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Fish 12-29-2021 08:02 PM

$10 for the GOY edition. That's crazy.

tredadda 12-29-2021 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16040558)
$10 for the GOY edition. That's crazy.

For anyone who doesn't have it, that's a phenomenal deal for one of the best games ever.

hometeam 01-02-2022 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 16040689)
For anyone who doesn't have it, that's a phenomenal deal for one of the best games ever.

I have mentioned this before. I have tried, literally 5 or 6 times to play this game and just cant get far. On its face its incredible, awesome story, beautiful vistas, open world, MODS and cool gameplay elements.

Ultimately, the combat system feels like doo doo :( , If this game had something in combat like say Shadows of War, Assassins' Creed (which it clearly tries to emulate, albeit the CDPR version) etc, if they could have pulled that off, this game would be up there with Skyrim as a top PC RPG of all time.

Irritates me every time I see it brought up, because I want to love it!

Fish 01-02-2022 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16045285)
I have mentioned this before. I have tried, literally 5 or 6 times to play this game and just cant get far. On its face its incredible, awesome story, beautiful vistas, open world, MODS and cool gameplay elements.

Ultimately, the combat system feels like doo doo :( , If this game had something in combat like say Shadows of War, Assassins' Creed (which it clearly tries to emulate, albeit the CDPR version) etc, if they could have pulled that off, this game would be up there with Skyrim as a top PC RPG of all time.

Irritates me every time I see it brought up, because I want to love it!

Technically, you'd be hard pressed to find a list of best RPG PC games that doesn't have Witcher 3 in the top 10 or so. No worries if it didn't work for you. But it's one of the highest ranked RPGs there are.

gillsehaj170 01-03-2022 04:23 AM

I still see folks getting in to it because of the Switch port and I'm guessing we'll have folks on CP jump into the game after seeing the series on Netflix so I was trying not to be a dick and ruin the surprise.

Sassy Squatch 01-03-2022 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16045285)
I have mentioned this before. I have tried, literally 5 or 6 times to play this game and just cant get far. On its face its incredible, awesome story, beautiful vistas, open world, MODS and cool gameplay elements.

Ultimately, the combat system feels like doo doo :( , If this game had something in combat like say Shadows of War, Assassins' Creed (which it clearly tries to emulate, albeit the CDPR version) etc, if they could have pulled that off, this game would be up there with Skyrim as a top PC RPG of all time.

Irritates me every time I see it brought up, because I want to love it!

Did you get far enough to unlock more of the respective skills trees? That is one pretty big flaw in the game in that the early Velen stuff is pretty lacklustre gameplay wise because there's just not much you can do yet except mindlessly whack away at monsters and maybe use a sign or two.

Frazod 01-03-2022 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16045285)
I have mentioned this before. I have tried, literally 5 or 6 times to play this game and just cant get far. On its face its incredible, awesome story, beautiful vistas, open world, MODS and cool gameplay elements.

Ultimately, the combat system feels like doo doo :( , If this game had something in combat like say Shadows of War, Assassins' Creed (which it clearly tries to emulate, albeit the CDPR version) etc, if they could have pulled that off, this game would be up there with Skyrim as a top PC RPG of all time.

Irritates me every time I see it brought up, because I want to love it!

I understand. I quit the first game in frustration but eventually went back to it. Quit the second game in frustration and never went back to it. And while I did have more than a few **** THIS moments with the third, I stuck with it.

Admittedly, the combat system is a bit clunky and convoluted. One of the key things you need to do is dodge/roll, early and often. Stand still in Witcher 3 and you're toast, especially against multiple enemies. I always build up my fast attack and igni skills first, followed by blade oils. Burn/strike/dodge. And if you see the red death emblem above an opponent, RUN. Go back and get them later when you're built up. Wraiths are especially troublesome early on. Can't be hurt unless you've cast yrden and they're within the spell radius. That's obnoxious.

Also, make sure you're using the correct sword when you fight.

Frazod 01-03-2022 03:22 PM

Oh, I would also add that if you think the combat system in Witcher 3 is ****ed up, try playing Kingdom Come Deliverance. Makes Witcher seem like Pong. I still can't believe I finished that sonofabitch.

tredadda 01-03-2022 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16050503)
I understand. I quit the first game in frustration but eventually went back to it. Quit the second game in frustration and never went back to it. And while I did have more than a few **** THIS moments with the third, I stuck with it.

Admittedly, the combat system is a bit clunky and convoluted. One of the key things you need to do is dodge/roll, early and often. Stand still in Witcher 3 and you're toast, especially against multiple enemies. I always build up my fast attack and igni skills first, followed by blade oils. Burn/strike/dodge. And if you see the red death emblem above an opponent, RUN. Go back and get them later when you're built up. Wraiths are especially troublesome early on. Can't be hurt unless you've cast yrden and they're within the spell radius. That's obnoxious.

Also, make sure you're using the correct sword when you fight.

It's funny, but when I played through I really built up my Igni tree. It wasn't till well past the halfway point or into the expansions that I realized that Quen is easily the best magic skill in the game for staying alive.

Frazod 01-03-2022 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 16050900)
It's funny, but when I played through I really built up my Igni tree. It wasn't till well past the halfway point or into the expansions that I realized that Quen is easily the best magic skill in the game for staying alive.

I almost never use that one.

hometeam 01-03-2022 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16049944)
Did you get far enough to unlock more of the respective skills trees? That is one pretty big flaw in the game in that the early Velen stuff is pretty lacklustre gameplay wise because there's just not much you can do yet except mindlessly whack away at monsters and maybe use a sign or two.

Its really not got anything to do with skill trees etc.. its more of how the movement of the combat works etc... i dunno it just feels bad to me :(

Buehler445 01-03-2022 10:31 PM

No books or games here.

I really liked it. I rewatched Season 1 to refresh (and to see Yennifer's cans - let's be real here.) and Season 1 seemed to move faster because it jumped around and kept you on your toes. Strictly moving chronologically removed that aspect can seem to take the edge off.

I think it was really well done. I can't think of a single time the acting or production took me out of it. And I'll be goddamned if I wouldn't look back on it as a life well lived if I could just once be as awesome as Cavill looked riding up on those Nilfgaard soldiers with the dwarves. Just once.

Fish 01-03-2022 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 16050900)
It's funny, but when I played through I really built up my Igni tree. It wasn't till well past the halfway point or into the expansions that I realized that Quen is easily the best magic skill in the game for staying alive.

Hmmm.. I never use Quen. Igni all the time...

The Franchise 01-04-2022 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16051333)
Its really not got anything to do with skill trees etc.. its more of how the movement of the combat works etc... i dunno it just feels bad to me :(

It's the same for me. I've tried twice now to start it out and the combat just feels "off". I'll have to give it a third time apparently.

tredadda 01-04-2022 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16051459)
Hmmm.. I never use Quen. Igni all the time...

That is interesting as you and Frazod don't use it. I didn't at first, but once I started using Quen, I found it can become overpowered. I actually found myself only using that and occasionally Igni. The only other one I would occasionally use was Yrden (but only with wraiths). I guess each person has their own play style and there is no wrong way to play the game.

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