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Baby Lee 12-31-2019 10:06 PM

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/0iV0Y6t"><a href="//">&quot;Someone must have told them about my little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab&quot;</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

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Originally Posted by imgur
“It’s a small exhaust port, right below the main port.”

Buehler445 01-01-2020 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 14688441)
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/0iV0Y6t"><a href="//">&quot;Someone must have told them about my little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab&quot;</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Top response


Sure-Oz 01-01-2020 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14688061)

No. Just, no.

There was more chemistry with three kids who knew jack and shit about acting in the original Harry Potter.

TFA Finn and Rey were more interesting....after that they went to shit. No emotions, no real good interaction at all. Just terrible characters that I didn't really care about.

Jamie 01-01-2020 01:23 AM

It had occurred to me after seeing The Last Jedi that Rose may have only existed to not-gay Finn, but after seeing Finn and Poe both get throwaway love interests in RoS I think I actually believe it.

TLJ is a much tighter movie if you just have Poe go with Finn, because not only can you eliminate a superfluous character in Rose, you can eliminate all the Admiral Holdo shit that only exists to give Poe something to do. Basically I think Disney didn't like the tumblrinas shipping Finn and Poe, so they tried to create a new female love interest that would appeal directly to that demographic.

Chiefspants 01-01-2020 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jamie (Post 14688552)

TLJ is a much tighter movie if you just have Poe go with Finn, because not only can you eliminate a superfluous character in Rose, you can eliminate all the Admiral Holdo shit that only exists to give Poe something to do. Basically I think Disney didn't like the tumblrinas shipping Finn and Poe, so they tried to create a new female love interest that would appeal directly to that demographic.

I kid you not, this was Rian’s first draft of TLJ’s script..

BigRedChief 01-01-2020 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14688301)
Disney+ seems like a good platform for a course correction (I typed 'force correction' lol).

I'm just not sure what they can do now, film wise. Hell, what if they'd waited 5 years and done Solo as a limited series. Maybe it's a monumental success for Disney+ instead of a borderline flop in theaters. Like they're doing with Obi-wan.

TV is the best option. HBO/Netflix/Dismey+ have the money. The eyeballs now. They usually leave the creators alone to do their thing. Properly fund the shows. It doesn't have the stigma of inferiority anymore. All of the A-listers have done TV now.

I think filmmakers like Tarantino after his last movie will excel at a one time 6-8 episode arc format. His first cuts are always 3.5+ hours anyway. He can flesh out the story and characters in a way that you cant in a 2 hour movie.

Deberg_1990 01-01-2020 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jamie (Post 14688552)
It had occurred to me after seeing The Last Jedi that Rose may have only existed to not-gay Finn, but after seeing Finn and Poe both get throwaway love interests in RoS I think I actually believe it.

TLJ is a much tighter movie if you just have Poe go with Finn, because not only can you eliminate a superfluous character in Rose, you can eliminate all the Admiral Holdo shit that only exists to give Poe something to do. Basically I think Disney didn't like the tumblrinas shipping Finn and Poe, so they tried to create a new female love interest that would appeal directly to that demographic.

Heh. Pretty obvious how they wittled Roses part down in RoS to about 3 or 4 lines.

Sure-Oz 01-01-2020 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 14688956)
Heh. Pretty obvious how they wittled Roses part down in RoS to about 3 or 4 lines.

She went through all that internet bullying for nothing. Even that scene Finn looks like he's not wanting it

Sure-Oz 01-01-2020 08:25 PM

DJJasonp 01-02-2020 11:16 AM

I actually saw an article yesterday, stating "millions of star wars fans left wondering what happened to Rose...."

Ummmm, I've literally never met anyone who gave a damn about that character.....nor wanted/desired MORE screen time for her.

Deberg_1990 01-02-2020 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 14689458)

heh, yea.....How did Kylo get off that Death Star wreckage planet??

Hammock Parties 01-02-2020 08:47 PM


Setsuna 01-02-2020 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14690853)


Bowser 01-02-2020 10:22 PM

Totally read that in Samuel L's voice, lol

Raiderhater 01-03-2020 01:34 PM

Finally saw this last night. I just... I don’t know. During the film I found myself comparing it to whichever of the M:I sequels had the characters wearing four different fake faces at one time (I believe it was II). It just kept feeling more and more absurd as it went on. As an independent sci-fi film this would have been very good to great. But it isn’t independent, it is the continuation of an established story. And I realize that at least some of what was done through our the trilogy can be explained in the EU but, not everyone who watches the films immerses themselves in these stories stretched across all mediums. The films are the focal point of the entire Star Wars universe, if people walk out of the theater scratching their heads over more than one or two minor things then you failed.

And that is with out mentioning the brining back of Palpatine (and ruining Vader’s redemption) and Rey being his granddaughter after already teasing she was a Skywalker. Poe and Finn just continue to be unlikeable (to me anyway). Poe is supposed to be a Han Solo type but comes across as corny instead of cool. A Calvary charge on a star destroyer just looked silly. Force ghosts can interact in the physical world by summoning lightning (TLJ) and raising an X-wing from the sea but can’t/don’t show up to help defeat powerful enemies. And speaking of the force, users can grab ahold of ships in flight and damn near fly their own selves. And probably some other issues I’m forgetting at the moment.

It WAS an entertaining and visually good looking movie. And as I said, it could, with a bit of retooling to come across as a stand alone story instead of a continuation of one, be a decent to good unique sci-fi flick. But as a Star Wars movie, while having its moments, it ignores too many story lines and plots not just from within this trilogy, but through the entirety of the saga.

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