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Micjones 07-24-2012 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by durtyrute (Post 8763469)
"Got myself a date, Friday night at eight. She might be my mate. That would be so great, great great great Great!!!

One of us got it right. The other one is me.

durtyrute 07-24-2012 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Micjones (Post 8763475)
One of us got it right. The other one is me.

Doesn't matter who got it right. You posted it..........I laughed.

JD10367 07-24-2012 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Johnny Fever (Post 8763359)
LMAO thanks.

I know I'm an outcast for saying this but I actually prefer smaller chested women.


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 8763370)
Boobs are vastly overrated. Give me legs, butt, and flat stomach any day over a giant rack.

I've always preferred normal or smaller-breasted women. I don't understand mens' fascination with big boobs, but I guess it's like describing the Mona Lisa to a blind man. It probably has to do with the brain's wiring when very young and what is experienced (big titted nannies or babysitters or family members, or big boobs in their first sticky wrinkled porn mag they find somewhere, or the first big-knockered actress they see on TV when small, I dunno).

However, there's a female TV host of a local show that has a healthy set of boobs which I find extremely attractive. They're round and look large but they just fit her face and body perfectly. Then again, maybe boob-lovers wouldn't consider them big. :shrug: Pics don't do them justice, really; it's just the way she sits on set, slightly turned, straight back, with the goods standing proudly and pressed tightly against her clothing. This is the best example I could find.

luv 07-24-2012 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by durtyrute (Post 8763459)
People give Luv shit about her threads, but this one gets mad bumps.

I thought it was getting moved to the HOC where I wouldn't have to see

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-24-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 8763520)
I thought it was getting moved to the HOC where I wouldn't have to see

Oh no dear this thread is never dying.

BigRedChief 07-24-2012 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 8763520)
I thought it was getting moved to the HOC where I wouldn't have to see

The academy is having technical difficulties. Austinchief is working the issue.

BigMeatballDave 07-24-2012 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8763424)
He prefers dicks that are hard and vascular.


DaKCMan AP 07-24-2012 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 8763490)
I've always preferred normal or smaller-breasted women. I don't understand mens' fascination with big boobs, but I guess it's like describing the Mona Lisa to a blind man. It probably has to do with the brain's wiring when very young and what is experienced (big titted nannies or babysitters or family members, or big boobs in their first sticky wrinkled porn mag they find somewhere, or the first big-knockered actress they see on TV when small, I dunno).

Fat chicks often have larger chests. A lot of guys can only get fat chicks. :shrug:


luv 07-24-2012 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 8763724)
Fat chicks often have larger chests. A lot of guys can only get fat chicks. :shrug:


That would be because boobs are fat...whenever they're not silicon.

DaKCMan AP 07-24-2012 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 8763728)
That would be because boobs are fat...whenever they're not silicon.



Setsuna 07-24-2012 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 8763730)


You had to :hmmm: that? Even I knew that. Amateur.

DaKCMan AP 07-24-2012 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8763754)
You had to :hmmm: that? Even I knew that. Amateur.



Setsuna 07-24-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 8763848)





Canofbier 08-12-2012 01:39 AM

Warning: long sob story incoming. It's super gay.

Some background story is needed before I get to the current day situation: last year, I met a girl at school and took a fancy to her right away. Aside from being very pretty and smart, she shares my sense of humor and has a killer smile. It's kind of difficult to put into words, but we would look one another directly in the eyes for extended periods of time without any discomfort. It felt like there was something there.

Unfortunately, I knew that she was already in a relationship with some guy, and furthermore, it was only a matter of months before everyone would graduate and go their separate ways to begin their careers. I didn't see her often, so it was easy enough to forget about it and focus on other women.

Fast forward a few months. By this point, I've nailed down my post-grad job, and I'll be in Minneapolis. I run into her at a bar with some friends, and when I tell her where I'm headed after graduation, she lights up; she's from that area, and will be living there too! We chat for a while more before we part ways with our respective groups of friends. I have my little fantasy for a couple days, but make myself get over it because of this mystery boyfriend of hers. I don't exactly fancy myself a homewrecker.

Finally, it's around the time of graduation. By this point, I've more or less gotten over this girl and had a couple unfulfilling flings in the process. Our school is hosting a gala to celebrate the graduating students, and at least a thousand are there. I end up running into this girl again. Her friends tell me she's a little out of sorts, because she and her boyfriend are breaking up. I try and conceal my schadenfreude, but things get better: she comes back, and asks me to go out with the lot of them, and without this boyfriend of hers. We talk the night away, having a wonderful time, and the event ends with a promise that we'll meet again once we've both made it to Minneapolis.

The summer goes by with some basic communication between the two of us, and I finally get into the city one week ago. She invites me to a barbeque that some new friends of hers are hosting, and suggests that we meet up beforehand as well. We end up grabbing a nice lunch together and taking a long walk around a lake before heading to the BBQ, where we also had a very nice time. After the group heads to a bar, she says she's tired and wants to leave, but before she heads home she wants to charge her phone back at my place for a bit. (It's worth mentioning that she's hardly moved into her new place at all, and it's plausible that she doesn't yet have a charger there).

As much as I've enjoyed our day together, I'm not 100% sure of the tone of our "date". We talked for a while longer at my place as her phone charged, and as she was leaving I figure I might as well straight-up ask her out, feeling pretty good about my chances. She acknowledges the uncertainty from our day together, but bad news: she's begun dating the guy from college again. Of course, she wants to continue spending time with me (says I'm "really cool", blah blah), and having successfully been in this situation before, agree to it. After all, I had a good time on our reasonably platonic day together, and see no reason why we shouldn't do it again sometime.

She goes home, and I get in bed to go to sleep. Only problem is, I realize before long that what I just agreed to isn't going to happen. The girls I've been friends with after rejection weren't anything like her, and every moment I spend with her in the future is going to involve me waiting for her to have some sort of crystallizing realization that may never come. I finally get out of bed two hours later and came here to write this whole goddamn thing out.

I'm split as to what to do. I'm generally not naive enough to miss when a girl is trying to string me along, but typing this entire pathetic story out has made it really seem like it's going to be the case. The usual cure for this kind of situation is to simply cut off any relationship to the person, but I'm reluctant to do it for two reasons: 1) Honest to god, I don't think I've ever gotten so worked up about someone who I never even dated to begin with, and I'm reluctant to simply let it go. 2) She's close to my only friend in the city, and to cut ties with her would make things lonely very fast. A strong part of me wants to go all-in and see what happens (that is, tell her how I feel and see if perhaps she can be moved), although failing at that could be pretty disastrous emotionally. For those of you who actually made it through this whole thing, what do you suggest?

Canofbier 08-12-2012 01:41 AM

And damn was it therapeutic to type that all out. Funny that I chose CP as the outlet, but maybe one of you has something poignant to say. :shrug:

Hammock Parties 08-12-2012 01:50 AM

Invite her over for dinner very soon.

If she accepts, feed her and **** her.

If she declines, ignore her.

BillSelfsTrophycase 08-12-2012 01:56 AM

If she doesn't want you, you don't want her

Life's too short for that bullshit

*Been there, done that, married to the "alternative" for over a decade*

Just Passin' By 08-12-2012 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8810909)
And damn was it therapeutic to type that all out. Funny that I chose CP as the outlet, but maybe one of you has something poignant to say. :shrug:

Congratulations on entering the friend zone. You are now emergency dick.

BillSelfsTrophycase 08-12-2012 02:04 AM

You're still young...pull all the ass you can and **** it till your dick is skinless

She'll be another "wtf was I thinking" memory in no time

Canofbier 08-12-2012 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Just Not Gettin' It (Post 8810917)
Congratulations on entering the friend zone. You are now emergency dick.

It ain't a nice place to be. :shake:

lcarus 08-12-2012 02:12 AM

I say just play it cool. Be nice and courteous, but don't ever initiate a "friend" date. Let her contact you. Try to stay away from the friend dates and conversations whenever possible though. Just try to wait it out. Don't let it stop you from meeting new girls.

pr_capone 08-12-2012 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by BillSelfsTrophycase (Post 8810922)
She'll be another "wtf was I thinking" memory in no time

Either that or she will be the one that got away. You will forever regret not being more aggressive in your pursuit of this chick and you will realize some day in the future that she was your soul mate and your only chance at finding happiness in the world.

On the other hand... a wise man once said

lcarus 08-12-2012 02:16 AM

Basically try to stay an acquaintance in case an opportunity arises, but keep on with your life. Find new girls. You don't wanna waste any time caught up on a chick that isn't available.

BillSelfsTrophycase 08-12-2012 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 8810925)
I say just play it cool. Be nice and courteous, but don't ever initiate a "friend" date. Let her contact you. Try to stay away from the friend dates and conversations whenever possible though. Just try to wait it out. Don't let it stop you from meeting new girls.

A wise man has spoken

Make her come to you...if she doesnt, my previous post applies

Canofbier 08-12-2012 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 8810925)
I say just play it cool. Be nice and courteous, but don't ever initiate a "friend" date. Let her contact you. Try to stay away from the friend dates and conversations whenever possible though. Just try to wait it out. Don't let it stop you from meeting new girls.

Solid advice, thanks. Although I don't know a lot of people yet, I start work next month doing consulting, which is positively full of young and interesting people. I think I would regret doing something rash or final (that is, unless it worked).

lcarus 08-12-2012 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by BillSelfsTrophycase (Post 8810929)
A wise man has spoken

Make her come to you...if she doesnt, my previous post applies

I agree. If its meant to be, she'll eventually lose the other guy and come a knockin. If not, **** it. Plenty of other women out there. You can still be an occasional friend or acquaintance though. Who knows, maybe she knows other girls?

lcarus 08-12-2012 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8810930)
Solid advice, thanks. Although I don't know a lot of people yet, I start work next month doing consulting, which is positively full of young and interesting people. I think I would regret doing something rash or final (that is, unless it worked).

I'm not the person who would tell you to lay it all on the line with a girl. Especially if she's with another guy currently. It just usually doesn't work that often as just playing it cool and moving forward with your own life.

Bowser 08-12-2012 02:34 AM

Sounds like she was maybe waiting for you to make the first move, and you never really did. By the time you did, she had decided it was looking like you weren't going to.

Canofbier 08-12-2012 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 8810935)
Sounds like she was maybe waiting for you to make the first move, and you never really did. By the time you did, she had decided it was looking like you weren't going to.

I can see how it might have seemed that way, but for the period of time that she was single, she was either eight hours away or on a month long trip to China. Also, tried to ask her to lunch after I first met her but before I knew she was seeing someone, although that wasn't explicitly "a move".

Bowser 08-12-2012 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8810937)
I can see how it might have seemed that way, but for the period of time that she was single, she was either eight hours away or on a month long trip to China. Also, tried to ask her to lunch after I first met her but before I knew she was seeing someone, although that wasn't explicitly "a move".

That sucks. Timing is everything, and you guys didn't have it.

Who knows what will happen down the road.

Canofbier 08-12-2012 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 8810938)
That sucks. Timing is everything, and you guys didn't have it.

Who knows what will happen down the road.

Yep. Icarus is right, though. If something is supposed to happen, it will happen. Otherwise, I'll meet someone else.

jspchief 08-12-2012 06:16 AM

Play it cool. Relationships from college into real life don't exactly have a huge success rate.

I wouldn't put more into the "guy friend" thing than absolutely necessary. Date, live your life, etc. She may be clinging to the comfort zone of her old fling, but exploring her relationship with you. Or she may just be one of those girls that feeds off the extra attention of a guy in her hip pocket.

Maybe she displays a little jealousy when she sees you moving on. That's your opening to let her know that you'd rather it was her, but you have no choice but to get on with your life.

JD10367 08-12-2012 06:23 AM

I agree with Icarus. In the first place, despite what the young bucks out here think, it's actually a good thing to have friends, especially those of the female persuasion. It gives you insights into women, as well as a conduit to other women. Not to mention, it's simply good to have friends in general. If she's the only person you know in the city, even more so. And for your relationship with her specifically, in football parlance, "you can't make the club from the tub"; if you're not in her life in some way, you're "out of sight, out of mind". Haven't you see ANY romantic movie of the last 30 years? I think half of them involve people in the Friend Zone who, by the end of the film, turn it into something else. The older you get, the more you realize it's actually a beneficial idea to be friends with the person you ****, and actually enjoy being around them all the time, not just when they're on their knees in front of you. It's kind of essential, actually. It's a lot easier to move from friends to lovers than it is to find some stranger to bang and then try to move from lovers to friends, IMO.

DaKCMan AP 08-12-2012 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8810907)
Warning: long sob story incoming. It's super gay.

Some background story is needed before I get to the current day situation: last year, I met a girl at school and took a fancy to her right away. Aside from being very pretty and smart, she shares my sense of humor and has a killer smile. It's kind of difficult to put into words, but we would look one another directly in the eyes for extended periods of time without any discomfort. It felt like there was something there.

Unfortunately, I knew that she was already in a relationship with some guy, and furthermore, it was only a matter of months before everyone would graduate and go their separate ways to begin their careers. I didn't see her often, so it was easy enough to forget about it and focus on other women.

Fast forward a few months. By this point, I've nailed down my post-grad job, and I'll be in Minneapolis. I run into her at a bar with some friends, and when I tell her where I'm headed after graduation, she lights up; she's from that area, and will be living there too! We chat for a while more before we part ways with our respective groups of friends. I have my little fantasy for a couple days, but make myself get over it because of this mystery boyfriend of hers. I don't exactly fancy myself a homewrecker.

Finally, it's around the time of graduation. By this point, I've more or less gotten over this girl and had a couple unfulfilling flings in the process. Our school is hosting a gala to celebrate the graduating students, and at least a thousand are there. I end up running into this girl again. Her friends tell me she's a little out of sorts, because she and her boyfriend are breaking up. I try and conceal my schadenfreude, but things get better: she comes back, and asks me to go out with the lot of them, and without this boyfriend of hers. We talk the night away, having a wonderful time, and the event ends with a promise that we'll meet again once we've both made it to Minneapolis.

The summer goes by with some basic communication between the two of us, and I finally get into the city one week ago. She invites me to a barbeque that some new friends of hers are hosting, and suggests that we meet up beforehand as well. We end up grabbing a nice lunch together and taking a long walk around a lake before heading to the BBQ, where we also had a very nice time. After the group heads to a bar, she says she's tired and wants to leave, but before she heads home she wants to charge her phone back at my place for a bit. (It's worth mentioning that she's hardly moved into her new place at all, and it's plausible that she doesn't yet have a charger there).

As much as I've enjoyed our day together, I'm not 100% sure of the tone of our "date". We talked for a while longer at my place as her phone charged, and as she was leaving I figure I might as well straight-up ask her out, feeling pretty good about my chances. She acknowledges the uncertainty from our day together, but bad news: she's begun dating the guy from college again. Of course, she wants to continue spending time with me (says I'm "really cool", blah blah), and having successfully been in this situation before, agree to it. After all, I had a good time on our reasonably platonic day together, and see no reason why we shouldn't do it again sometime.

She goes home, and I get in bed to go to sleep. Only problem is, I realize before long that what I just agreed to isn't going to happen. The girls I've been friends with after rejection weren't anything like her, and every moment I spend with her in the future is going to involve me waiting for her to have some sort of crystallizing realization that may never come. I finally get out of bed two hours later and came here to write this whole goddamn thing out.

I'm split as to what to do. I'm generally not naive enough to miss when a girl is trying to string me along, but typing this entire pathetic story out has made it really seem like it's going to be the case. The usual cure for this kind of situation is to simply cut off any relationship to the person, but I'm reluctant to do it for two reasons: 1) Honest to god, I don't think I've ever gotten so worked up about someone who I never even dated to begin with, and I'm reluctant to simply let it go. 2) She's close to my only friend in the city, and to cut ties with her would make things lonely very fast. A strong part of me wants to go all-in and see what happens (that is, tell her how I feel and see if perhaps she can be moved), although failing at that could be pretty disastrous emotionally. For those of you who actually made it through this whole thing, what do you suggest?


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 8810925)
I say just play it cool. Be nice and courteous, but don't ever initiate a "friend" date. Let her contact you. Try to stay away from the friend dates and conversations whenever possible though. Just try to wait it out. Don't let it stop you from meeting new girls.

This. You're not her boyfriend so don't do anything that a boyfriend would do when you're not getting the benefits that a boyfriend would get.

DaKCMan AP 08-12-2012 07:01 AM

I'm trying to get a date in with this gorgeous girl before I leave for Europe.

bevischief 08-12-2012 07:46 AM

Bring condoms.

DaKCMan AP 08-12-2012 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 8811029)
Bring condoms.

Will Ochocinco be there?

bevischief 08-12-2012 08:03 AM


Canofbier 08-12-2012 08:15 AM

Thanks for the advice, all. I'm feeling a bit more clear-headed this morning, and things ain't so bad after all.

luv 08-12-2012 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 8810975)
I agree with Icarus. In the first place, despite what the young bucks out here think, it's actually a good thing to have friends, especially those of the female persuasion. It gives you insights into women, as well as a conduit to other women. Not to mention, it's simply good to have friends in general. If she's the only person you know in the city, even more so. And for your relationship with her specifically, in football parlance, "you can't make the club from the tub"; if you're not in her life in some way, you're "out of sight, out of mind". Haven't you see ANY romantic movie of the last 30 years? I think half of them involve people in the Friend Zone who, by the end of the film, turn it into something else. The older you get, the more you realize it's actually a beneficial idea to be friends with the person you ****, and actually enjoy being around them all the time, not just when they're on their knees in front of you. It's kind of essential, actually. It's a lot easier to move from friends to lovers than it is to find some stranger to bang and then try to move from lovers to friends, IMO.

Life is not a movie. At some point, a non-platonic relationship (it's not platonic if one person has feelings they have to hide) becomes unhealthy.

I say don't be a door mat. Don't be readily available every time she calls. Do what you can to make new friends and date people. If something's meant to happen, it will. And, no, do no initiate contact...ever.

cabletech94 08-12-2012 09:04 AM

i'm no expert (by a long ways).

sounds like this girl might be keeping you on the wayside just in case type of deal.

nothing wrong with being cordial (nice guys do indeed finish last, some of us know this from experience). and there's nothing wrong with being friends.
but let's all just remember, the devil is a woman. FACT!!!

best wishes to you.

lcarus 08-12-2012 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8811065)
Thanks for the advice, all. I'm feeling a bit more clear-headed this morning, and things ain't so bad after all.

Never ever let it get you down. I've been there - feeling depressed over a girl that just wanted to be friends. Looking back on it now, I feel silly about it. And I still havent met anyone new really. But she didnt care for me in that way, I shouldnt have either. Watch some Seinfeld or something like that. Trust me you will feel a lot better

lcarus 08-12-2012 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim (Post 8811125)
i'm no expert (by a long ways).

sounds like this girl might be keeping you on the wayside just in case type of deal.

nothing wrong with being cordial (nice guys do indeed finish last, some of us know this from experience). and there's nothing wrong with being friends.
but let's all just remember, the devil is a woman. FACT!!!

best wishes to you.


Buck 03-03-2013 12:12 PM

So if a chick texts you at midnight asking what you're doing, that pretty much means she wants it, right?

**** my life for waking up at 5 am on a Saturday and falling asleep at 11.

Buck 03-03-2013 12:16 PM

So if a chick texts you at midnight asking what you're doing, that pretty much means she wants it, right?

**** my life for waking up at 5 am on a Saturday and falling asleep at 11.

KurtCobain 03-03-2013 12:23 PM

Or maybe she wanted a ride to taco bell.

Buck 03-04-2013 10:31 PM

Yeah I talked to her today. She wanted some 4th meal.

KurtCobain 03-06-2013 10:47 PM

****ing knew it.

HoneyBadger 03-07-2013 01:03 AM

You're just smarter than the average person.

KurtCobain 03-07-2013 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 9472979)
You're just smarter than the average person.

I've been telling my mom this, she just doesn't listen.

HoneyBadger 03-07-2013 10:48 PM

I listen to you. I do.

KurtCobain 03-07-2013 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 9475722)
I listen to you. I do.

I know, babycakes.

HoneyBadger 03-07-2013 10:54 PM

You don't, I die a little inside.

Pasta Little Brioni 03-16-2013 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by something cooler (Post 9475736)
I know, babycakes.

Just don't ask for the "Johnny" cakes

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