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Hern 01-22-2020 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 14745435)
so you came to another board to talk trash about a team you've never watched.

oh buddy! Welcome.

Get yourself a good seat for next Sunday. You're gonna see some shit that's going to blow your mind!

See you think you can glance at the year's stats and you have an idea of what things are. Oh man.

That’s a big negative Cristopher.

I came here to wish you guys luck and to tell you that Mahomes is truly great. I also participated in giving my 2 cents on how I saw the 9ers winning. I was very clear that if we can’t get Mahomes in the ground we don’t stand a chance.

Then I was bombarded my homophobic responses. In which case anything I said after that made me a “troll” and gay. And apparently there’sa bunch of crap on my street.

Sorry that we don’t have the same view point in the matter. Sorry I didn’t watch any other team that’s not the 9ers play. That’s why my observation is pretty simple. Get to Mahomes we win. We don’t, we lose.

I don’t think I need to watch any KC games to come to that conclusion.

Hern 01-22-2020 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 (Post 14745413)
As a team? No but we aren’t built even a little bit alike.

The Saints don’t even present a deep passing threat for the most part. They win in the short to intermediate areas with Brees’ precision. Not comparable offenses at all.

Can you please tell me how the Titans and 9ers are built alike.

Chris Meck 01-22-2020 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745440)
I think you’re wrong. The NFL is a family. Just like we should all be. Maybe you don’t care about the 9ers, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying the chiefs don’t.

They're an obstacle, in the way.

You're looking at these season stats:
In a year where we completely gutted the defense, new coordinator, new staff and like 8 new starters, had tons of injuries and finally got dialed in and healthy mid-season.

An offense in which Mahomes was playing on one leg for the first half of the year, missed 2 1/2 games, Tyreek Hill missed like 6 games, Watkins like almost that many, our left tackle missed 8, and you look at the overall stats and think you have an idea of what this offense does.


ChiefsCountry 01-22-2020 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745454)
Can you please tell me how the Titans and 9ers are built alike.

Both have shitty game manager QBs who need a running game.

pugsnotdrugs19 01-22-2020 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745454)
Can you please tell me how the Titans and 9ers are built alike.

Both built on stretch zone schemes (with some gap mixed in), running behind tough, gritty offensive lines that like to set the tone... both have just ok QBs. Both good at RB (although their backs do it a little differently; still a handful). I’d say they’re about even at WR. I might give a very slight edge to SF there but AJ Brown is the best receiver between the two teams right now — regardless, their receivers are used predominantly off of PA concepts in the intermediate to deep portions of the field. Both teams have very good play callers, but Shanahan is better I’ll admit.

I mean you could actually watch Titans games and that would have saved me all that typing...

wachashi 01-22-2020 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by wachashi (Post 14745099)

Tennessee had a stronger running attack than SF during the regular season, and the Chiefs just shut it down.


There's just no way the Niners win this game if the Chiefs D plays like it did against Tennessee. The Niners aren't going to be able to run the ball consistently. Jimmy G will pee down his leg when he can't throw over the middle. And that will be a wrap.

Hern 01-22-2020 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 14745456)
They're an obstacle, in the way.

You're looking at these season stats:
In a year where we completely gutted the defense, new coordinator, new staff and like 8 new starters, had tons of injuries and finally got dialed in and healthy mid-season.

An offense in which Mahomes was playing on one leg for the first half of the year, missed 2 1/2 games, Tyreek Hill missed like 6 games, Watkins like almost that many, our left tackle missed 8, and you look at the overall stats and think you have an idea of what this offense does.


Sorry buddy, I’ve clearly stated that stats don’t matter.

The ONLY time stats where brought up is when the comparison of the defense’s were brought up. That comparison was only after week 11. After week 11 the comparison to the 9ers and Chiefs defense Were comparable.

I don’t get why only after week 11 we compare the 2 teams. But I get it. Y’all finally got it together. On the flip side no one on this board acknowledges that our defense was not what it was early in the season when everyone’s healthy. You guys want to compare the “oiled machine” your defense turned into vs our defense that was riddled with injuries. I’d say that’s unfair.

At the end of the day WHO CARES. I don’t.

The Franchise 01-22-2020 03:24 PM

Are there practices this week? Or is it more walkthroughs and then practices next week?

ToxSocks 01-22-2020 03:26 PM

They said during the game that Jimmy Grapes wants to wear his protective knee brace for the remainder of his career.

That says a lot about how he feels about his knee.

If we get a lead on dat ass and Jimmy Grapes is forced to throw regularly he's in deep doo-doo.

RunKC 01-22-2020 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745383)
Literally everyone.

We have the better Oline
Better Dline
Better LB
Better RB
Better secondary

You guys have better QB and WR.

Those are facts. Not homerism.

We also have the better coach, who absolutely ass raped your DC the last time we played you. Yes you have a better pass rush, but we have Mecole Hardman and a QB that is better than 2018.

We put 38 on that defense while taking our foot off the gas at half. And yes a lot of that was bc of elite play designed screens and a God level QB.

You better pray that the Chiefs don’t go up multiple scores early or limit your run game bc if that happens and this game turns into Jimmy G vs Mahomes, it’s a wrap.

ToxSocks 01-22-2020 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745418)
Why you keep saying that Henry was held to 8 yards in the 2nd half. HE GOT 3 CARRIES. That’s on coaching. The game was still within reach.

Flow of the game matters. They attempted to run, and on two consecutive series were shown that the Chiefs weren't giving them a damn thing and they were forced to adjust.

This idea that it's the coache's fault they went away from Henry (they really didn't) is a false narrative.

Put down the NFLN and watch the actual game.

The Talking Heads are full of cliches and bullshit talking points that are just basic, shallow level shit.

Fact is the Chiefs FORCED Henry out of the game because they had shut his ass down. What did you expect the Titans to do, keep running something that wasn't working? GMAFB.

Chris Meck 01-22-2020 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745453)
That’s a big negative Cristopher.

I came here to wish you guys luck and to tell you that Mahomes is truly great. I also participated in giving my 2 cents on how I saw the 9ers winning. I was very clear that if we can’t get Mahomes in the ground we don’t stand a chance.

Then I was bombarded my homophobic responses. In which case anything I said after that made me a “troll” and gay. And apparently there’sa bunch of crap on my street.

Sorry that we don’t have the same view point in the matter. Sorry I didn’t watch any other team that’s not the 9ers play. That’s why my observation is pretty simple. Get to Mahomes we win. We don’t, we lose.

I don’t think I need to watch any KC games to come to that conclusion.

well, I'm not homophobic. I don't care who or what you do whatever with as long as they're not children or animals. Consenting adults, whatever.

As for the game, perhaps I got you mixed up with some of your fellow 9'ers fans are talking mad trash, using the same old tired arguments that everyone has brought here the last few months.

Anyway, if you want to try to claim you have the better TEAM, but we have the better PLAYER, you're still wrong.

You haven't seen this speed.

This defense is not what the season long stats say it is. Try the last 8 weeks, that's an indication of what this defense is like when it's relatively healthy and settled into the scheme.

We're nothing like the Saints.

ToxSocks 01-22-2020 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hern (Post 14745383)
Literally everyone.

We have the better Oline
Better Dline
Better LB
Better RB
Better secondary

You guys have better QB and WR.

Those are facts. Not homerism.

Better O-Line? Highly debateable. Maybe a better run-blocking O-Line but our pass blocking is Elite.

Better D-Line? Again, highly debateable.

Better LB - Ok

Better Secondary? Also debateable. And quite frankly, pointless. Because i already know your secondary can't run with our boys. I saw that last season and i've seen it every time ya'll have had to play an elite QB.

ToxSocks 01-22-2020 03:35 PM

It's funny. These 9er fans have no ****ing clue. They really don't.

I mean, i appreciate the effort from some of you, but you just don't know.

Ya'll are saying the same exact shit that Texans and Titans fans said. Same shit every rival fan base says. And then the Chiefs take their asses to the woodshed, and their players say, "damn, there's nothing else like that in the NFL".

LiveSteam 01-22-2020 03:36 PM

The BayOfGay is punting at 12:25 to go. 3rd quarter 1994.

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