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Hoopsdoc 02-23-2018 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefFanForHire (Post 13431711)
"All homosexuals should be castrated" - Billy Graham

We wouldn't want to say mean thing about a "good man" ^^^ right?

ESPECIALLY while he was taking advantage of tax laws that say he can keep 25 million of 25 million, while a burger flipper has $100 out of $450 taken from every check of his entire life.

If you don't like people being jealous or mean spiritied to Billy, maybe its because we're all are expected to be nice to people at legitimate jobs that pay taxes, instead of raking in millions tax free to spread a personal message of hate.

People who preach hate don't go to heaven, as I've learned, admittedly, secondhand. That's why if there is a hell, Billy is currently burning in it.

Except Billy Graham never said that. He said all RAPISTS should be castrated, which he later apologized for.

You should try doing some research on your own instead of just latching on to whatever meme feeds your pre existing bias.

ChiefFanForHire 02-24-2018 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Hoopsdoc (Post 13433080)
Except Billy Graham never said that. He said all RAPISTS should be castrated, which he later apologized for.

You should try doing some research on your own instead of just latching on to whatever meme feeds your pre existing bias.

It's well known Billy had the quote taken out of context to cover his churches' ass. Dont' believe me? Take a longer look at his tax free life legacy of divisiveness and hate:

Know what he DID say on record? To a record-breaking crowd of 44,300 in Cooper Stadium in Columbus, Ohio, in 1993, “Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.”

Now, maybe he did or didn't say all homosexuals should be castrated - some say yes, some say no, we'll never know. But we know he DID ask a 44,000 person crowd “Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.” which, to you, may or may not be as bad. I don't know, they're real close, tomato, tamata. Actually.... they're both equally discriminatory and hate-laced.

Either way, Billy was never a saint - few in his, or any profression, really are. But random gas station attendants that make $1800 a month and pay $400 in taxes, live better, more honest lives,and are more productive to society than the likes of Billy Graham.

lcarus 02-24-2018 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 13432207)
People also willingly give all their money to Nigerian scammers. "Willingly" doesn't always mean it isn't swindling...

Yeah. Swindling kind of indicates "willingly". Otherwise it wouldn't be called swindling, it would be straight up stealing.

Sort of like how I've swindled sex out of girls. It wasn't rape. I swear...

kgrund 02-24-2018 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefFanForHire (Post 13435216)
It's well known Billy had the quote taken out of context to cover his churches' ass. Dont' believe me? Take a longer look at his tax free life legacy of divisiveness and hate:

Know what he DID say on record? To a record-breaking crowd of 44,300 in Cooper Stadium in Columbus, Ohio, in 1993, “Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.”

Now, maybe he did or didn't say all homosexuals should be castrated - some say yes, some say no, we'll never know. But we know he DID ask a 44,000 person crowd “Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.” which, to you, may or may not be as bad. I don't know, they're real close, tomato, tamata. Actually.... they're both equally discriminatory and hate-laced.

Either way, Billy was never a saint - few in his, or any profression, really are. But random gas station attendants that make $1800 a month and pay $400 in taxes, live better, more honest lives,and are more productive to society than the likes of Billy Graham.

Many of us are sick of your "Billy Graham is going to hell rant because he did not pay YOUR perceived amount of fair taxes" rants. You have more than made your point. Could you please exercise some discretion for once and move along?

gblowfish 02-24-2018 12:07 PM

Rolling Stone Article about Rev Graham's friendship with Nixon and crusade against homosexuality:

Chiefshrink 02-24-2018 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 13435356)
Rolling Stone Article about Rev Graham's friendship with Nixon and crusade against homosexuality:

Hey, Rolling Stone ! Now that is very reputable source of truth!!:rolleyes:

Anybody remember the name Sabrina Erdely !!

IowaHawkeyeChief 02-24-2018 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefFanForHire (Post 13431711)
"All homosexuals should be castrated" - Billy Graham

We wouldn't want to say mean thing about a "good man" ^^^ right?

ESPECIALLY while he was taking advantage of tax laws that say he can keep 25 million of 25 million, while a burger flipper has $100 out of $450 taken from every check of his entire life.

If you don't like people being jealous or mean spiritied to Billy, maybe its because we're all are expected to be nice to people at legitimate jobs that pay taxes, instead of raking in millions tax free to spread a personal message of hate.

People who preach hate don't go to heaven, as I've learned, admittedly, secondhand. That's why if there is a hell, Billy is currently burning in it.

I'm sure Billy would have prayed for you and with you...

Yes, they pay income tax and can choose to pay Social Security tax or exempt themselves from the program.

Read this article as well:


Billy Graham was also a wealthy man, leaving behind a fortune of real estate holdings, book royalties, and more—though biographers say his humility made him turn down opportunities to earn much more.

Grant Wacker, a professor at the Duke University Divinity School and author of America’s Pastor: Billy Graham and the Shaping of a Nation, also says that Graham has led an exemplary life free of financial scandal. “People who didn’t like Billy Graham spent a lot of time trying to find personal violations of his moral and ethical code, and they couldn’t,” Wacker told NPR after Graham’s passing. “They didn’t exist. He was a man who maintained absolute marital fidelity and moral and financial integrity. He was an evangelist who lived the way he preached.”
I feel sad for you.

Over Yonder 02-24-2018 01:17 PM

I commented earlier in this thread and the quit looking at it until today. I may have missed something so feel free to call me stupid or an idiot or racist or whatever. But I am reading about this perceived "crusade against homosexuality". What?

The man was a preacher of the Christian faith. Homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of the Christian God. So is murder, stealing, adultery, etc. etc. That is his job!! To profess the word of the living God. It's not his place to play "politically correct" with the world like so many of these modern age pastors/preachers do. It's the reason the non Christian world calls Christians hypocrites.

I will also comment on the Aids bit. Did he not say he could not be sure? And keep in mind, yet again, the word of the God of Israel, the Christian God, said 1 man and 1 women will become 1 flesh. When mankind decided to do it our own way, 1 man 1 man, 1 woman 1 woman, 2 men 5 women, 1 man, 3 monkeys and a drunk goat, whatever, there are natural consequences to that behavior.

Every person is free to make their own decisions on these things here in a free America, but Mr. Graham and any other spreaders of the word are also free to tell "God's side of the story" for lack of a better phrase. I didn't want to get too political or religious since we are not in D.C. But like is common, people seem to have a problem with Christians when they actually profess Christianity. They are cool with Christians when they play along with the whims of the world at any particular time.

Hoopsdoc 02-24-2018 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefFanForHire (Post 13435216)
It's well known Billy had the quote taken out of context to cover his churches' ass. Dont' believe me? Take a longer look at his tax free life legacy of divisiveness and hate:

Know what he DID say on record? To a record-breaking crowd of 44,300 in Cooper Stadium in Columbus, Ohio, in 1993, “Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.”

Now, maybe he did or didn't say all homosexuals should be castrated - some say yes, some say no, we'll never know. But we know he DID ask a 44,000 person crowd “Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.” which, to you, may or may not be as bad. I don't know, they're real close, tomato, tamata. Actually.... they're both equally discriminatory and hate-laced.

Either way, Billy was never a saint - few in his, or any profression, really are. But random gas station attendants that make $1800 a month and pay $400 in taxes, live better, more honest lives,and are more productive to society than the likes of Billy Graham.

25 years ago? That’s all you’ve got? Even then, he only offered his opinion.

That’s scandalous stuff.

And he never said gays should be castrated. There’s no evidence whatsoever that he did.

eDave 02-24-2018 03:30 PM

Sorry about all this Reverend Graham. RIP anyway.

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-24-2018 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefFanForHire (Post 13429575)
Not sure that's what Jesus would say ^^^

You're gonna have a bad time around 2050 when the population hits 12 billion and Atheism becomes the global religion, out of necessity, to stop all the current leading religions from breeding the planet to destruction.

Yay! The Soviet Union on a global scale. The Gulag system back for another tour. I am ready to face persecution for my beliefs.

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-24-2018 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by BiStateNo (Post 13430096)
When I was in the 8th grade (I think) our teacher brought in a hippie to talk to us about "population control". He told us that day that the "earth could only support 6 billion people" and no more and that we would all be facing death by then. the world would starve.

Still around. Now, I am not saying that we can go on like this forever, but I also know "hysteronics" when I see them. I have also been seeing the same old players saying the "we must eliminate 3-4 billion people from the planet" and I think - OK...who decides who lives and who dies? Betchya a rubber chicken that it won't be poor people making those decisions, will it?

Just things to ponder. People (all of us) have been breeding since the beginning of time, have they not? (1) It's necessary and (2) hell, it's fun! But all kidding aside, What EXACTLY are you saying? That the religions of the world (all 3,800 of them) SHOULDN'T breed? And will YOU decide who IS and who ISN'T allowed to have children?

Frankly, I think this is devolving into something from Citizen Kane and I thank God everyday that I am an old man.....This world is going to hell as fast as it can...funny, just as predicted in Revelations - but so much for Christianity, right?

Predictions in the 1960s said that the world would be flooded by 2000. Each decade has a new doomsday claim.

I remember reading about how this one evolutionary biologist from Texas said how humans are the worst thing for this world and that we should go extinct. Yet, he has not taken that noble step. I wonder why.

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-24-2018 03:37 PM

What amount is "Fair Share?"

I have asked dozens of people that question and I have never gotten an exact number.

ChiefFanForHire 02-25-2018 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 13435481)
I'm sure Billy would have prayed for you and with you...

I feel sad for you.

My generation is not impressed by Billy's prayers - no one with half a brain would be. My generation would prefer the 11 million in taxes he would have legally paid had he ran a legitimate business. Like if he were a psychic medium that communicated with the dead, instead of a bible beater.

Don't feel sorry for me - I'm smart enough to spot a scam artist like Graham and speak up enough to (hopefully) get someone else to see he's a scam artist too. If you wanna feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for the next generation of kids that are short hundreds of millions of dollars that should have gone into their schools and roads and communities, but won't, because tax laws allows bible beaters like Billy and Olsteen to keep 100 percent of their earnings that 99 percent of all other professions have to pay.

Your own post says "they'll pay if they choose to". Can a psychic medium or a burger flipper "CHOOSE' to pay not taxes, and get away with it without being a arrested? No? Your own links prove he's a scam artist.

WhiteWhale 02-25-2018 08:45 AM

If you gave the man an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox.

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