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SurroundedByMorons 03-29-2024 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Straight, No Chaser (Post 17461571)
I think he's young enough and from what I've heard brash enough to not give a sheet.

Playing balls-out he's also the this years candidate to most-likely-to-get-injured.

I believe Andy can go into the lab and find a niche for him as a weapon. I hope he gets a chance. Looks like Kelce's new prodigy.

I played football and rugby in college. Not sure why folks are saying this guy will be a TE. Flankers in rugby are TE equivalent. Wingers are WR / RB type players. Pads won't affect speed. His lack of HS/College play time will be the reason he doesn't succeed in the NFL. He is clearly athletic enough to play.

ThrobProng 03-29-2024 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by SurroundedByMorons (Post 17461597)
Not sure why folks are saying this guy will be a TE.

He'd be the smallest NFL TE I've ever seen, by a wide margin.

BigRedChief 03-29-2024 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by tyreekthefreak (Post 17461498)
Our new return man for the new arena football kickoffs!

Also need to have him under center for the tush push.


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17461500)
He doesn't count against the roster, because he is from the Pathways program, right? He would basically be the 91st roster spot.

Correct. He doesn't count against the 53 man roster or the practice squad. Which is the reason the Chiefs are giving him a shot. He doesn't take the spot of some maybe future contributor.

BigRedChief 03-29-2024 09:54 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">we all know this is happening <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Adam Best (@Arrowhead_Adam) <a href="">March 28, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Zebedee DuBois 03-29-2024 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Straight, No Chaser (Post 17461571)
I think he's young enough and from what I've heard brash enough to not give a sheet.

Playing balls-out he's also the this years candidate to most-likely-to-get-injured.

I believe Andy can go into the lab and find a niche for him as a weapon. I hope he gets a chance. Looks like Kelce's new prodigy.


The Franchise 03-29-2024 10:22 AM

Do you sign camp fodder to a 3 year deal?

penguinz 03-29-2024 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Straight, No Chaser (Post 17461571)
I think he's young enough and from what I've heard brash enough to not give a sheet.

Playing balls-out he's also the this years candidate to most-likely-to-get-injured.

I believe Andy can go into the lab and find a niche for him as a weapon. I hope he gets a chance. Looks like Kelce's new prodigy.

No way in hell. He is waaaaay too small for a TE. Listed at 194lb and is 6'4"

POND_OF_RED 03-29-2024 10:36 AM

The guys a real special talent. English clubs usually stay away from picking up Celtic players due to old rivalries. The fact that he is Welsh playing for an English club and the fact that it didn’t lose him his spot on the national team says a whole lot about what a special talent he is. That shit is VERY rare in rugby. He’s a bit of a bitch in rugby terms as far as shying away from big hits, but his speed and goose step are absolutely elite. He’s gonna make a hell of a returner in my opinion and could definitely become a decent depth option at receiver. Don’t see him lining up at RB much. He needs to get the ball in more space to utilize his skillsets.

displacedinMN 03-29-2024 10:41 AM

he is going to run back the kickoffs

greg63 03-29-2024 10:42 AM

How well will he play in pads though?

SurroundedByMorons 03-29-2024 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by greg63 (Post 17461780)
How well will he play in pads though?

Pads don't matter. Rugby is FAR more difficult to play than football from a physical standpoint. Have to be in way better shape as it is perpetual motion. The real question everyone should be asking: How high is his ass?

JPH83 03-29-2024 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by POND_OF_RED (Post 17461769)
The guys a real special talent. English clubs usually stay away from picking up Celtic players due to old rivalries. The fact that he is Welsh playing for an English club and the fact that it didn’t lose him his spot on the national team says a whole lot about what a special talent he is. That shit is VERY rare in rugby. He’s a bit of a bitch in rugby terms as far as shying away from big hits, but his speed and goose step are absolutely elite. He’s gonna make a hell of a returner in my opinion and could definitely become a decent depth option at receiver. Don’t see him lining up at RB much. He needs to get the ball in more space to utilize his skillsets.

No offence but it's not unusual for Welsh players to play for English clubs. Especially Gloucester. He's pretty quick and he'll be used as a returner and realistically anything else would be a surprise and a great bonus

Tribal Warfare 03-29-2024 01:17 PM

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Zebedee DuBois 03-29-2024 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by greg63 (Post 17461780)
How well will he play in pads though?

He'll be so fast you'll think those pads have wings.

In58men 03-29-2024 03:17 PM

They’re officially listing him as a RB on the roster.

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