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whoman69 11-02-2013 11:46 AM

Should we be waiting for the other sequels "How I Met Your Other Mother" "How I Met Your Other Father"?

Discuss Thrower 11-02-2013 11:49 AM

A HIMYF show could work of you give enough a cool-down period.. Like wait for 2015 (ten year anniversary of the original starting zomg) and hopefully have a little bit more of a sustained arc (IE avoiding a backup Mother situation with Victoria or Stella).

But that just isn't very likely, is it.

Baby Lee 11-02-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by whoman69 (Post 10148886)
I thought the Ropers lasted a couple of years.

6 ep first year, full order the next. But I don't know how many aired in that second.

I only ever saw a couple episodes in Cuban's HDNet, which should tell you how late I came to that party.

IIRC, That 80s show actually had a decent # of episodes air, it just had the stench of death from the beginning.

Red Brooklyn 11-02-2013 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10148626)
That's actually the part that worries me.

Don't know how much I would have stuck with HIMYM without Cobie, Willow, Doogie, et al.

Oh, totally. It's the characters that kept me coming back and endeared the show to me.

They probably can't recapture that magic a second time. But I'd rather see them try with a new crop of characters than poach existing ones and force a story around them.

Either way, I'm not sure this thing is a good idea.

Red Brooklyn 11-02-2013 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 10148897)
A HIMYF show could work of you give enough a cool-down period.. Like wait for 2015 (ten year anniversary of the original starting zomg) and hopefully have a little bit more of a sustained arc (IE avoiding a backup Mother situation with Victoria or Stella).

But that just isn't very likely, is it.

Maybe, but probably not.

It would be nice if they could go into this with an end date. Whether it's five seasons or ten. But again.... not very likely.

Discuss Thrower 11-05-2013 01:25 AM

Welp. Tonight there was an A-story that people probably didn't care about with a forced ending, a B-story that seemed cheap until the end and the C-story that is ostensibly what everyone is sitting down to watch but was rewarded with a green screen and possible continuity issues.

But Anna Camp was in it, and Allyson Hannigan was looking good in her attire too. People complain about how models and actresses distort healthy views of what women look like with photoshop and the like on their side and it should get a lot worse with how good a woman over 30 after birthing two children looked tonight. I'm a homer for Hannigan, sure -I have a weakness for redheads- but I mean she looked a lot better in her role as Lily than she has in the last year or so.

Silock 11-05-2013 01:34 AM

This show sucks now. I'm only watching it because of some perceived obligation to finish what I started.

Mr. Plow 11-06-2013 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 10161676)
This show sucks now. I'm only watching it because of some perceived obligation to finish what I started.

Yup. Watched the Monday episode last night and all I could think was that I had literally just wasted a half hour of my life. Is there any possibility we can convince them to just show us the last episode and be done with it?

cabletech94 11-06-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10165109)
Yup. Watched the Monday episode last night and all I could think was that I had literally just wasted a half hour of my life. Is there any possibility we can convince them to just show us the last episode and be done with it?

oh come on. "i'll ketchup with you later"! instant classic!

Red Brooklyn 11-06-2013 02:37 PM

Not that it's saying much, but this past episode is my favorite of the season, so far. I really loved it, despite it's choppier moments. It got back to a lot of what endeared this show to me in the first place.

Discuss Thrower 11-17-2013 03:43 PM

CBS just gave the green light for a How I Met Your Father pilot. So there's that. Guarantee this show's version of Robin is a gay/bisexual dude. Just have that feeling.

Anyway, the Lighthouse was a decent episode even though it suffered from atrocious use of green screen, and Monday's episode kind of felt cheap because

1) While I think it's an interesting move to thread the character into the cast / story, having her be such an important figure into the plot in retrospect feels like a jump-the-shark situation.

2) They set up a joke with Barney's line and didn't bother using the laugh track so it just felt awkward and kind of a slap in the face. Look, we all know Ted's the most pathetically written sitcom lead of all time but now the showrunners are just trolling the audience at this point.

Silock 11-18-2013 10:09 PM


Discuss Thrower 11-19-2013 02:04 PM

Well tell us how you really feel Silock.

Last night's episode turned out to be better than I had imagined after seeing the promos from last week. Outside of the "moral of the story" move that further cements Ted as a pathetically written character, his Detective Mosby plot was enjoyable and they correctly used Zabka as more than just a fixed point of a running joke. The biggest take away from last night is they've finally wrapped up Marshall's Driving Miss Daphne subplot in typical sitcom fashion with a happy ending. Hooray.

Still needs moar Mother though.

Mr. Plow 11-20-2013 08:30 AM

Monday's episode made me wonder if finishing this show out is worth it.

BigMeatballDave 11-20-2013 09:09 AM

This season is just awful.

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