't agree on anything worry warting on how it would be interpreted. The whole thing was getting delayed over stupid shit till finally they agreed to disagree and got on with it.

I am not saying Carson isn't out there on this but those guys saying they wrote it down and we understand it is complete BS.

Ming the Merciless 11-06-2015 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866250)
Hahahahaha right you cant find Archaeologists who agree on any of the Hieroglyphics and what they mean. Has no one watched PBS and Discovery. Hell these guys nearly come to fisticuffs disagreeing on meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Hell for all we know some Pharaoh was making a monument in the sand of some hotties boobs.

They wrote it down makes it sound like Lewis and Clark mapping the west or the original surveys of the 7 ranges. Those guys are making as big an educated guess as Ben Carson. Get out of here with that shit.


Dave Lane 11-06-2015 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866267)
Oh look a cute cat meme. You ****ing know its right. I remember reading about the deep space probe what was it Pioneer, Voyager? Anyway they hired Archaeologists Scientists and Scholars to decide what they would put on the probe in case it was found by intelligent life. These guys couldn't agree on anything worry warting on how it would be interpreted. The whole thing was getting delayed over stupid shit till finally they agreed to disagree and got on with it.

I am not saying Carson isn't out there on this but those guys saying they wrote it down and we understand it is complete BS.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866268)

At one point I thought Carson was the crazy one...

L.A. Chieffan 11-06-2015 12:32 AM


L.A. Chieffan 11-06-2015 12:32 AM

Put down the meth

srvy 11-06-2015 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866270)

They dont even know how they extracted the stone and moved it to the location. They have made guesses on it but thats all they are. I guess the Egyptions forgot to record that in there field notes. Or they did but we just dont ****ing know what they mean.

Fish 11-06-2015 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866275)
They dont even know how they extracted the stone and moved it to the location.

Yes they do..

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866275)
They dont even know how they extracted the stone and moved it to the location. They have made guesses on it but thats all they are. I guess the Egyptions forgot to record that in there field notes. Or they did but we just dont ****ing know what they mean.

My recommendation to you at this point would be the same I would give to Uncle Ben, stop talking. It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

go bo 11-06-2015 12:46 AM

oh, THEY do, huh?

the cult of anti-knowledge begs to differ...

deniers of facts and all things scientific...

srvy 11-06-2015 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 11866277)
Yes they do..

No they dont. They have idea but when they try to recreate it they fail. They assume the slave labor made up for extracting this stone and moving it 1000 km to the Pyramid locations. For every theory out there other shoot it down.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by go bowe (Post 11866279)
oh, THEY do, huh?

the cult of anti-knowledge begs to differ...

deniers of facts and all things scientific...


srvy 11-06-2015 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866278)
My recommendation to you at this point would be the same I would give to Uncle Ben, stop talking. It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Ok star gazer tell where anyone can say with certainty about this.

Hell I just read about finding rooms they never knew existed inside one of the Pyramids. Yeah we know all about everything because an Archaeologist says so.

cosmo20002 11-06-2015 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866250)
Hahahahaha right you cant find Archaeologists who agree on any of the Hieroglyphics and what they mean. Has no one watched PBS and Discovery. Hell these guys nearly come to fisticuffs disagreeing on meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Hell for all we know some Pharaoh was making a monument in the sand of some hotties boobs.

They wrote it down makes it sound like Lewis and Clark mapping the west or the original surveys of the 7 ranges. Those guys are making as big an educated guess as Ben Carson. Get out of here with that shit.

Not sure if serious. Are you actually serious? Seriously, are you?

Rosetta Stone: look it up

srvy 11-06-2015 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 11866284)
Not sure if serious. Are you actually serious? Seriously, are you?

Rosetta Stone: look it up

Haven't you got a flower pot arrangement to put together.

cosmo20002 11-06-2015 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866286)
Haven't you got a flower pot arrangement to put together.

I always have time to help you display what an imbecile you are. Takes minimal effort.

vailpass 11-06-2015 01:07 AM

What a horrible advocate of religion...

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866283)
Ok star gazer tell where anyone can say with certainty about this.

Hell I just read about finding rooms they never knew existed inside one of the Pyramids. Yeah we know all about everything because an Archaeologist says so.

Well being I've been to Egypt multiple times, actually talked to actual archeologists (as a child I wanted nothing more than to be an Egyptologist) and the Egyptian military has asked me to come shoot Milky Way images above Egyptian monuments I'm going to hazard a guess that I'm possibly more well rounded on this subject than you. Of course thats me discounting your extensive and diligent PBS and Discovery work whilst throwing back a few PBRs.

I can translate hieroglyphics, there are like books on how to do it and at this point Google may have a hieroglyphic translator as an add-on to its Chrome browser. The Ancient Egyptian language is extremely well known and documented. The Book of the Dead, the Pyramid Texts and the walls of all the royal tombs in Saqqara, the Valley of the Kings all the way to Abu Simbel are wholly translated. I have here a section of the Ramesseum with hieroglyphics on it.

As I said earlier and other peoples responses obviously show they concur it would be best for you to either take some time to read, or respond with sorry I didn't know that and disengage.

Ming the Merciless 11-06-2015 01:31 AM

Ok star GAYzer you win ..

This time

Ming the Merciless 11-06-2015 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866283)
Ok star gazer tell where anyone can say with certainty about this.

Hell I just read about finding rooms they never knew existed inside one of the Pyramids. Yeah we know all about everything because an Archaeologist says so.


I just read in my encyclopedia about a hidden room with king tut


shit was there for thousands of years


Suck on that, science

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866294)
Ok star GAYzer you win ..

This time

Hey there's a first time for everything :)

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866295)

I just read in my encyclopedia about a hidden room with king tut


shit was there for thousands of years


Suck on that, science

Actually 2 of them, or at least they think so. I'm dying to see what maybe sealed in there. Its amazing the guy discovered it without being in the tomb. I was in Tuts tomb and stood and looked at the frescos. It could have been me if I had Xray eyes.

The fact that there are royal seals on the the doorways means at worst more burial goods and at best another burial of Nefertiti or some other unknown royal.

Aries Walker 11-06-2015 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 11866222)
Vikings were sexy? I never knew that!

They had the temperament of a bunch of drunk, rowdy bikers telling stories around a campfire. I wouldn't call them 'sexy' as much as I'd say they really liked to talk about bangin' chicks.

But the Egyptians? Hoo boy.

Aries Walker 11-06-2015 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866250)
Hahahahaha right you cant find Archaeologists who agree on any of the Hieroglyphics and what they mean. Has no one watched PBS and Discovery. Hell these guys nearly come to fisticuffs disagreeing on meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Hell for all we know some Pharaoh was making a monument in the sand of some hotties boobs.

They wrote it down makes it sound like Lewis and Clark mapping the west or the original surveys of the 7 ranges. Those guys are making as big an educated guess as Ben Carson. Get out of here with that shit.

Your first mistake is relying on PBS and Discovery for accurate historical perspective.

Ming the Merciless 11-06-2015 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866300)
Actually 2 of them, or at least they think so. I'm dying to see what maybe sealed in there. Its amazing the guy discovered it without being in the tomb. I was in Tuts tomb and stood and looked at the frescos. It could have been me if I had Xray eyes.

The fact that there are royal seals on the the doorways means at worst more burial goods and at best another burial of Nefertiti or some other unknown royal.

That's really cool...

I'm married to an Archaeologist actually. My wife is in a very rare minority of archaeologists.....employed....actually employed as an archeologist...She will be jealous when I tell her of your Egypt journeys.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866470)
That's really cool...

I'm married to an Archaeologist actually. My wife is in a very rare minority of archaeologists.....employed....actually employed as an archeologist...She will be jealous when I tell her of your Egypt journeys.

You hit on exactly why I am not one, didn't want to be sacking groceries congrats to her and you.

Oh btw have you let her read this thread. I did with my dad and he laughed till I was afraid he might die.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11866456)
They had the temperament of a bunch of drunk, rowdy bikers telling stories around a campfire. I wouldn't call them 'sexy' as much as I'd say they really liked to talk about bangin' chicks.

But the Egyptians? Hoo boy.

Link me up on the Egyptians I've honestly never heard of this .

Fish 11-06-2015 09:40 AM


Dave Lane 11-06-2015 09:54 AM

Reddit needs to go on a run here

Loneiguana 11-06-2015 10:02 AM


Daniel Weber, a spokesman for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, said Carson's belief about the pyramids are "his own interpretation."

Fish 11-06-2015 10:18 AM

Ben's campaign reachin out to the urban youth.... LMAO....

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Dave Lane 11-06-2015 10:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Lex Luthor 11-06-2015 10:28 AM

I still say Donald Trump is paying Ben Carson to be such a ridiculous wacko candidate that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

Andoverer 11-06-2015 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866576)

I'm not much of a Hieroglyphic reader and this image is pretty small on my computer, but does that say "Who took the grain and replaced it with all of these damn Pharaohs?!"

BigRedChief 11-06-2015 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866470)
That's really cool...

I'm married to an Archaeologist actually. My wife is in a very rare minority of archaeologists.....employed....actually employed as an archeologist...She will be jealous when I tell her of your Egypt journeys.

I've been on at least 6 archaeology digs in Egypt and Israel. On one I was cleaning out a side room and discovered a mosaic floor that turned out to be another room. I was the first person to see this in 2000 years. Really cool.

srvy 11-06-2015 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866493)
You hit on exactly why I am not one, didn't want to be sacking groceries congrats to her and you.

Oh btw have you let her read this thread. I did with my dad and he laughed till I was afraid he might die.

And who is he so we may be impressed by his laughter. Indian arrowhead collector from the Flint Hills of Kansas?

srvy 11-06-2015 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11866460)
Your first mistake is relying on PBS and Discovery for accurate historical perspective.

Actually they used to be pretty good resources in the day along with History Channel whey they actually televised history. I have seen world renowned Egyptologists and Archaeologists discuss why they think the pyrimids were buit and how they think they were built and who they think built them. They have one thing in common none agree on anything.

What a valuable resource we have Dave Lane, Fish, Cosmo etc to solve the unknown right here in CP .

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866672)
And who is he so we may be impressed by his laughter. Indian arrowhead collector from the Flint Hills of Kansas?

Well he is a retired doctor, but like one that believes in, well, science.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 11866667)
I've been on at least 6 archaeology digs in Egypt and Israel. On one I was cleaning out a side room and discovered a mosaic floor that turned out to be another room. I was the first person to see this in 2000 years. Really cool.


ILChief 11-06-2015 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 11866667)
I've been on at least 6 archaeology digs in Egypt and Israel. On one I was cleaning out a side room and discovered a mosaic floor that turned out to be another room. I was the first person to see this in 2000 years. Really cool.

Was it full of wheat or oats?

srvy 11-06-2015 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866710)
Well he is a retired doctor, but like one that believes in, well, science.

Well thats special. When I want to know about the mysteries of the Great Pyramids of Egypt I look up an old sawbones from Kansas.

Pitt Gorilla 11-06-2015 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866722)
Well thats special. When I want to know about the mysteries of the Great Pyramids of Egypt I look up an old sawbones from Kansas.

Sort of wish Hamas Jenkins was here:

Fish 11-06-2015 11:36 AM

Pitt Gorilla 11-06-2015 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866293)
Well being I've been to Egypt multiple times, actually talked to actual archeologists (as a child I wanted nothing more than to be an Egyptologist) and the Egyptian military has asked me to come shoot Milky Way images above Egyptian monuments I'm going to hazard a guess that I'm possibly more well rounded on this subject than you. Of course thats me discounting your extensive and diligent PBS and Discovery work whilst throwing back a few PBRs.

I can translate hieroglyphics, there are like books on how to do it and at this point Google may have a hieroglyphic translator as an add-on to its Chrome browser. The Ancient Egyptian language is extremely well known and documented. The Book of the Dead, the Pyramid Texts and the walls of all the royal tombs in Saqqara, the Valley of the Kings all the way to Abu Simbel are wholly translated. I have here a section of the Ramesseum with hieroglyphics on it.

As I said earlier and other peoples responses obviously show they concur it would be best for you to either take some time to read, or respond with sorry I didn't know that and disengage.

Underrated comment in thread. Literally laughed out loud at this point.

Saul Good 11-06-2015 12:08 PM

Ben's got a theory. Srvy's got a theory.

srvy 11-06-2015 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11866829)
Ben's got a theory. Srvy's got a theory.

I have not made any theory on anything in here. And I can't say anything about Carsons claim of ancient grain silo's. I suppose its as good as anyone else theory about something that is still a mystery and for anyone to say differently is a flat out lie. And to say we know the meaning of what was scribed on walls and scrolls is also bunk. Because if we did we would know why they were built. How they were built and by whom they were built.

GloucesterChief 11-06-2015 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866871)
I have not made any theory on anything in here. And I can't say anything about Carsons claim of ancient grain silo's. I suppose its as good as anyone else theory about something that is still a mystery and for anyone to say differently is a flat out lie. And to say we know the meaning of what was scribed on walls and scrolls is also bunk. Because if we did we would know why they were built. How they were built and by whom they were built.

We do know all of that actually. We have found contracts for workers to work on the Pyramids. The ramp and pull system would work just fine and would require less workers than most people think.

Saul Good 11-06-2015 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866871)
I have not made any theory on anything in here. And I can't say anything about Carsons claim of ancient grain silo's. I suppose its as good as anyone else theory about something that is still a mystery and for anyone to say differently is a flat out lie. And to say we know the meaning of what was scribed on walls and scrolls is also bunk. Because if we did we would know why they were built. How they were built and by whom they were built.

You seem to have a theory on hieroglyphics that is about as sound as Ben's theory on grain storage.

BucEyedPea 11-06-2015 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11866878)
We do know all of that actually. We have found contracts for workers to work on the Pyramids. The ramp and pull system would work just fine and would require less workers than most people think.

We have? I've been to the Great Pyramids, and the guides said they were not built by slaves as some think but paid labor. Didn't see any of those contracts anywhere nor mention of them.

eDave 11-06-2015 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866871)
I have not made any theory on anything in here. And I can't say anything about Carsons claim of ancient grain silo's. I suppose its as good as anyone else theory about something that is still a mystery and for anyone to say differently is a flat out lie. And to say we know the meaning of what was scribed on walls and scrolls is also bunk. Because if we did we would know why they were built. How they were built and by whom they were built.

I worked for a guy who thought they were actually large batteries. Kept us late one night sketching it out on a whiteboard. It was pretty fascinating.

I guess he wasn't the only one:

NinerDoug 11-06-2015 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866871)
I have not made any theory on anything in here. And I can't say anything about Carsons claim of ancient grain silo's. I suppose its as good as anyone else theory about something that is still a mystery and for anyone to say differently is a flat out lie. And to say we know the meaning of what was scribed on walls and scrolls is also bunk. Because if we did we would know why they were built. How they were built and by whom they were built.

Holy shit.

srvy 11-06-2015 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11866878)
We do know all of that actually. We have found contracts for workers to work on the Pyramids. The ramp and pull system would work just fine and would require less workers than most people think.

Yes the Theory of the ramps that we have not found any diagrams relating to these from a people so advance that they surely had plans and diagrams of how to construct.

I remember watching a show where engineers tried to construct scaled skids and ramps to lift these stones and place them. They were able to move some on a very lesser scale and weight. Still it left more unanswered questions than answered.

I have herd of the digs going on in the skilled workers encampment. And it goes without saying labor had to be performed by master stone masons but the heavy lifting must have been done by incredible amounts of slave labor. How were they house fed provided drinking water in the desert?

srvy 11-06-2015 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 11866751)
Underrated comment in thread. Literally laughed out loud at this point.

Google the progressives God.

My wife is Filipino and her best friend from work is Thai. Ask them how well goolgle translate does with english to Tagalog and vice versa. Same for Thai. Yeah I am sure Google is on it.

srvy 11-06-2015 12:57 PM

The Great Pyramid Mystery

Today there are hundreds of pyramids still standing all over the world from India to Peru. Cultures separated by the Atlantic, who supposedly never discovered each other’s existence, built these giant triangular structures, aligned them to cardinal directions, encoded within them sacred geometry/math, and used them as a sepulture.

“As Keel says in Disneyland of the Gods: We know that pyramid building was once a universal practice throughout the world. Over six thousand years ago unknown peoples were assembling great pyramids in Mexico. Gigantic man-made mounds were constructed in China, Great Britain, North America, and on remote Pacific islands while the Egyptians were still living in mud huts along the Nile. During World War II pilots flying ‘the hump’ reported seeing one or more massive pyramids standing silently in isolated Himalaya valleys. Of the ubiquitousness and similarity of pyramids, David Hatcher Childress states: Mayan pyramids are found from Central America to as far away as the Indonesian island of Java. The pyramid of Sukuh, on the slopes of Mount Lawu near Surakarta in central Java is an amazing temple with stone stelae and a step pyramid that would match any in the jungles of Central America. The pyramid is in fact virtually identical to the pyramids found at the ancient Mayan site at Uaxactun, near Tikal. In speaking of the global civilization, Keel elucidates the weaknesses of the current archaeological paradigm: All these things seem to be interrelated, as if they were once part of some great civilization—a common culture that spread throughout the world and then died …We have a reasonably complete history of the past two thousand years, and a half-baked archaeological reconstruction of the past five thousand years. But there are so many gaps in our knowledge that most the popular archaeological theories really have very little merit. Indeed, we can’t even be sure that the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid … In fact, the Great Pyramid is admittedly much more ancient than the Egyptians of history, as Hotema relates: When the most ancient Egyptians first saw the mysterious Sphinx and the great Pyramid of Gizeh, only their tops projected above the wind-blown sand of the desert. They knew no more about the purpose of these structures, their builders, or when they were built, than we do” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (279)

The Great Pyramids at Giza, even by today’s standards, are absolute miracles in architecture, masonry / construction, mathematics, and astronomy. The dimensions of the pyramids are extremely accurate and the site was leveled to within a fraction of an inch over the entire base. This is comparable to the accuracy possible with modern construction/surveying methods and laser leveling.

“Beneath the now-removed outer layer, the Pyramid’s construction consists of approximately 2,500,000 dressed stones, mostly yellow limestone, but with harder granite for certain interior features. The total mass of the Great Pyramid is estimated at around 90 million cubic feet, which would weigh between 6-7 million tons. To put this into proper perspective, the highest cathedral nave in Europe would fit three times into its height, and its mass exceeds that of all the cathedrals, churches and chapels built in England since the beginning of Christianity! The Great Pyramid is often cited as the largest building on Earth, with twice the volume and thirty times the mass of New York’s famous Empire State Building. The Pyramid rests on an artificially leveled platform, which is less than 22 inches thick, yet is still almost perfectly level, with errors of less than an inch across its entire area, despite supporting such an enormous weight for thousands of years. The base of the Pyramid is set out perfectly square - no mean feat of engineering in itself.” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” (41)

Up until the last millennium the pyramids were covered completely with smooth polished limestone casing blocks. In other words, the pyramids were not an irregular looking series of steps with a missing capstone like they are now. They were covered with 115,000 10-ton casing sheets of polished limestone fitted so perfectly that a razor’s edge couldn’t get between casings, less than 1/50th of an inch. The Egyptians wrote how it reflected the sun like a mirror on all sides. Today there are still a few polished casings leftover at the base of one side.

“Our first example of twentieth century engineering in the Giza pyramids is the six sided limestone casing blocks, which were polished and precision, carved to fit perfectly with each other and the core stones, with joints measuring less than one fiftieth of an inch. As if this was not incredible enough, all of these stones were found to be joined together with an extremely fine but strong cement, which had been applied evenly on semi-vertical faces across a surface expanse covering 21 acres on the Great pyramid alone! … The second example is the internal passages of the Great Pyramid. These passages have been measured countless times and found to be perfectly straight, with a deviation, in the case of the Descending Passage, of less than one fiftieth of an inch along its masonry part. Over a length of 150 feet that is incredible. If one includes the further 200 feet of passage bored through the solid rock, the error is less than one quarter of an inch. Now this is engineering of the highest precision, comparable with twentieth century technology, but supposedly achieved 4,500 years ago: Our third example is the machining of granite within the pyramids. One of the first archaeologists to carry out a thorough survey of the Pyramid was Petrie, who was particularly struck by the granite coffer in the King’s Chamber. The precision with which the coffer had been carved out of a single block of extremely hard granite struck him as quite remarkable. Petrie estimated that diamond-tipped drills would need to have been applied with a pressure of two tons, in order to hollow out the granite box. It was not a serious suggestion as to the method actually used. but simply his way of expressing the impossibility of creating that artifact using nineteenth century technology. It is still a difficult challenge, even with twentieth century technology. And yet we are supposed to believe that Khufu achieved this at a time when the Egyptians possessed only the most basic copper hand tools.” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins”

Under the pyramids are large tunnels hundreds of meters deep drilled into limestone bedrock with almost perfect 90 degree angles. This kind of drilling technology has only existed (in our current paradigm) for under a century, so how were they drilling, chiseling and lifting all these megalithic structures? In a famous meeting with a panel of Egyptologists, author of “Giza Power Plant” Christopher Dunn brought a slab of granite, a hammer and a copper chisel and asked for a demonstration of how Egyptians were supposed to have chiseled out thousand-ton granite obelisks using simple hand tools. After a few whacks at it, the copper chisel had a deep indent and not a chip of granite was displaced.

“Chris Dunn found that many artifacts bore the same marks as conventional twentieth century machining methods - sawing, lathe and milling practices. He was particularly interested, however, in the evidence of a modern processing technique known as trepanning. This process is used to excavate a hollow in a block of hard stone by first drilling, and then breaking out, the remaining “core” Petrie had studied both the hollows and the cores, and been astonished to find spiral grooves on the core which indicated a drill feed rate of 0.100 inch per revolution of the drill. This initially seemed to be impossible. In 1983, Dunn had ascertained that industrial diamond drills could cut granite with a drill rotation speed of 900 revolutions per minute and a feed rate of 0.0002 inch per revolution. What these technicalities actually mean is that the ancient Egyptians were cutting their granite with a feed rate 500 times greater than 1983 technology!” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” (44)

“On the granite core the spiral of the cut sinks 1 inch in the circumference of 6 inches, a rate of ploughing out which is astonishing … These rapid spiral grooves cannot be ascribed to anything but the descent of the drill into the granite under enormous pressure.” -W.M. Flinders Petrie, “The Pyramids and Temples at Gizeh”

“Wasn’t it peculiar that at the supposed dawn of human civilization, more than 4500 years ago, the ancient Egyptians had acquired what sounded like industrial-age drills packing a ton or more of punch and capable of slicking through hard stones like hot knives through butter?” -Graham Hancock, “Fingerprints of the Gods”

“In the first and second pyramids at Giza there are granite portcullises in the lower passages which still baffle experts today. Firstly their complex designs suggest a use much more advanced than deterring robbers (the Egyptologist explanation). It would take about 50 men to lift the portcullis slabs into place, yet the narrow corridors they’re positioned into could have only been occupied by a few men at a time.” -W.M. Flinders Petrie, “The Pyramids and Temples at Gizeh,” (36)

The pyramids also encode high mathematics supposedly unknown to the simple ancient Egyptians. To begin with the pyramids are located precisely on the 30th degree latitude and aligned to within 3 arc minutes of true north. These are beyond coincidence so it can be assumed that they could very accurately measure both latitude and longitude. The ratio of the great pyramid’s height to its base perimeter is exactly Pi (3.14). The “Kings Chamber” and other rooms are perfect “golden rectangles” expressing the mystical number Phi 1.618. The ratio between successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence increasingly approach Phi as you go on from 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34… the resulting graph is known as the fractal “golden spiral” and looks like a conch shell. Establishment Egyptologists say these mathematical considerations are all coincidence maintaining that ancient Egyptians didn’t possess these concepts. But the reality is, the ancient Egyptians did possess higher math and they purposely encoded it into their construction.

“Some routine mathematical games were built into the dimensions of the sarcophagus. For example, it had an internal volume of 1166.4 liters and an external volume of exactly twice that, 2332.8 liters. Such a precise coincidence could not have been arrived at accidentally: the walls of the coffer had been cut to machine-age tolerances by craftsmen of enormous skill and experience.” -Graham Hancock, “Fingerprints of the Gods”

In the Kings Chamber the floor diagonal is precisely twice the room’s height. W.M. Flinders Petrie says they managed to place the Kings Chamber perfectly “where the vertical section of the Pyramid was halved, where the area of the horizontal section was half that of the base, where the diagonal from corner to corner was equal to the length of the base, and where the width of the face was equal to half the diagonal of the base.” Do you suppose these mathematics were accidental?

Egyptologists say that the Giza pyramids were built for three pharaohs over the course of a hundred years. There are over 2.5 million stones, so if you built 24 hours a day for 100 years that means fitting one (average 3.5 ton) stone into place every 8.5 minutes. Using current technology, multiple cranes and work crews, we still couldn’t make that kind of time, nor could we match the craftsmanship.

Six million tons of stone, underground tunnels, chambers, corridors, 45/90 degree shafts, pi and phi ratios, golden rectangles and other mathematical inclusions, perfect cardinal alignments, right-angles, astrological considerations and flawless masonry. How did ancient man the whole world over build these huge magnificent pyramids? They stacked stones so heavy, many of which cannot be lifted into place with the technology and machinery available today. They quarried these stones from miles away and fitted them together so seamlessly that you can’t fit a blade between them.

Also in Egypt tens of thousands of diorite bowls have been found with hieroglyphs engraved. Diorite is one of the hardest stones on the planet, harder than iron, yet intricate inscriptions have been made, not through the use of chisels or scraping but some unknown ancient technology. Whatever it was, was capable of etching lines 1/150th of an inch wide, often in sets of parallel lines separated by a mere 1/30th of an inch. The same kind of workmanship has been found in vases, urns, and other pottery unearthed at the Pyramid of Zoser. Graham Hancock says: “There was no technology known to have been available to the Ancient Egyptians capable of achieving such results. Nor, for that matter, would any stone-carver today be able to match them, even if he were working with the best tungsten-carbide tools. The implication, therefore, is that an unknown or secret technology had been put to use in Ancient Egypt.”

The Sphinx, which Egyptologists say is less than 5,000 years old, is actually at least 10,000 years old based on its weathering alone. Geologists confirm that it has been eroded by massive amounts of water which hasn’t been present in the Sahara for about 10,000 years. Egyptologists claim this weathering is just wind/sand erosion, but Geologists like Robert Schoch find that hard to swallow. “In October 1991, Dr Robert Schoch, a geologist at Boston University, presented detailed evidence that the Sphinx was thousands of years older than the commonly accepted date of 2500 BC.-’ His conclusion was based on the weathering profile of the limestone rock, out of which the Sphinx had been carved. Visitors to the Sphinx today can clearly see the vertical weathering profile in the limestone trench surrounding the Sphinx. This erosion, according to the science of geology, could only be the result of prolonged rainfall, in contrast to the dry weather experienced in Egypt since 2500 BC. Based on the climatic evidence, Schoch estimated that the Sphinx had to be between 9,000 and 12,000 years old, when the climate in Egypt was much wetter.” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” (93-4)

“In fact, although Egypt is often given the honor of being the originator of much human culture, the Egyptians themselves recorded that they were the inheritors of a great civilization that came from elsewhere. Indeed, the Egyptian culture seemingly appeared out of nowhere at a high level of development, as did the Sumero-Mesopotamian and South American. This fact is explainable if the civilizers were advanced groups coming from elsewhere, from lands that had been destroyed by climatic change, war or other Cataclysm.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (280)

Tlahchiualtepetl, the “man-made mountain” in Mexico is a ziggurat three times the size of the great pyramid. The base length of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán is almost identical in length to the base of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Where are those odds? Teotihuacán means “the place where men become Gods.” They claim their pyramids and temples were instruments for transforming the soul after death, exactly as the Egyptians did. This theme is all over the ancient world. Ancient Tibetans, the Egyptians and native Americans all had complex systems, multi-stage challenges for recently deceased souls to overcome in the afterlife. Specific stages of the different cultures afterlife journeys even match-up. The Mayans and the Egyptians both believed in stellar rebirth where Kings, Pharaohs, and Heroes die and are reborn as stars.

“Archaeologists all over the world have realized that much of prehistory as written in the existing textbooks, is inadequate, some of it quite simply wrong…It has been suggested…that the changes now at work in prehistory herald the shift to a ‘new paradigm,’…made necessary by the collapse of the first paradigm.” -Colin Renfrew, “Before Civilization”

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866928)
The Great Pyramid Mystery

Today there are hundreds of pyramids still standing all over the world from India to Peru. Cultures separated by the Atlantic, who supposedly never discovered each other’s existence, built these giant triangular structures, aligned them to cardinal directions, encoded within them sacred geometry/math, and used them as a sepulture.

“As Keel says in Disneyland of the Gods: We know that pyramid building was once a universal practice throughout the world. Over six thousand years ago unknown peoples were assembling great pyramids in Mexico. Gigantic man-made mounds were constructed in China, Great Britain, North America, and on remote Pacific islands while the Egyptians were still living in mud huts along the Nile. During World War II pilots flying ‘the hump’ reported seeing one or more massive pyramids standing silently in isolated Himalaya valleys. Of the ubiquitousness and similarity of pyramids, David Hatcher Childress states: Mayan pyramids are found from Central America to as far away as the Indonesian island of Java. The pyramid of Sukuh, on the slopes of Mount Lawu near Surakarta in central Java is an amazing temple with stone stelae and a step pyramid that would match any in the jungles of Central America. The pyramid is in fact virtually identical to the pyramids found at the ancient Mayan site at Uaxactun, near Tikal. In speaking of the global civilization, Keel elucidates the weaknesses of the current archaeological paradigm: All these things seem to be interrelated, as if they were once part of some great civilization—a common culture that spread throughout the world and then died …We have a reasonably complete history of the past two thousand years, and a half-baked archaeological reconstruction of the past five thousand years. But there are so many gaps in our knowledge that most the popular archaeological theories really have very little merit. Indeed, we can’t even be sure that the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid … In fact, the Great Pyramid is admittedly much more ancient than the Egyptians of history, as Hotema relates: When the most ancient Egyptians first saw the mysterious Sphinx and the great Pyramid of Gizeh, only their tops projected above the wind-blown sand of the desert. They knew no more about the purpose of these structures, their builders, or when they were built, than we do” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (279)

The Great Pyramids at Giza, even by today’s standards, are absolute miracles in architecture, masonry / construction, mathematics, and astronomy. The dimensions of the pyramids are extremely accurate and the site was leveled to within a fraction of an inch over the entire base. This is comparable to the accuracy possible with modern construction/surveying methods and laser leveling.

“Beneath the now-removed outer layer, the Pyramid’s construction consists of approximately 2,500,000 dressed stones, mostly yellow limestone, but with harder granite for certain interior features. The total mass of the Great Pyramid is estimated at around 90 million cubic feet, which would weigh between 6-7 million tons. To put this into proper perspective, the highest cathedral nave in Europe would fit three times into its height, and its mass exceeds that of all the cathedrals, churches and chapels built in England since the beginning of Christianity! The Great Pyramid is often cited as the largest building on Earth, with twice the volume and thirty times the mass of New York’s famous Empire State Building. The Pyramid rests on an artificially leveled platform, which is less than 22 inches thick, yet is still almost perfectly level, with errors of less than an inch across its entire area, despite supporting such an enormous weight for thousands of years. The base of the Pyramid is set out perfectly square - no mean feat of engineering in itself.” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” (41)

Up until the last millennium the pyramids were covered completely with smooth polished limestone casing blocks. In other words, the pyramids were not an irregular looking series of steps with a missing capstone like they are now. They were covered with 115,000 10-ton casing sheets of polished limestone fitted so perfectly that a razor’s edge couldn’t get between casings, less than 1/50th of an inch. The Egyptians wrote how it reflected the sun like a mirror on all sides. Today there are still a few polished casings leftover at the base of one side.

“Our first example of twentieth century engineering in the Giza pyramids is the six sided limestone casing blocks, which were polished and precision, carved to fit perfectly with each other and the core stones, with joints measuring less than one fiftieth of an inch. As if this was not incredible enough, all of these stones were found to be joined together with an extremely fine but strong cement, which had been applied evenly on semi-vertical faces across a surface expanse covering 21 acres on the Great pyramid alone! … The second example is the internal passages of the Great Pyramid. These passages have been measured countless times and found to be perfectly straight, with a deviation, in the case of the Descending Passage, of less than one fiftieth of an inch along its masonry part. Over a length of 150 feet that is incredible. If one includes the further 200 feet of passage bored through the solid rock, the error is less than one quarter of an inch. Now this is engineering of the highest precision, comparable with twentieth century technology, but supposedly achieved 4,500 years ago: Our third example is the machining of granite within the pyramids. One of the first archaeologists to carry out a thorough survey of the Pyramid was Petrie, who was particularly struck by the granite coffer in the King’s Chamber. The precision with which the coffer had been carved out of a single block of extremely hard granite struck him as quite remarkable. Petrie estimated that diamond-tipped drills would need to have been applied with a pressure of two tons, in order to hollow out the granite box. It was not a serious suggestion as to the method actually used. but simply his way of expressing the impossibility of creating that artifact using nineteenth century technology. It is still a difficult challenge, even with twentieth century technology. And yet we are supposed to believe that Khufu achieved this at a time when the Egyptians possessed only the most basic copper hand tools.” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins”

Under the pyramids are large tunnels hundreds of meters deep drilled into limestone bedrock with almost perfect 90 degree angles. This kind of drilling technology has only existed (in our current paradigm) for under a century, so how were they drilling, chiseling and lifting all these megalithic structures? In a famous meeting with a panel of Egyptologists, author of “Giza Power Plant” Christopher Dunn brought a slab of granite, a hammer and a copper chisel and asked for a demonstration of how Egyptians were supposed to have chiseled out thousand-ton granite obelisks using simple hand tools. After a few whacks at it, the copper chisel had a deep indent and not a chip of granite was displaced.

“Chris Dunn found that many artifacts bore the same marks as conventional twentieth century machining methods - sawing, lathe and milling practices. He was particularly interested, however, in the evidence of a modern processing technique known as trepanning. This process is used to excavate a hollow in a block of hard stone by first drilling, and then breaking out, the remaining “core” Petrie had studied both the hollows and the cores, and been astonished to find spiral grooves on the core which indicated a drill feed rate of 0.100 inch per revolution of the drill. This initially seemed to be impossible. In 1983, Dunn had ascertained that industrial diamond drills could cut granite with a drill rotation speed of 900 revolutions per minute and a feed rate of 0.0002 inch per revolution. What these technicalities actually mean is that the ancient Egyptians were cutting their granite with a feed rate 500 times greater than 1983 technology!” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” (44)

“On the granite core the spiral of the cut sinks 1 inch in the circumference of 6 inches, a rate of ploughing out which is astonishing … These rapid spiral grooves cannot be ascribed to anything but the descent of the drill into the granite under enormous pressure.” -W.M. Flinders Petrie, “The Pyramids and Temples at Gizeh”

“Wasn’t it peculiar that at the supposed dawn of human civilization, more than 4500 years ago, the ancient Egyptians had acquired what sounded like industrial-age drills packing a ton or more of punch and capable of slicking through hard stones like hot knives through butter?” -Graham Hancock, “Fingerprints of the Gods”

“In the first and second pyramids at Giza there are granite portcullises in the lower passages which still baffle experts today. Firstly their complex designs suggest a use much more advanced than deterring robbers (the Egyptologist explanation). It would take about 50 men to lift the portcullis slabs into place, yet the narrow corridors they’re positioned into could have only been occupied by a few men at a time.” -W.M. Flinders Petrie, “The Pyramids and Temples at Gizeh,” (36)

The pyramids also encode high mathematics supposedly unknown to the simple ancient Egyptians. To begin with the pyramids are located precisely on the 30th degree latitude and aligned to within 3 arc minutes of true north. These are beyond coincidence so it can be assumed that they could very accurately measure both latitude and longitude. The ratio of the great pyramid’s height to its base perimeter is exactly Pi (3.14). The “Kings Chamber” and other rooms are perfect “golden rectangles” expressing the mystical number Phi 1.618. The ratio between successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence increasingly approach Phi as you go on from 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34… the resulting graph is known as the fractal “golden spiral” and looks like a conch shell. Establishment Egyptologists say these mathematical considerations are all coincidence maintaining that ancient Egyptians didn’t possess these concepts. But the reality is, the ancient Egyptians did possess higher math and they purposely encoded it into their construction.

“Some routine mathematical games were built into the dimensions of the sarcophagus. For example, it had an internal volume of 1166.4 liters and an external volume of exactly twice that, 2332.8 liters. Such a precise coincidence could not have been arrived at accidentally: the walls of the coffer had been cut to machine-age tolerances by craftsmen of enormous skill and experience.” -Graham Hancock, “Fingerprints of the Gods”

In the Kings Chamber the floor diagonal is precisely twice the room’s height. W.M. Flinders Petrie says they managed to place the Kings Chamber perfectly “where the vertical section of the Pyramid was halved, where the area of the horizontal section was half that of the base, where the diagonal from corner to corner was equal to the length of the base, and where the width of the face was equal to half the diagonal of the base.” Do you suppose these mathematics were accidental?

Egyptologists say that the Giza pyramids were built for three pharaohs over the course of a hundred years. There are over 2.5 million stones, so if you built 24 hours a day for 100 years that means fitting one (average 3.5 ton) stone into place every 8.5 minutes. Using current technology, multiple cranes and work crews, we still couldn’t make that kind of time, nor could we match the craftsmanship.

Six million tons of stone, underground tunnels, chambers, corridors, 45/90 degree shafts, pi and phi ratios, golden rectangles and other mathematical inclusions, perfect cardinal alignments, right-angles, astrological considerations and flawless masonry. How did ancient man the whole world over build these huge magnificent pyramids? They stacked stones so heavy, many of which cannot be lifted into place with the technology and machinery available today. They quarried these stones from miles away and fitted them together so seamlessly that you can’t fit a blade between them.

Also in Egypt tens of thousands of diorite bowls have been found with hieroglyphs engraved. Diorite is one of the hardest stones on the planet, harder than iron, yet intricate inscriptions have been made, not through the use of chisels or scraping but some unknown ancient technology. Whatever it was, was capable of etching lines 1/150th of an inch wide, often in sets of parallel lines separated by a mere 1/30th of an inch. The same kind of workmanship has been found in vases, urns, and other pottery unearthed at the Pyramid of Zoser. Graham Hancock says: “There was no technology known to have been available to the Ancient Egyptians capable of achieving such results. Nor, for that matter, would any stone-carver today be able to match them, even if he were working with the best tungsten-carbide tools. The implication, therefore, is that an unknown or secret technology had been put to use in Ancient Egypt.”

The Sphinx, which Egyptologists say is less than 5,000 years old, is actually at least 10,000 years old based on its weathering alone. Geologists confirm that it has been eroded by massive amounts of water which hasn’t been present in the Sahara for about 10,000 years. Egyptologists claim this weathering is just wind/sand erosion, but Geologists like Robert Schoch find that hard to swallow. “In October 1991, Dr Robert Schoch, a geologist at Boston University, presented detailed evidence that the Sphinx was thousands of years older than the commonly accepted date of 2500 BC.-’ His conclusion was based on the weathering profile of the limestone rock, out of which the Sphinx had been carved. Visitors to the Sphinx today can clearly see the vertical weathering profile in the limestone trench surrounding the Sphinx. This erosion, according to the science of geology, could only be the result of prolonged rainfall, in contrast to the dry weather experienced in Egypt since 2500 BC. Based on the climatic evidence, Schoch estimated that the Sphinx had to be between 9,000 and 12,000 years old, when the climate in Egypt was much wetter.” -Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” (93-4)

“In fact, although Egypt is often given the honor of being the originator of much human culture, the Egyptians themselves recorded that they were the inheritors of a great civilization that came from elsewhere. Indeed, the Egyptian culture seemingly appeared out of nowhere at a high level of development, as did the Sumero-Mesopotamian and South American. This fact is explainable if the civilizers were advanced groups coming from elsewhere, from lands that had been destroyed by climatic change, war or other Cataclysm.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (280)

Tlahchiualtepetl, the “man-made mountain” in Mexico is a ziggurat three times the size of the great pyramid. The base length of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán is almost identical in length to the base of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Where are those odds? Teotihuacán means “the place where men become Gods.” They claim their pyramids and temples were instruments for transforming the soul after death, exactly as the Egyptians did. This theme is all over the ancient world. Ancient Tibetans, the Egyptians and native Americans all had complex systems, multi-stage challenges for recently deceased souls to overcome in the afterlife. Specific stages of the different cultures afterlife journeys even match-up. The Mayans and the Egyptians both believed in stellar rebirth where Kings, Pharaohs, and Heroes die and are reborn as stars.

“Archaeologists all over the world have realized that much of prehistory as written in the existing textbooks, is inadequate, some of it quite simply wrong…It has been suggested…that the changes now at work in prehistory herald the shift to a ‘new paradigm,’…made necessary by the collapse of the first paradigm.” -Colin Renfrew, “Before Civilization”

Holy shit, I'm ****ing rolling here. This is from a conspiracy site that literally believes the earth is flat. Check out the author's brief bio...

About Me
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Eric Dubay
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I'm a 32 year-old American living in Thailand where I teach Yoga and Wing Chun part-time while exposing the New World Order full-time

GloucesterChief 11-06-2015 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866904)
Yes the Theory of the ramps that we have not found any diagrams relating to these from a people so advance that they surely had plans and diagrams of how to construct.

The Giza plateau had a functioning quarry that would of provided plenty of debris for a secondary ramp material. The structure of the pyramid itself also lends towards a ramp wrapping around the structure. It is know that the workers villages were tore down in between construction adding even more debris for ramps.


I remember watching a show where engineers tried to construct scaled skids and ramps to lift these stones and place them. They were able to move some on a very lesser scale and weight. Still it left more unanswered questions than answered.
You push and pull the stone up the ramp using sand and water to reduce friction.


I have herd of the digs going on in the skilled workers encampment. And it goes without saying labor had to be performed by master stone masons but the heavy lifting must have been done by incredible amounts of slave labor. How were they house fed provided drinking water in the desert?
The nile river is right there which was fresh water. The amount of people used to build the pyramids was probably around 10,000. Not a whole lot compared to the population of Egypt at the time. Also, construction was probably a whole lot better than farming. Since the workers worked in three month shifts.

eDave 11-06-2015 01:10 PM

It's like no one here has seen The Ten Commandments or Stargate. It's all right there.

GloucesterChief 11-06-2015 01:11 PM

Also, the pyramid is a very stable and easy to build structure which you can build tall with very little advanced engineering needed. The Coliseum and Roman aqueducts are much more complicated as they rely on arches to carry the load rather than the rather dense blocks that pyramids use.

go bo 11-06-2015 01:12 PM

you don't know that! i saw a program once and read that guy from thailand's opinion...

so i know what i'm talking about and you don't!!! /scurvy

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11866943)
The Giza plateau had a functioning quarry that would of provided plenty of debris for a secondary ramp material. The structure of the pyramid itself also lends towards a ramp wrapping around the structure. It is know that the workers villages were tore down in between construction adding even more debris for ramps.

You push and pull the stone up the ramp using sand and water to reduce friction.

The nile river is right there which was fresh water. The amount of people used to build the pyramids was probably around 10,000. Not a whole lot compared to the population of Egypt at the time. Also, construction was probably a whole lot better than farming. Since the workers worked in three month shifts.

Save your breath for laughing at this idiot. He literally uses flat earth conspiracy sites as reference material.

patteeu 11-06-2015 01:13 PM

A lot of people who shout "Science!" don't seem to really understand science.

srvy 11-06-2015 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11866941)
Holy shit, I'm ****ing rolling here. This is from a conspiracy site that literally believes the earth is flat. Check out the author's brief bio...

About Me
My Photo
Eric Dubay
View my complete profile
I'm a 32 year-old American living in Thailand where I teach Yoga and Wing Chun part-time while exposing the New World Order full-time

I dont care anything about the dude himself but his sources and most the facts above are sound. You didnt read it did you.

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866956)
I dont care anything about the dude himself but his sources and most the facts above are sound. You didnt read it did you.

**** no I didn't read it. Are you kidding me?

eDave 11-06-2015 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11866958)
**** no I didn't read it. Are you kidding me?

Check his Twitter. Seems like a stable guy:

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 11866963)
Check his Twitter. Seems like a stable guy:

Adolph Hitler got a bad rap.

The earth is flat.

Dinosaurs didn't exist.

srvy 11-06-2015 01:21 PM

Then who care about your opinion. It just theories put together from some pretty smart guys that he has put together once again explaining for everything we think we know we really know very little.

Well except for you Saul. You are all knowing. I dont care if that guy is from the flat earth society or believes in little green men he strung together a lot of things many people would not know in a fairly short read. That just proves we really know very little.

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866974)
Then who care about your opinion. It just theories put together from some pretty smart guys that he has put together once again explaining for everything we think we know we really know very little.

Well except for you Saul. You are all knowing. I dont care if that guy is from the flat earth society or believes in little green men he strung together a lot of things many people would not know in a fairly short read. That just proves we really know very little.

I'm fascinated. Maybe I'll read it after I'm done with his latest creation...a 3 1/2 hour movie titled Adolph Hitler and the Jew World Order. Here's the riveting teaser from your "pretty smart guy"...

They say "the winner's write history," it is absolutely true, and the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted the world's first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution, and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait that the "allies" painted of him, Hitler was beloved by his people, he wanted nothing but peace, and never ordered the extermination of a single Jew. The largely Jewish-controlled mainstream media has ever since painted an evil picture of Hitler and the Jew World Order has even enacted laws in 16 European countries prohibiting free-speech on the issues of Judaism, Hitler and the Holocaust. I have compiled/edited this comprehensive documentary in the hopes of shedding light on one of the darkest secrets in world history. Please download, re-upload, and share this with everyone you can as this is a key lynch-pin issue and one which gets people censored and banned from JewTube regularly. Special thanks to the makers of Hellstorm, The Greatest Story Never Told, The Great Taboo, A Devil in Disguise, Jewish Ritual Murder, and all the other original video sources! For more information visit:

BigRedChief 11-06-2015 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11866941)
Holy shit, I'm ****ing rolling here. This is from a conspiracy site that literally believes the earth is flat.


NinerDoug 11-06-2015 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11866958)
**** no I didn't read it. Are you kidding me?

Holy ****ing shit.

I wonder if he at least concedes the moon is spherical. I mean, you can see with your own eyes. Not to mention other planets.

Could be part of the conspiracy, I suppose.

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:26 PM

More from this scientist...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by NinerDoug (Post 11866986)
Holy ****ing shit.

I wonder if he at least concedes the moon is spherical. I mean, you can see with your own eyes. Not to mention other planets.

Could be part of the conspiracy, I suppose.

Funny you should ask. The moon is also flat according to this brilliant scientific mind srvy considers a source.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BigRedChief 11-06-2015 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11866970)
Adolph Hitler got a bad rap.

The earth is flat.

Dinosaurs didn't exist.

But, he's a smart guy. We should listen to him over

eDave 11-06-2015 01:31 PM

We just don't do enough for the mentally ill.

GloucesterChief 11-06-2015 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866974)
Then who care about your opinion. It just theories put together from some pretty smart guys that he has put together once again explaining for everything we think we know we really know very little.

Well except for you Saul. You are all knowing. I dont care if that guy is from the flat earth society or believes in little green men he strung together a lot of things many people would not know in a fairly short read. That just proves we really know very little.

Egyptian Pyramids in their heyday looked nothing like Central American Pyramids or Andean structures.

Egyptian pyramid with limestone and cap:

Temple I in Tikal (Mayan):

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihcuacan (Aztec)

Templo del Sol, Pachacamc (Incan)

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866956)
I dont care anything about the dude himself but his sources and most the facts above are sound. You didnt read it did you.

I can't ****ing believe people are stupid enough to fall for this shit in the first place let alone keep pushing ahead with it after getting shown what an idiot the guy you follow is.

Congratulations, srvy. You've done what I thought was impossible. You've made me realize that the dumbest of the dumb are even less intelligent that I gave them credit for.

Rain Man 11-06-2015 01:32 PM

Carson believes that Rhode Island is where America manufactures all of its roads.

Saul Good 11-06-2015 01:34 PM

The South Pole does not exist. Wake up sheeple!
In the Flat-Earth model of the cosmos, the North Pole is the immovable center of the world and the entire universe. Polaris, the North Star, sits straight over the North Pole at the highest point in the heavens, and like a slowly rotating planetarium dome all the celestial bodies revolve around Polaris and over the Earth once per day. The Sun circles over and around the circumference of Earth every 24 hours, steadily traveling each day from the equator during the March vernal equinox, up to the Tropic of Cancer at the June summer solstice, back down to the equator for the September autumnal equinox, and all the way down to the Tropic of Capricorn on the December winter solstice.

In the Flat-Earth model, the South Pole does not exist at all and Antarctica is instead a gigantic ice-wall extending the circumference of Earth holding in the oceans like a giant bowl, or a “world cup.” As strange as this concept may sound at first, it is a fact that if you set a bearing due South from anywhere on Earth, inevitably at or before 78 degrees Southern latitude, you will find yourself face-to-face with an enormous ice-wall towering 100-200 feet in the air extending to the East and West the entire circumference of the world!

eDave 11-06-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 11867013)
The South Pole does not exist. Wake up sheeple!

Don't forget nukes.

DaveNull 11-06-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 11867004)
Carson believes that Rhode Island is where America manufactures all of its roads.

Either that or it's War Machine's secret lair.

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