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Mr. Flopnuts 01-22-2010 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 6467729)
Is that a brand out there?

I bought some the other day. Why, I don't know; I hadn't eaten it in about a decade. It's just a bizarre food. Lumpy, bland, not even "cheesy" tasting. It's some weird shit.

Nah. I just like cottage cheese. No fruit or other bullshit either. Salt. Pepper. Money!

Mastashake 01-22-2010 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Willie Lanier (Post 6468018)
So the Forrest Gump/Paris Hilton philosophy? Not sure that I agree that limiting your knowledge and opportunities is the best way to happiness, but I guess it works for some people...

Lao Tsu thought that anything that messed with your desire to do what comes naturally is limiting to our overall contentment. There's actually a book called The Tao of Pooh, basically telling the reader that Winnie the Pooh is leading the ideal lifestyle for inner peace and contentment. He might be on to something, but that's not my style at all.

I think it is more of an overload. I have a real hard time shutting down my brain. Even now at 3:00 a.m., my mind is racing around. Perhaps there's a happy medium.

Like I said, I do believe the unexamined life is not worth living, but over-examination is just as detrimental.

And by no means am I trying to be self-righteous. Whenever you tell someone you are smart they automatically assume you're being arrogant, which is FAR from the truth. So what if you're smart? It doesn't make you any more of a person (believe me).

Here's another random thought. I'm like the opposite of a hot chick. When people say I'm interesting, and its like, "You know, there's more to me than just my personality. Why don't you try complimenting me on my body once in a while?"

RedThat 01-22-2010 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Willie Lanier (Post 6468018)
So the Forrest Gump/Paris Hilton philosophy? Not sure that I agree that limiting your knowledge and opportunities is the best way to happiness, but I guess it works for some people...

I believe the best route to happiness is learning to appreciate what you currently have rather than striving for more.

*I think we live in a society where we are trained and programmed to think a certain way. We are led to believe that constantly setting goals is the way to go in life. It's not. That's a concept of greed right there which is destructive upon the soul. How can one be happy if they always want more? Because basically all they're saying to themselves is, Im not satisfied, and with the greed mindset they never will be! this is why I believe people who are wealthy, are never happy. But notice people who are poor or in the middle have more of a smile on their face.

*I think its better to have enough and be happy than to have a wealth of riches and constantly working and be miserable. I believe that whatever you work for has no meaning in the end..We are all going die anyway, and everything you do in life is useless. Absolutely useless. I know this sounds negative but its real and its our fate. You see all this greed comes from coveting. and this is the biggest problem. We, as people covet way too much! Our own desires kill us and yet sometimes we don't even realize it. We get distracted and too caught up in satisfying our own desires. Just remember, anything you want in life, you have too work for. So if you covet a lot and have a mind loaded with desires, guess what? you'll be working your whole life and will be busy all the time. This is what a lot of people do. So they get distracted and lose their focus on the big picture. You know what the big picture is? Health. Sanity. Freedom. Peace of mind. Happiness. What about that stuff? Do they mention that in this society we live in? Hardly. These are the finer things in life but the also the groundwork of all health. Now, how is this attainable when you're constantly busy all the time? It's not, and thats what a lot of fail to realize sometimes. So the next time any of you decide to take a break from whatever it is you do, keep these thoughts in mind and you'll be a better person, and just always remember that you owe this to yourself and your spirit will prosper in the process.

*Remember what you are working for is only to satisfy your desires, and what you earn you can't take with you. Working all the time is robbing you from the finer things in life. Being busy isn't benefiting you, it's stressing you and making you sick. Being busy is not living your life. You are going to die someday, and it's not death that the sad part, whats even more sad is that a lot of people don't live their life at all.

I say this sincerely to you my brothers and sisters with my heart, Redthat

Sofa King 01-22-2010 08:55 AM

i believe i'll have another beer

CHENZ A! 01-22-2010 08:56 AM

Right now I am getting paid good money to take the Browns to the superbowl.
Posted via Mobile Device

RedThat 01-22-2010 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 6468173)
i believe i'll have another beer

Hey man, CHEERS!!:toast:

Sofa King 01-22-2010 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by CHENZ A! (Post 6468174)
Right now I am getting paid good money to take the Browns to the superbowl.
Posted via Mobile Device

round trip?

Bane 01-22-2010 09:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Josh McDipshit =

RedThat 01-22-2010 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mastashake (Post 6468005)
You have described me to a tee. They say the unexamined life is not worth living, but I have to say the over-examined life is even worse. The knowledge you gain on a daily basis is large, but after a certain point it consumes you. You start to base your self-worth on your knowledge, which even makes you narcissistic; yet its never enough so you always feel inferior to those around you. You also find yourself never trusting your instinct, thinking out possible solutions even when you KNOW what should be done. This can many times be counterproductive, sometimes dangerous. And the ultimate frustration is the paralysis. Even on decisions you can analyze without worry, you can never decide. Because you see, hear, think too much. There's never one solution, or even two, there's about 10, 100, or sometimes even an infinite number of possibilities. All of this, needless to say can cause some extreme mental and emotional frustration, fatigue, and ultimately despair.

I guess that's my random thought. :) BTW its just a rant, not a state of being.

I must say, you've express really good points. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I can see you are speaking from experience. I want to elaborate on what you were saying on how knowledge can consume you, you couldn't have said it any better. Really. Also, I like to add, repetitive knowledge is not good either, after a point in time, I found that it creates boredom since your mind becomes so accustommed to the information you are taking in, its kinda like watching the same movie over and over twenty five times. This, causes us to lose contact with our own senses. I believe you have to lose your mind in order to restore or to come in contact with your own senses. Just a classic example of how dry concepts of the mind can obscure direct perception.

JD10367 01-23-2010 07:12 PM

Watching RetroTV Network. "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century".

Erin Gray, as Colonel Wilma Deering, wearing those skin-tight 1970s shiny clothes = epic (and tumescent) win

RedThat 01-23-2010 08:23 PM

Okay I have random thoughts I'd like to share. It is in regards to creation, science and divinity.

First off, please allow me to ask you guys a question, do you think our "God" of the universe is energy? I've always wondered this.

Now Im neither a bible or scientific scholar. I do however like to educate myself in both aspects, and get down to the nitty gritty of things by putting information together. Am I looking for answers? Sure. I don't expect you to give them to me, all I ask for is your opinion.

Here is the thing, the bible insists that the "Lord our God" is the creator of all things, correct? Yes. His creation of all things of course applies throughout the universe. Now lets also think science here. Science is an intergral part of the universe. We simply know its there, and we can't take that away nor dodge around it because its truth and you just don't mess with the truth.

Science pretty much describes creation, how particular things function or evolved, it is simply the backbone behind creation. Thats a given. NOW, here is the interesting part, why did I ask the question do you think "God" is energy? Because come to think about it, what is involved in creation? ENERGY! Its involved behind every creation of everything. Gets back to my question, if the "Lord our God" is the creator of all things then do you think "God" is energy?

If there is a "God", then he has to be linked to science! Thats the way I see it? But then why do the churches oppose science?!?! WHY? Instead of going against it, why not praise it, and make it a part of their teachings?

Here's another thing, we live in a universe where there are laws. No doubt about that. Now, according to the law of conservation of energy, it states:

"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed"..this rule applies to an isolated system

NOW the universe as a whole is an isolated physical system!! The energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can transform from one form to another. So if God is energy in an isolated system, then is he also energy in different forms?

When Jesus refers to himself as the Alpha and the Omega, Alpha meaning "beginning", and Omega, meaning "end". I wonder what he is talkng about? Is he referring to energy or is he simply referring to the beginning and end of humanity?

The way Im interpreting this, is, energy is, was and always has been existant in the universe since it is neither created or destroyed. Is Jesus referring to himself as "energy?"

Or, is he referring to the beginning and end of humanity...hmmmm?

we know god can't die, so the term "end" is not valid when it comes to god. and the way I see it, could beginning to end meaning always?

*Now, Im may be thinking into this a little too much, but its definately interesting? Im a little confused, but, here is the thing God created the earth long before humanity existed. Prior to the creation of the earth, the universe was here, and who created the universe? God! So, if the term "beginning" is used, doesn't it seem logical to go waaaaay back when the universe was actually created?

JD10367 01-23-2010 09:55 PM

I'm generally atheistic/agnostic, but deep down I believe there must be a God. Because I look at a lot of women and say, "No way that's a random accumulation of molecules. Some supreme being sculpted that piece of perfection." :hump:

As for religion, I think "Dogma" summed it up, pretty much.

JD10367 01-23-2010 09:56 PM


"Deliverance" is about to start airing on Spike.

Squeal for me!

rrl308 01-24-2010 02:24 AM

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LaChapelle 01-24-2010 02:30 AM

Katie Horner does weather stripping

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