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Hammock Parties 12-26-2019 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14678045)
He didn’t know where “Obi-Ben” was hiding out? He knew Ben didn’t die so why wasn’t he able to locate him. And he was just down the street from his own son. Isn’t that as big a plot hole ?

No. Tatooine is on the outer rim, far from where Vader was hanging out, and Anakin hated Tatooine. It's where his mother died. It's not surprising he would never go there ever again. Ben chose his hiding place wisely. As did Yoda. Tatooine is basically sand Dagobah.

That is believable.


I assumed the son was a test tube baby. His Jango Fett
Makes it even more implausible he'd lose track of him. Not buying it.


Same way Anakin did
This is possible IF you explain something, but it still isn't believable. I can believe Anakin getting it on. I CAN'T believe the Emperor doing it.


What explanation suffices? If they told you daddy was a test tube baby does that make this plot better ?
No. There has to be a believable setup explaining how things came to be. When the prequels do a better job of that shit, your movie has a problem.

Hammock Parties 12-26-2019 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by ScareCrowe (Post 14678057)
Even if he survived in a weak state he lost all his resources so it doesn't seem difficult to see how his son could have escaped a weak Palpatine recovering form injuries without legions of storm troopers at his disposal.

Uh, Palpatine's son was born before BEFORE Return of the Jedi.

So, at the height of the Emperor's powers, not only was he HAVING SEX, he had a son, and somehow this kid got away? And also had his own offspring?

The whole thing isn't believable to begin with, and with zero explanation, it's even less believable.

ScareCrowe 12-26-2019 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14678068)
Uh, Palpatine's son was born before BEFORE Return of the Jedi.

The whole thing isn't believable to begin with, and with zero explanation, it's even less believable.

I understand that, say he had Rey when he was 20, he would have been 10 during RotJ, he could easily have slipped away during the craziness going on with the fall of the empire & Palpatine wouldn't have had the strength or the resources to track him at that point. If he was even alive. We don't know at what point he came back or gained enough strength to bother attempting to find his son and any children they may have had.

I'm not suggesting he lost his son at the height of his power, just the opposite. I'm suggesting he could have lost him at the low point of his power after Vader threw him down the shaft & he lost control of the armies of troops at his disposal. And again I'm not sure why the Emperor wouldn't want to have sex, but if you think it's unbelievable that the most powerful person in the galaxy would want to have sex I don't know what to say other than I disagree.

You're right though, the issue is they didn't bother to explain any of it. A reasonable explanation could be made, they just didn't. I understand they were already trying to cram too much into the movie as is in order to attempt to salvage a story out of where TLJ left them. But even a note in the opening crawl explaining Palpatines basic backstory could have helped a lot

Prison Bitch 12-26-2019 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by ScareCrowe (Post 14678057)
Problem is we know nothing about Palpatine from episode 6 to episode 9. Did he die when he fell down the shaft & was somehow resurrected or did he just become very weak? If he died it would seem being dead he would have a hard time keeping track of his son. Rey would have been born about 10 years after he died so the fact that he even had a force sensitive granddaughter would not be something he would automatically know about.

Even if he survived in a weak state he lost all his resources so it doesn't seem difficult to see how his son could have escaped a weak Palpatine recovering form injuries without legions of storm troopers at his disposal. Again once Palps lost track of him the fact that he had a daughter would not necessarily be known to him.

I also don't find it hard to believe a guy who was the emperor of the entire known galaxy had a harem of women or that he may have attempted to create an heir in some way.

Since Palpatine was resurrected, who resurrected him? If he did it himself why doesn’t he just do again now?

Hammock Parties 12-26-2019 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14678076)
Since Palpatine was resurrected, who resurrected him? If he did it himself why doesn’t he just do again now?

You're starting to get it.

Flimsy ass setup with zero logical exposition.

Bad film-making. Bad story-telling.

Hammock Parties 12-26-2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by ScareCrowe (Post 14678074)
I'm not sure why the Emperor wouldn't want to have sex, but if you think it's unbelievable that the most powerful person in the galaxy would want to have sex I don't know what to say other than I disagree.

You don't understand the character of the Emperor if you think this is plausible.

It's like saying "when did Voldemort get it on?"

Uh, probably didn't, bub. More important, evil things to be doing.

Also, the actor playing Palpatine's son is 30. So him being 20 when Palpatine dies doesn't jive.

It's not believable at all to me that after Palpatine died his son wouldn't throw in with the remnants of the Empire and raise the granddaughter of Palpatine to serve the bad guys.



Billy Howle, who portrays Rey's father, offers some context in this regard with his age of thirty. Going by Howle's age, this points to Rey's father having been born some time during the reign of the Empire.

While this does partially fill in the blanks of Rey being Palpatine's descendant, there nevertheless remains one piece of the puzzle without a clear answer: the identity of Rey's grandmother. While the movie zeroes in on the reveal of Rey's blood relation to Palpatine as the unexpected twist that it indeed is, nothing is said about exactly who Palpatine had a son with. Given that Rey's father was most likely conceived during Palpatine's reign as Emperor, this opens the question of who his would-be bride was, and where she was during the Rebellion's final battle against the Empire
In the end, I've seen more believable plotlines in utter trash films like...I dunno...****ing WILLOW.

This movie dragged Star Wars down into mindless popcorn fare. Palpatine was reduced to a goddamn Power Rangers villain.

BigCatDaddy 12-26-2019 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14677504)
Almost a 1/2 Billion in its first 5.5 days.

DOMESTIC (47.7%)

Christmas Day box office with $32 million, the second-best showing of all time for Dec. 25 behind Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($49.3 million).

About a 40% dip. RJ ****ed this up big time.

Prison Bitch 12-26-2019 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14678082)
You're starting to get it.

Flimsy ass setup with zero logical exposition.

Bad film-making. Bad story-telling.

Would it make you angry if they made another trilogy where Palpatine just kept coming back over and over, like Freddy Krueger?

Prison Bitch 12-26-2019 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 14676693)
I enjoyed it. Felt more Star Wars-y than that shit show of a middle movie in the trilogy. There were a few moments that gave me a sincere emotional reaction. I'd recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the franchise.

You lied in the “will you see this in the theater?” Poll thread. You voted no.

Why did you lie?

Hammock Parties 12-26-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14678162)
Would it make you angry if they made another trilogy where Palpatine just kept coming back over and over, like Freddy Krueger?

I mean, yes, but I'd still give them my money.

At this point it's about to become the sci-fi version of the Halloween franchise.

I wish they had just let the Marvel people do all of the Star Wars, too.

Favreau has ****ing NAILED the Mando.

listopencil 12-26-2019 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14678202)
You lied in the “will you see this in the theater?” Poll thread. You voted no.

Why did you lie?

Aww. Look at you. Hanging off of my dick like a drop of urine. Not a good look for you, Peanut Butter.

Hammock Parties 12-27-2019 01:04 AM


UK_Chief 12-27-2019 02:53 AM

Finally saw this last night. Overall mixed obviously. Some random first thoughts below:

Overall I could just about deal with Palpatine but think they could’ve done it a lot better - like he could maybe have been a Sauron/Voldemort spirit and needed Rey and Ren’s power to restore him. I guess that’s been done in LOTR and HP so maybe thought it was too obvious

I could deal with Rey being a palpatine but they should have figured that out from the start. She was a Skywalker in TFA, nobody in TLJ and the Palpatine in TROS. Also like everyone says above, the emperor never banged anyone so maybe she should’ve been a niece or something

Some seriously bad acting at times. Finn and Poe together are awful. In general I don’t like Poe - trying to be Han but not fit to tie his cleats

Finn was a waste of time and should have died in the last one

There was no real character development for Rey. They should’ve figured out if she was untrained and not ready, or nearly trained and needed a final mission to finish, or just a fully trained badass ready for emperor lightning skills/yoda jumping. She lost to Ren quite easily, leia saved her. They should’ve done a lot more with her resisting the dark side.

I didn’t mind Ren/Ben in this one. The thing with Han was pretty well done.

People dying/ coming back was stupid shit. Chewy dead for one minute was pointless

Lando was disappointing and creepy at the end

Everyone turning up in battle craft was too random and unnecessary

C3PO’s memory should’ve stayed wiped or gone back in with R2’s attitude added

Dark side Rey should’ve been seen more

The power ranger woman was pointless as were all the othe new characters that they’ve just put in for spin off movies

Overall it felt like Disney just wanted the original saga over with so they can get on with milking new stories. I think Han and Leia came out of these 3 films unscathed but Luke was messed with a bit too much. His ending in TLJ was ok for me though.

I think the film was a bit too ‘glossy’ I liked some of the stuff in TFA that abrams did which had a grittier feel. Although there were some nice shots in this one - the rolling scene in the star destroyer with Poe and Finn was excellent, if only it was with someone other than the worst 2 characters in the film


Prison Bitch 12-27-2019 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 14678332)
Aww. Look at you. Hanging off of my dick like a drop of urine. Not a good look for you, Peanut Butter.

Yeah but why did you lie?

BigRedChief 12-27-2019 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14678204)

Favreau has ****ing NAILED the Mando.

Agreed. That is "Star Wars". Mando is the best "Star Wars" universe thing since Rogue One.

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