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Tribal Warfare 08-18-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4926170)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

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(20 minutes later) Mysweetbaboo:hello sorry wasn't around
bfett81<!-- (10:50:00 PM)-->:no prob, busy with work anyway
bfett81<!-- (10:50:06 PM)-->:just saw you online when i sat down
Mysweetbaboo:bobby bell? sounds kind of familiar
bfett81<!-- (10:50:52 PM)-->:really? lol
Mysweetbaboo:kind of couldn't say anything else about it
Mysweetbaboo:who is that/
bfett81<!-- (10:51:08 PM)-->:ex football player
bfett81<!-- (10:51:13 PM)-->:hall of famer
bfett81<!-- (10:51:19 PM)-->:as they say, "he's kind of a big deal"
bfett81<!-- (10:51:38 PM)-->:anyway, just very cool that he's joining our podcast this year as a weekly guest
bfett81<!-- (10:51:40 PM)-->:major coup for us
Mysweetbaboo:that's good
bfett81<!-- (10:51:54 PM)-->:he was part of the chiefs' super bowl winning team in 1970
bfett81<!-- (10:51:59 PM)-->:he' like a kansas city legend
Mysweetbaboo:great. that's probably why it's familiar but nothing further than familiarity haha
bfett81<!-- (10:52:29 PM)-->:i think you said you didn't really like football but thought you might have heard the name
Mysweetbaboo:i have family that is into all that stuff
bfett81<!-- (10:53:09 PM)-->:the guy was actually a physical freak for the time...he was enormous and fast
bfett81<!-- (10:53:17 PM)-->:could probably play today
bfett81<!-- (10:53:23 PM)-->:if he was younger, of course
Mysweetbaboo:When did he retire?
bfett81<!-- (10:53:44 PM)-->:but you don't like i'll shut up lol
bfett81<!-- (10:53:46 PM)-->:1980ish
bfett81<!-- (10:54:08 PM)-->:1963-74
Mysweetbaboo:so yeah before I was born
Mysweetbaboo: :-P
bfett81<!-- (10:54:44 PM)-->:well now you know about bobby bell
bfett81<!-- (10:54:46 PM)-->:impress all your friends
Mysweetbaboo:oh yes they will be oh so impressed
bfett81<!-- (10:54:57 PM)-->:"say, do you know about super-bowl champion and NFL Hall of Famer bobby bell?"
bfett81<!-- (10:55:05 PM)-->:"i know a guy who know someone who knows him"
bfett81<!-- (10:55:09 PM)-->:"yeah, he's kind of a big deal"
Mysweetbaboo:haha they'd be like oh one of those things
Mysweetbaboo:i know a guy who knows a guy that knew a guy that knows him
bfett81<!-- (10:55:45 PM)-->:he's 68 though...and living off his past....must be nice
bfett81<!-- (10:55:58 PM)-->:he opened a BBQ join in KC after he retired
bfett81<!-- (10:56:00 PM)-->:cha-ching
Mysweetbaboo:yep sounds like a good deal
bfett81<!-- (11:01:00 PM)-->:lol for him anyway
bfett81<!-- (11:01:13 PM)-->:KC is famous for BBQ, dunno if you knew that
bfett81<!-- (11:01:20 PM)-->:"it's kind of a big deal"
Mysweetbaboo:yeah i know nothing
bfett81<!-- (11:01:37 PM)-->:oh dear
bfett81<!-- (11:01:41 PM)-->:i didn't mean to imply that
bfett81<!-- (11:01:46 PM)-->: :-\
Mysweetbaboo:no no wasn't saying that you did
bfett81<!-- (11:02:20 PM)-->:it's funny, because KC is like
bfett81<!-- (11:02:22 PM)-->:literally
bfett81<!-- (11:02:25 PM)-->:football and BBQ
bfett81<!-- (11:02:27 PM)-->:and nothing else
Mysweetbaboo:woo sounds like my kind of town
bfett81<!-- (11:03:07 PM)-->:oh yeah, you should move
Mysweetbaboo:i'm on the next plane out
bfett81<!-- (11:03:30 PM)-->:and take your classes on field trips to arthur bryant's
bfett81<!-- (11:03:41 PM)-->:to sample their dry rub and burnt ends
Mysweetbaboo:eww please no
Mysweetbaboo:that just sounds unsanitary
bfett81<!-- (11:04:22 PM)-->:today for show and tell, little bobby has a rack of baby back ribs
Mysweetbaboo:so I'm thinking I'm going to go to bed
Mysweetbaboo:I wasn't even planning on getting on tonight cause I'm so tired but I did
bfett81<!-- (11:08:08 PM)-->:that's cool, i'm not terminally ill or nothing
bfett81<!-- (11:08:21 PM)-->:you got on? just for ME? :-*
Mysweetbaboo:well that's good...
Mysweetbaboo:yes just for you
bfett81<!-- (11:09:08 PM)-->:go to bed then...i'm just working
bfett81<!-- (11:09:28 PM)-->:get some shuteye
bfett81<!-- (11:09:33 PM)-->:hit the sack
Mysweetbaboo: :-)
bfett81<!-- (11:09:39 PM)-->:catch some Z's
bfett81<!-- (11:09:41 PM)-->:saw some logs
Mysweetbaboo:it sounds like a wonderful idea to me
Mysweetbaboo:and I like to say...
Mysweetbaboo:dream of strawberries
bfett81<!-- (11:10:02 PM)-->:mmmm
bfett81<!-- (11:10:06 PM)-->:'n cream
Mysweetbaboo:it means good things when you dream of strawberries
Mysweetbaboo:so that's what i'm going to go do
bfett81<!-- (11:10:35 PM)-->:alrighty
bfett81<!-- (11:10:39 PM)-->:have a good night, L
bfett81<!-- (11:10:42 PM)-->: :-D
Mysweetbaboo:you too sir
Mysweetbaboo:finish up your work!
Mysweetbaboo:then rest
bfett81<!-- (11:11:01 PM)-->:ill try
Mysweetbaboo:well I'll talk to you later
bfett81<!-- (11:11:14 PM)-->:go to bed!
bfett81<!-- (11:11:17 PM)-->: :-)
bfett81<!-- (11:11:22 PM)-->:night

Is this the 18 year old or the shy one?

Mr. Flopnuts 08-18-2008 11:19 PM

Ask her if she wants some of your dry rub and burnt ends.

J Diddy 08-18-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 4926172)
Is this the 18 year old or the shy one?

trying to impress her with someone she knows nothing about?

you could do better

Hammock Parties 08-18-2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 4926172)
Is this the 18 year old or the shy one?

The shy one.

Anyone else I pretty much just talk about ****ing.

Phobia 08-18-2008 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by J Diddy (Post 4926167)
what's funny is that chick flew all the way from CA, didn't even get in the front door

Heh. I had that happen once - right after I dumped my ex-wife. I knew I needed a slump-buster and I lowered my standards. Little did I know. I let her in the front door. Heh. I laughed hysterically afterwards -every time. She thought I was psycho. Maybe I was. Turns out she made a lot of money during the .com boom. I should have sent her a bill for services rendered.

J Diddy 08-18-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 4926184)
Heh. I had that happen once - right after I dumped my ex-wife. I knew I needed a slump-buster and I lowered my standards. Little did I know. I let her in the front door. Heh. I laughed hysterically afterwards -every time. She thought I was psycho. Maybe I was. Turns out she made a lot of money during the .com boom. I should have sent her a bill for services rendered.

that bill would probably get a call from accounting.

Earl: Hey bonnie I got a bill from a guy named phil for a $5000
Bonnie: for what?
Earl: Don't know really, did you go on safari
Bonnie:No I flew around a little bit had some mid summers romances, why?
Earl:Says $5000 for riding a hippo
Bonnie:oh that phil....

Mr. Flopnuts 08-18-2008 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4925830)

That conversation was ****ing solid. I didn't know you had it in you. You're gonna get some ass yet!!!

Hammock Parties 08-18-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Flopnuts (Post 4926194)
That conversation was ****ing solid. I didn't know you had it in you. You're gonna get some ass yet!!!

Risin up
straight to the top
had the guts got the glory
went the distance now I'm not gonna stop
just a man and his will to **** something

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known virgin stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger......
The eye of the tiger......
The eye of the tiger......

Phobia 08-18-2008 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by J Diddy (Post 4926191)
that bill would probably get a call from accounting.

Earl: Hey bonnie I got a bill from a guy named phil for a $5000
Bonnie: for what?
Earl: Don't know really, did you go on safari
Bonnie:No I flew around a little bit had some mid summers romances, why?
Earl:Says $5000 for riding a hippo
Bonnie:oh that phil....

Heh heh. Awesome. This gal wasn't obese or anything - she was just thick. She rode mountain bikes in their natural habitat. She had calves bigger than mine and that's saying something. She wasn't attractive at all. She wasn't ugly but I wasn't attracted to her whatsoever.

DaKCMan AP 08-19-2008 06:18 AM

Did you really spend 3/4 of a conversation talking to a girl about Bobby Bell? :shake: Especially when she has no idea who he is and doesn't really care? :spock:

Saulbadguy 08-19-2008 06:41 AM

"ever heard of Bobby Bell?"

Sorry. Two thumbs down.

Saulbadguy 08-19-2008 06:42 AM

2nd mistake, you posted her AIM name. BWAH HAH!

luv 08-19-2008 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 4926396)
"ever heard of Bobby Bell?"

Sorry. Two thumbs down.

Yep. Should have just said "What's up today?" Get her talking before he goes on and on about someone/something she doesn't know/care about.

"My family is into that sort of stuff." = "But I'm not."

Try not to start off talking about you. You can segway into it later, but, especially since she's not into it, make it a brief explanation.

Saulbadguy 08-19-2008 06:59 AM

She does sound in to you though. Don't **** it up.

DaKCMan AP 08-19-2008 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 4926407)
Yep. Should have just said "What's up today?" Get her talking before he goes on and on about someone/something she doesn't know/care about.

"My family is into that sort of stuff." = "But I'm not."

Try not to start off talking about you. You can segway into it later, but, especially since she's not into it, make it a brief explanation.

Pretty much every conversation has been all about him. That's a big no no. It makes sense because he doesn't know any better and since people like talking about themselves, which is exactly why you need to get the girl to talk about herself. Once she's into you she'll be asking you non-stop questions. Believe me.

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