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Lonewolf Ed 08-02-2016 08:10 AM

Thank you all so much. It may seem like bitching, but I thought I'd just spell out each and every thing that I am going through right now due to treatment. I am in a good mood today, slept well last night and despite what I am about to list, I think it is going to be a decent day. Here goes: cold sensitivity to the point even room temperature water makes my throat feel prickly, anything cooler than luke warm water drains the heat from my hands, right now my fingertips are buzzing which hurts to type, when the A/C comes on I feel almost frost bitten on exposed skin, small sore spots in my inner lip and sides of tongue, I feel like I have wet sand stuck to the soles of my feet, the first few bites of anything makes my back salivary glands buzz and tweak which makes my eyes water and my face clinch up while I do something akin to the funky chicken dance, blowing my nose often makes it bleed, I have nausea come and go, and due to the oxilaplatin, the first piss I take hours after treatment or sometime even the second one, hurts when it starts. There is an irriation that settles about halfway in the urethrea. Think getting jabbed in the shaft with a bic pen before you pee. Oh, and I have slight dizzy dpells and hiccups at times as well. I think that is everything.

Abba-Dabba 08-02-2016 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 12346934)
My appetite is fine; it's just the first few bites are torture.

There are more benefits than just increasing appetite. Having said that, you must be comfortable with your treatment plan. Keep your head up and don't quit. We all are pulling for you.

Lonewolf Ed 08-02-2016 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by RubberSponge (Post 12347273)
There are more benefits than just increasing appetite. Having said that, you must be comfortable with your treatment plan. Keep your head up and don't quit. We all are pulling for you.

The comfort I am taking is in that it is working. My LDH was 463 and is 307 now and my CEA was 277.9 and is a flat 240 now. 240 is still very high, but it's a drop of 11 or 12% after one treatment, so we'll see what happens after this one. I go back on the 15th for more.

BlackHelicopters 08-02-2016 10:09 AM

These side effects sound horrible. My neighbor is an oncologist. We talked about side effects. We prayed for you together. My deep concern for you continues.

Lonewolf Ed 08-04-2016 05:34 PM

Thanks, everyone. I wanted to say I feel pretty good today, just a day after my pump unhook, so I still have chemo flowing around in my system. It usually takes longer to feel as good as I do now after a treatment. I got out in the heat and mowed on the riding mower, cleaned it up later, and even lifted some weights today. I just did twenty curls and five from the hips up to the armpits, but I have not lifted in so long, I need to tone up again. I am taking it easy, though. Since it will be cooler tomorrow, I might fire up the chainsaw and prune a hedge tree so I can mow under it. I really don't like getting raked by the thorns, so I need to cut the low branches and give me clearance before I mow there again. I did some laundry today, too. I didn't really accomplish a lot today, but I am just pleased that I was able to do what I did so soon after a treatment.

Meatloaf 08-04-2016 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 12351726)
Thanks, everyone. I wanted to say I feel pretty good today, just a day after my pump unhook, so I still have chemo flowing around in my system. It usually takes longer to feel as good as I do now after a treatment. I got out in the heat and mowed on the riding mower, cleaned it up later, and even lifted some weights today. I just did twenty curls and five from the hips up to the armpits, but I have not lifted in so long, I need to tone up again. I am taking it easy, though. Since it will be cooler tomorrow, I might fire up the chainsaw and prune a hedge tree so I can mow under it. I really don't like getting raked by the thorns, so I need to cut the low branches and give me clearance before I mow there again. I did some laundry today, too. I didn't really accomplish a lot today, but I am just pleased that I was able to do what I did so soon after a treatment.

Well done, sir!!! :clap:

You do seem to love thet chainsaw....just don't lose a digit!

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-04-2016 06:30 PM

Glad to hear it! I've been putting in the extra work for you brother.

scho63 08-04-2016 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 12351726)
Thanks, everyone. I wanted to say I feel pretty good today, just a day after my pump unhook, so I still have chemo flowing around in my system. I just did twenty curls and five from the hips up to the armpits, but I have not lifted in so long, I need to tone up again.

Rather than lifting weights, I have one word for you: MASTURBATION!

Screw that weight shit. You feel energized? Rub one out and then take a nap. :D

Easy 6 08-04-2016 07:27 PM

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Lonewolf Ed 08-04-2016 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 12351923)
Rather than lifting weights, I have one word for you: MASTURBATION!

Screw that weight shit. You feel energized? Rub one out and then take a nap. :D

Thanks to the surgery and cutting nerves in my gut, and the meds and chemo... my junk is not much more than junk these days. :cuss:

Lonewolf Ed 08-04-2016 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Meatloaf (Post 12351818)
Well done, sir!!! :clap:

You do seem to love thet chainsaw....just don't lose a digit!

Oh, I am very safe with the chainsaw. The only times I get cut is when I move the wood that I have sawed and get splinters!

GloryDayz 08-04-2016 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 12351726)
Thanks, everyone. I wanted to say I feel pretty good today, just a day after my pump unhook, so I still have chemo flowing around in my system. It usually takes longer to feel as good as I do now after a treatment. I got out in the heat and mowed on the riding mower, cleaned it up later, and even lifted some weights today. I just did twenty curls and five from the hips up to the armpits, but I have not lifted in so long, I need to tone up again. I am taking it easy, though. Since it will be cooler tomorrow, I might fire up the chainsaw and prune a hedge tree so I can mow under it. I really don't like getting raked by the thorns, so I need to cut the low branches and give me clearance before I mow there again. I did some laundry today, too. I didn't really accomplish a lot today, but I am just pleased that I was able to do what I did so soon after a treatment.

****in-a man, rock-on...

Lonewolf Ed 08-08-2016 09:02 PM

I shouldn't have done all that stuff last Thursday. It's taking a while to remember all the stuff and get back into the routine. A day after the unhook, no matter how I feel, I should not exert myself. I'm still in a state of fatigue today and it hit me Friday morning after I did way too much. I have nothing pressing that needs to be done in the next several days, however. All I did yesterday as far as work goes is hit poison ivy with weed killer. Some of it is growing very close to my grapevine, so I hope I didn't take that out, too, but I'd rather see the vine die if that is what it takes to get rid of the poison ivy.

GloryDayz 08-08-2016 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 12358328)
I shouldn't have done all that stuff last Thursday. It's taking a while to remember all the stuff and get back into the routine. A day after the unhook, no matter how I feel, I should not exert myself. I'm still in a state of fatigue today and it hit me Friday morning after I did way too much. I have nothing pressing that needs to be done in the next several days, however. All I did yesterday as far as work goes is hit poison ivy with weed killer. Some of it is growing very close to my grapevine, so I hope I didn't take that out, too, but I'd rather see the vine die if that is what it takes to get rid of the poison ivy.

I've had some start in the lawn, but this year seems to be the year for Chickweed. Wow, it's going to take the top-dollar stuff to get rid of it..

Lonewolf Ed 08-08-2016 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 12358331)
I've had some start in the lawn, but this year seems to be the year for Chickweed. Wow, it's going to take the top-dollar stuff to get rid of it..

If the weed killer doesn't do the job, I know gasoline will!

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